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along. Cynara wanted something and the sooner she got to the point, the better.  Of
 Slade is quite taken with you.
The statement sliced through her. Isa reined in her reaction.  I am honored to
have the commander s respect.
 That you have. Your record speaks for itself. I was speaking on a personal level.
Slade s been alone for years. So have you, Isa. It s time we changed that.
 You are perfect for us.
Us! Had she been hired for her ability or as a replacement for Jana?
 Slade wants you, and he wanted me to meet you. That s why he brought you to
my reception.
Using an interrogation technique to draw out subjects, Isa remained silent and
unresponsive. Since most people found silence uncomfortable, they filled the void,
sometimes telling more than they intended.
Glancing at Kriz, Isa noticed his gaze was on her neck. Her pulse, if visible,
would reveal her heart rate and reaction. Her body s responses were far more telling
than her words. Reaching up, Isa pretended to rub her neck.
 Allow me, Kriz said.  I can relieve your stress.
 No, but thank you, Kriz.
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 You want Slade. I watched the film of the reception. The two of you were aware
of one another, sensually aware of one another. As you were upon the observation
Cynara rose and approached the sofa. She sat to Isa s left. Once seated, the club
owner slid her hands along her thighs as if to smooth the material of her jumpsuit.
Between the club owner, Kriz and the table, Isa was boxed in. She didn t
appreciated being pressed. She turned toward Kriz. Given her position and authority on
Helos, he couldn t refuse a direct order.  Kriz, move to the chair.
Without speaking, the bot rose and occupied the seat Cynara had vacated. Isa
shifted, creating more space between herself and the club owner. As if approving of
Isa s action, Cynara smiled.  Do you like women?
Having little doubt of where this was going, Isa cut to the chase.  I don t sleep
with women.
 But you have shared a man?
Given Cynara s resources it shouldn t surprise Isa that her relationship with Briat
and Hadr had surfaced. The mission had thrown the three of them together for months.
Single and unattached, Hadr had slept with both women. Isa hadn t developed a taste
for women, but Briat had definitely fallen for Hadr.
Eventually, the easy relationship between them had turned into one of anger and
resentment directed at Isa by Briat. At the conclusion of the mission, Isa had requested
reassignment and swore never to repeat the mistake.
 You know about Slade s wife, Jana?
Isa nodded.
 Since her death, Slade hasn t been the same. But since you ve arrived, I ve seen
a change. He needs us.
Perhaps Isa should be flattered by Cynara s request, but anger, and something
she didn t want to acknowledge, cut through her. If her resemblance to Jana had moved
Slade to hire her in order to recreate a ménage, Isa wasn t going to play. She d worked
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her ass off, taken the toughest assignments to earn this position of captain. He wasn t
going to diminish her accomplishments because he and Cynara needed a playmate.
It was time to set the record straight.  Do you speak for Slade?
 I want to share Slade, with you. He s a marvelous lover. I assure you, once
you ve shared with us, you ll never regret it.
Mindful of her position and Cynara s influence, Isa rose.  That s not possible.
Thank you for your hospitality, but I m on duty.
Cynara actually looked surprised.  You were invited to lunch, with me.
And I m sure most would kiss your ass, literally, for the privilege.  Thank you, but I
must decline. You ll convey my decision to the commander?
 Of course. Kriz will show you out.
* * *
The meeting with Cynara left Isa feeling edgy and pissed off. She d wanted to
confront Slade, but her years in GEA had taught her to control her anger and
frustration. Silence might bring Slade to her. Given the man s reputation, he d come
after what he wanted. A negative response never deterred a determined man, or
Stepping into the sonic shower, Isa cleansed her body in anticipation of her night
with Smoke. She needed Smoke, thrusting, pounding her pussy until all thoughts of
Slade vanished.
Naked, she stood before a full-length mirror. Sitting at a desk wasn t good for the
ass. Isa noticed she d added a couple of pounds since her arrival in Helos. Burning a
few dozen calories with Smoke should help.
She brushed her hair, leaving it loose. Choosing a comfortable jumpsuit, Isa
dressed. Right on schedule, a guide bot arrived at her door.
 Good evening, my name is Razr. I ll escort you tonight. Razr was an easy six
five with short dark hair and dusky skin. His eyes were a warm brown and his smile
 Thank you, Razr.
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As they walked along the corridor, Isa s thoughts returned to Slade and Cynara s
invitation. If Slade had wanted her for herself, she wouldn t have cared about his
relationship with Cynara. She wasn t ready to give up Smoke either.
Although she respected Slade s longing for his dead wife, Isa refused to act as a
surrogate Jana. Nor was she willing to enter into a ménage with another woman. The
only playmates she wanted were Smoke and Slade.
Just the idea made her hot. She wondered how Slade would react if she invited
him to join her and Smoke for a night of pleasure. She easily envisioned Slade in a
relationship with two females, but sharing a woman with another man didn t fit the
commander s image.
Razr stopped before a door and slid his hand over a scan disc on the wall. The
disc glowed yellow.  Place your hand to the lock, please.
Isa did as instructed and the disc glowed green.
 Other than the guides assigned to this section, you are the only person who may
enter this room. As requested, the room will be unlit during your stay. This will serve as
your safety illumination.
He placed a bracelet about her wrist. Dangling from the bracelet was a disc the
size of her thumb pad.
 Thank you, Razr.
Isa stepped inside the windowless room. A large bed filled the far section. Only a
few inches separated the side of the bed and the wall on either side. To her left was a
door, and one armless chair that appeared to be metal, but was likely a super-strong
plastic meant to last a thousand years. The ornate back reminded Isa of a thick forest of
leafless trees. The branches culminated in two knobs that resembled swirling cones.
Padded stirrups were attached to the legs.
 The chair was a special request by your lover. Razr crossed the room. Isa
followed.  Please grasp the knobs.
When Isa closed her hands about the knobs, desire slid through her middle. The
grooves in the knobs fit her hands perfectly.
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 Your body was scanned before your first encounter. The hand holds and
stirrups were made with your comfort in mind.
Razr walked to the opposite side of the room.  The facilities are here, Razr said,
passing his hand over a scan disc identical to the one outside. A door slid open,
revealing a toilet and shower.  The level of light on this disc and on your bracelet are so
faint they are only visible when the lights are off. Once inside the facilities, you press
your hand here, he said, indicating another scan disc.  You may only have [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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