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the recruiting this week. And the two new proposals I ll be sending out on Thursday. Jordan grinned again. I think we are officially on fire. 79 Ava McKnight I think so too. He headed to the door, but Sophie stopped him before he left. Hey, she said, causing him to glance at her over his shoulder. About last night. And that& other& night. Jordan s grin widened. Yeah? Well, Sophie said. Her skin tingled at the remembrance of his fingers inside her, as his tongue pleasured her clit. Thinking of what he d done to her turned her on, no doubt about it. But it was Sam s touch she really craved. Sam s cock she wanted inside her. I just wanted to say, you know, thanks. He nodded. That s what friends are for, Soph. You re the best one a girl could ask for, Jordan. He crossed the room, returning to where she stood, and gave her another peck on the cheek. A friendly kiss, not a romantic one. Because whatever had transpired between them, it had been between friends. She knew that and clearly so did he. I love you, Soph. I want you to be happy. All you have to do is accept what it is that you want and go for it. She knew innately that he was talking about Sam. You know, don t you? Saw it coming, he said with a wink. I m happy for you. For both of you. What if I You won t screw it up, sweetheart. Don t sabotage yourself. She groaned. You know me so well. It s all good, Soph. Just follow your heart. He reached out and squeezed her hand, then turned on his booted heels and sauntered out the door, leaving Sophie to stare after him, knowing she was the luckiest girl on the planet. Now that one relationship had been securely defined and solidified, she had another one to contend with. 80 Satisfying Sophie * * * * * Sophie wrapped up her work and the P.K. Electronics contract negotiations by six. She talked to Jordan when he landed in New York and felt even more confident about their success when he told her the VP of Marketing and some of the other execs wanted to have drinks with him that night. A good sign that Jordan was being accepted as part of the team. Pushing business from her mind, she soaked in a warm bubble bath and then wrapped a robe around her damp body and wandered down to the kitchen. On her way, she passed the laundry room and stepped inside. Sam s white button-down shirts hung on the rack, freshly pressed. She smiled as she pulled one from a hanger. Removing her robe, she slipped on his shirt and buttoned it up. When she d picked up the habit of wearing his clothes, she didn t know. It seemed that she d always had something of his in her laundry basket. A T-shirt, a college jersey, a dress shirt. Whenever she came across an article of clothing that belonged to him, she put it on. Without even thinking about it. Sam had never mentioned the friendly pilfering either. She wondered now why he d never made a comment about her wearing his clothes and smiled to herself as she drew a natural conclusion. This was just one more intimate connection they shared. Maybe one of the first they d shared, now that she thought about it. Leaving the laundry room with a smile on her face, she found Sam exactly where she d expected him to be in the early evening. Out on the back deck, sitting comfortably in his favorite Adirondack chair, reading the paper and sipping hot tea. The sun had set, but a few lights illuminated the deck with a glittery golden glow. The sound of the waves lapping on the shore was soothing. A gentle breeze blew off the ocean, ruffling the long strands of hair that escaped Sophie s messy up-do. The sight of Sam and the soothing sounds surrounding them helped to calm her jangled nerves. But there was still a small knot in her stomach because of the conversation she had yet to have. 81 Ava McKnight It was hugely comforting to be on solid ground with Jordan. And with such little effort on her part. But that was how Jordan was. He was a go-with-the-flow kind of guy and didn t like anything too heavy in his life to weigh him down. His participation in Sophie s seduction had, she knew now, been on a friendship basis. Obviously curiosity had played a role, but all in all, Jordan had been in it to help her out. To get her over the hump, so to speak. She was over the physical hump, sure. The emotional one had a number of hurdles associated with it, each one taller than the last. She geared up to tackle them one by one. About last night, she said to Sam without preamble. She propped a hip against the frame of the French doors that led to the back deck. Did you two draw straws or something like that? She was shooting for levity, hoping to keep the conversation on an even keel for as long as possible. The heavy stuff would come all too soon, she knew. Something like that. Sam regarded her for a moment as she lingered in the shadows, wearing his white button-down shirt and, unbeknownst to him, a pair of peach-colored lace panties. I thought it d be best if Jordan took the lead, he admitted. I m not sure I could ve stopped if you d asked me to. The haunted look on his face made Sophie wonder how difficult it had been for him to let Jordan touch her so intimately. But surely he knew who held her heart& She crossed to the railing and stood there for a few moments, staring out at the vast ocean, illuminated by silvery shimmers of moonlight. With her back to Sam, she said, I wouldn t have stopped you. She heard the rustle of papers as he set aside his reading material. It wouldn t have been the same as with Jordan. Glancing at him over her shoulder, she asked, How would it have been? Sam groaned. He crossed one leg over the other, resting an ankle on the opposite knee. He wore jeans and a shirt that matched the one Sophie wore. He d tucked his into the waist of his Levi s and had left the top few buttons undone, revealing the swell of 82 Satisfying Sophie his pectoral muscles. His usually neatly cropped hair was mussed from either the breeze or his fingers.
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