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especially one so hellish as this, see any sign of retreat or fear. Only by fac ing it did the orc have any chance, however minute, of survival. Then, from out of the fog in which it had disappeared, Brox s mount came charging. The cat s cry made the felbeast turn, all interest in the orc forgotten. The two behemoths collided in a fury of claws and teeth. Knowing that he could do nothing for the panther, Brox started to back away. However, he had managed only a few steps when the low, steady sound of heavy breathing from behind him filled his ears. With slow, very cautious movements, the orc glanced over his shoulder. A short distance away, a second felbeast poised itself to leap on Brox. With no other option, the frustrated warrior finally ran. The second demon gave chase, howling as it threw itself toward its quarry. The two combatants ignored it, caught up in their own struggle. Already the panther had suffered two savage wounds on its torso. Brox gave silent thanks to the creature for even this momentary rescue, then concerned himself with trying to elude his other pursuer in the enshrouded forest. Wherever the path narrowed most, the orc pushed himself through. The much larger felbeast had to go around the natural obstacles or, if it could, crash through them, allowing Brox to remain just out of reach. He despised the fact that he had to keep running, but without a weapon Brox knew his chances of defeating the monster were nonexistent. A short distance away, the mournful call of a dying animal informed Brox that the panther had lost the battle and soon there would betwo felbeasts out for the orc s blood. Distracted by the cat s death cry, Brox did not watch his footing well enough. Suddenly a tree root seemed to rise just enough to catch his foot. He managed to keep from falling, but his lack of true balance sent him spinning wildly to the side. He grasped at a slim, leafless tree only a head taller than himself, but the entire trunk broke away in his grip, sending him colliding with a much larger, sturdier one. Head aching, Brox could barely focus on the oncoming behemoth. The small tree still in his hand, he swung it around and jabbed with it like a lance. The demon hound swatted at the makeshift weapon, tearing away the top third and leaving jagged splinters on the end. Eyes still blurry, the orc held tight to what remained, then charged the monster. The damage done by the felbeast gave the makeshift lance a deadliness it had not had prior. Shoving with all his might, Brox buried the sharp, fragmented end deep into the gaping jaws. With a muffled howl of agony, the demon tried to fall back, but Brox advanced, his entire body straining as he pushed the lance deeper yet. One of the tentacles reached for him. The orc released one hand, snagged the oncoming threat, and pulled as hard as he could. With a moist, tearing sound, the tentacle came free. Now much splattered with its own foul fluids, the felbeast s front legs collapsed. Brox did not relinquish his hold on the tree, adjusting his position to match his adversary s increasingly desperate movements. The rear legs crumpled. Tail twitching frantically, the fearsome beast pawed at the obstruction in its gullet. It finally managed to snap Brox s weapon in two, but the front portion remained lodged. Aware that the felbeast might still recover, the orc searched frantically for something to replace his lost lance. Instead, he found himself facing his first foe again. The other felbeast had scars across its body and, in addition to the nose wound Brox had given it earlier, a chunk of flesh had been torn from the right shoulder. Still, despite its worsened condition, the beast looked more than healthy enough to finish off the exhausted orc. Seizing a thick, broken branch, Brox brandished it like a sword. But he knew that his luck had come to an end. The limb was hardly strong enough to ward away the huge monstrosity. Crouching, the felbeast tensed But as it jumped, the forest itself came alive in defense of Brox. The wild grass and weeds under the demonic creature sprouted madly, shooting up with such astonishing swiftness that they caught the felbeast just after it left the earth. Limbs hopelessly entangled, the horrific creature snarled and snapped at the grass. Its twin tentacles stretched down, trying to touch the animated plant life that held it from its prey. Brox! Malfurion rode toward the orc, looking as weary as Brox felt. The night elf pulled up next to him and reached a hand down. I owe you again, rumbled the veteran warrior. You owe me nothing. Malfurion glanced at the trapped felbeast. Especially since it looks as if that won t hold him for very long! True enough, wherever the macabre tentacles touched the grass and weeds, the plants withered. One front paw had already been freed and even as the felbeast worked on liberating the rest, it strained to reach Brox and the night elf. Magic& muttered Brox, recalling similar sights. It s devouring the magic& Face grim, Malfurion helped his companion aboard. The panther grunted, but did not otherwise protest the added weight. Then, we d better leave quickly.
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