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knob and rattled the door. He shrugged and rejoined his partner.   S locked,
all right. Din t hear anything. What you think we should do? That s Bursar s
Office. If there s anything wrong ....
Tip scratched his crotch, twisted his mouth as he con-sidered the door and the
silence around him.
 Twenny minutes left our Turn, we c n report it when we hit t bar-racks, let
Tampin do the worryin .
Honeydew watched them walk away. The guard called Mata kept looking back until
they vanished around a cor-ner.
They gone now, Serree, but they going to report the light missing when they
finish Turn, one of them said twenty minutes so you better hurry.
 They re gone. Serroi repeated what Honeydew d told her.  Maybe we d better
take the box with us.
 No need ... I think  His eyes went blank as his hands moved delicately with
the pair of picks.  Nik!
Got it. He withdrew the picks, slid them into their pockets and put the kit
away, then lifted the lid of the box.  I thought so, payday tomorrow. He
began lifting small leather pouches from the box.  As many as you can carry,
Healer, shove them in a pocket or down your shirt. And warn Adlayr we re on
our way, he should be ready to take out the guard on the Workgate.
It was still night outside, quiet, no wind blowing, a few horsetail clouds and
no moons, just starlight to let them see where they were going. Overhead,
Adlayr was a patch of darker shadow circling above the guard tower.
When they reached the wall, he swooped down, shifted to manform and opened the
door to the guardcage. A mo-ment later he was out again, the guard draped over
his shoulder. He dropped the man to the ground, went inside, and the gate
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began creaking upward as he worked the winch. Serroi dived under as soon as
there was enough room for her. She straightened, dug into her gearsac, found
her spare skirt, and slipped it on. The morning wasn t cold, but she pulled
the cloak on anyway. She was too different from the tall lanky Skafars and
the less they saw of her, the quieter the going would be.
As soon as Hedivy had rolled under the gate, Adlayr let it slam down and took
to the air as a trax.
With him flying over them as advance scout, Serroi and the others hurried down
the hill and into the city.
Hedivy strode up the gangplank; Serroi followed be-hind him, amused by
the swagger he d put on that sort of thing was as alien to him as humor,
but he played it well enough. Adlayr followed silently behind, carrying the
gearsacs as if he were a porter hired for the moment.
 Phindwe, you got room for passengers?
 Eh ha, Hev! Long time, where you been? Whatcha mean passengers? The small,
wizened Shimzely
Ship-master pulled at his spindly beard, peered past Hedivy at Serroi.  Hix
forbid, Hev. You forgot I
don t take women, bad hanla all round.
 This one is a healer and a windwitch. Good hanla.
 Gonna cost you, if I make a big exception like that.
 Gonna cost you, time comes you want a good wind or a break healed.
Phindwe ripped a rag off his thumb, extended it toward Serroi, exhibiting a
ragged, angry tear that
went nearly to the bone.  Show me.
Serroi came around Hedivy, took the hand on one of hers, set the other over
the wound; it was ugly but trivial and her hands barely glowed as she knitted
the flesh to-gether. She took her hands away and stepped back.
Phindwe blinked at the smooth skin she left behind.  Not even a scar. Good
hanla for sure. You know we leaving right now?
 What I thought.
 What about him?
 He s coming, too.
 Three. Hmm. Got one cabin, you sort it out. How far you want to go?
 Ten silvers, twelve if it s local coin. Berkwast, he s been lowerin the
weight. Phindwe looked past
Hedivy at the dock.  No time for bhumbul, Hev. Take it or leave it, and if you
take it, I want to see the coin right now.
 You re a zhaggin pirate, Phin. We ll take it. He dug into his belt, counted
the Skafar peks into the
Shimzey s hand.
In the dark and smelly hole that Phindwe called a cabin, Serroi sat
cross-legged on a bunk. Adlayr sat on the floor, and Hedivy was hunched over
the porthole, watching as the
Tengumeqi followed the pilot cat past the breakwater.
He relaxed as he saw the tip of the cat s sail slide away as the pilot began
tacking back home.
Serroi smiled.  We jumped through that hoop well enough. Maiden grant the luck
4. Friction in Cadander
 Spider one to Northman.
 Northman here. Go.
 Web wants to know about the woman. Go.
 She got here, told the tale, enough to freeze the bone. We sent her on, like
you said, put her with one of the tribes who weren t Taken, zdra, two of that
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