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was delighted to have a sympathetic adult to talk to about her impending exams, and
listened appreciatively to Mrs Reardon s advice on the subject. Mr Reardon and Alex
discovered a mutual love of building model engines, and spent much of the meal off in a
world of their own. Daniel and Spen were the only ones who had trouble finding
something to talk about. Daniel didn t want to discuss work or his boss, or Spen s
obvious disapproval of Tony, and Spen was thankfully too tactful to raise it himself in
front of the kids.
The truth was, there were lots of things Daniel wanted to talk to Spen about, but his
tongue tangled up every time Spen turned his kind eyes on him. His crush had only
grown worse in the weeks since Daniel had met the man, and with this unexpected act of
generosity towards Daniel and his siblings, it now threatened to turn into full-blown hero
worship. Spen was everything Daniel could ever hope to be. He wished so much that
circumstances had allowed them to meet as equals, instead of as a bumbling newcomer
desperately trying to find his feet with the help of a calm, successful professional.
Daniel s boss was the only person at work he d told about his home situation before, and
that was only to explain why he hadn t finished his degree. He hadn t wanted people to
see him as a charity case, but he hadn t had much choice once Spen had cornered him.
Now Spen would just view him as a nice but helpless kid in need of rescue, and not as a
potentially attractive adult. Not that Daniel had had much hope of catching Spen s eye in
the first place.
 Is your house the one your parents owned? Spen asked as they helped clear the
 Yes. We all grew up there, and moving was more hassle than we could deal with.
You ve always lived at home? Daniel flushed, wondering if that was too personal a
question, but it was out now.
 Oh no, only since I broke up with Robert a few months back. I was living in his
apartment until then.
Alex s head swivelled.  Are you gay, Spen? Dee smacked his arm.  What? he
said, giving Dee a hurt look.  Mum said there was nothing wrong with being gay. Daniel
Daniel closed his eyes and prayed to disappear into the floor. Even Kani meeped and
went inside in sheer self-defence.
 Yes, I m gay, Spen said casually.  And of course there s nothing wrong with it.
Are you gay, Alex?
 I don t think so, Alex said thoughtfully.  How can you tell?
Mr and Mrs Reardon, smiling benevolently, kept quiet through all this, letting the
young people handle things. Daniel relaxed a little. They didn t have a problem, at least.
 Maybe we can talk about that later, Daniel suggested.  It s nearly nine. Spen and I have
to work tomorrow and you have school.
 Wish I didn t, Alex grumbled.  Can t wait until the long hols.
 Only a few more weeks, Daniel said.  Help us finish clearing, and then if Spen
could give us a lift back?
 You go now, dear, Mrs Reardon said.  We ll sort this out. Now, we ll finalise
things over the next few days but I m happy for Dee and Alex to stay here, or I can pop
over in the evenings. In any event, they ll have us as an emergency contact, or even if
they re just a bit lonely in the evenings and want some company.
Daniel took her hand.  You re a lifesaver. Thank you so much.
 Not at all, child. It s a pleasure. You re all so lovely, and it s such a shame what
happened. I want to help. We all do.
Spen came up behind Daniel and put his hand on his shoulder.  Yeah, we do. I just
wish I was going to be around. Looks like I ll have to babysit you at the conference
Daniel s face felt hot enough to convert water into steam.  I don t need a babysitter,
he muttered.
 Then you can babysit me. Okay, kids, got your coats and kems? I won t be long,
Mum. Thanks. Spen kissed her cheek, and she hugged him. The stone in Daniel s chest
got a little more painful and cold. Their relationship was so like Daniel s had been with
his parents. Would he ever be over losing the two of them?
Spen shooed Dee and Alex down the hall, but as Daniel followed them, Spen put his
hand back on his shoulder.  Must be hard, he said quietly.  I wouldn t be able to bear
losing mine.
Daniel turned and looked up at Spen s face through tear-blurred vision.  Sometimes
I don t think I can either.
Spen squeezed his shoulder.  You re strong. You ll make it.
Daniel tried to smile.  Thanks.
 You re welcome. Come on, let s get you all home.
Dee and Alex chattered happily to Spen as he drove, but even with answering their
cheerful questions and concentrating on the road, Spen was conscious of Daniel s silence
as he sat slumped in the front passenger seat, staring blank-eyed out the window. Now
Spen had seen how close to the surface his misery was, no matter how good Daniel was
at hiding it, he was sorry he hadn t found a chance to somehow bring up Daniel s home
situation before. But maybe Daniel wouldn t have thanked him for exposing his sorrow.
The wonder of it was how well they all coped. Dee and Alex were so normal, so ready to
accept happiness, and even though Daniel obviously carried the greatest burden, he did so
with grace Spen doubted he could have managed.
But that grace wouldn t be enough unless Spen or someone with more power than
he had pulled that bastard Noble off Daniel s back. Sure, it looked like this crisis could
be managed, but if Noball was prepared to pull a dirty stunt like threaten Daniel s job
over attending a conference, then there was no limit to what he might try. Spen had also
noticed that Daniel hadn t mentioned Spen s  accidental interruption of Noble s late
night activities, nor had shown any resentment over it. Maybe Daniel would never come
right out and thank Spen for it, but it looked more and more as if Spen s intervention
hadn t been unwelcome at least by Daniel.
He really needed to involve HR but without Daniel s cooperation, there would be
little point. Maybe Spen could work on him while at the conference.
 Here we are, he said, pulling into a space in front of Daniel s house.
Daniel roused.  Oh. Thank you, Spen. I can t tell you how grateful I am.
 It s a pleasure, honest. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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