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play screen. She turned off the DVD player and woke
"Oh good, you're home."
Her sister's groggy words came out muffled. Jenica
picked up her sleeping niece and carried her upstairs.
Kelsey followed. They put her in the extra bed in Kelsey's
room and tucked her in.
"How was your night?" Kelsey sounded a bit more
"Better than I'd expected. I'm glad I went. I'll see
you in the morning."
"How can you sleep?" Kelsey sounded surprised at
how accepting Jenica was.
"I can. You should too. Don't worry. I won't kill
myself like Anna. Malone isn't Wilhelm. It'll be all right."
Her sister didn't look convinced, but Jenica left her
room. She could feel Kelsey watching her leave. How
could she explain her feelings about Malone to Kelsey?
Someday she'd tell her, but not tonight. She was too
exhausted. Weeks of tension and missing sleep caught up,
making her feel worn out. Her other sisters who still lived
Don't Take Candy from Werewolves Ashlynn Monroe
at home were gone, probably having drinks at the Junie.
Jenica went to bed.
The annoying buzz interrupted her dream. She
couldn't quite remember what it'd been about but she was
still so deep into it that she slapped at her alarm clock,
knocking it to the floor. As the hard plastic clattered against
hardwood, the sound brought her more fully awake.
October thirty-first, her day of doom. Last night she'd felt
acceptance, but knowing what the day held, terror filled her
again. She got out of bed and went to her clothes rack.
She'd thought little about what to wear, until now. Vaguely
she wished she'd made the trip to Duluth to buy something
A soft knock at her door interrupted her search.
When she opened the door, her mom stood, looking
completely exhausted. She held a shopping bag. "May I
come in?"
"Of course. How is Farrah?"
"Tired, but her son is beautiful. He finally decided
to come at two this morning."
"It's so early. Did you drive back?"
"I did. Cliff said they'll be at the hospital until
tomorrow afternoon and I could just come back for them."
"Mom, you should go get some sleep."
Don't Take Candy from Werewolves Ashlynn Monroe
"Not today. I'll sleep later, but I wouldn't have been
able to sleep last night anyway. Here. I thought of you
when I saw this last week."
She handed Jenica the bag. Opening the surprise
gift, Jenica pulled out a beautiful white dress. It was simple
and soft. Lace lay over the silk and it was strapless. Her
mother knew her so well. This was something she'd have
picked and it was perfect for today.
"I love you, Mom."
Tears welled in her mother's eyes. "I know. I love
you too, Jen."
They hugged and Jenica felt her own eyes misting.
"Well, I'll let you jump in the shower first. You get
dibs on the first of the hot water this morning."
"Oh, and Jen, I'm proud of you, honey. I know this
won't be easy."
"Thanks." Her mother left and she combed through
her hair before grabbing some towels and heading to the
bathroom. Today was going to be a long day.
It was almost noon by the time her mother, sisters,
and grandmother left the house. She knew the last of the
Atlantian race would surround the circle by the time they
arrived. Knowing that her peoples' fate lay with her kept
Don't Take Candy from Werewolves Ashlynn Monroe
her feet moving, but knowing she'd see Malone kept the
panic at bay. She loved him. If she had to change into a
totally different species, at least she was doing it for him.
She'd piled her hair into a flowing up-do. Her new
dress fit her perfectly. A light application of makeup left
her looking fresh. She walked her with family. The stone
circle was in sight. Kelsey took her hand and squeezed.
Five of her sisters were there, only Farrah, understandably,
couldn't be with the family. Her grandmother was first in
line. The rest of the Atlantian community stood around the
circle, waiting.
The wolves were there too. She saw Malone
watching her with a mixture of awe and desire in his
expression. When her grandmother walked into the ring,
she stood before the crystal and threw her arms up over her
head, calling out to the Gods.
"Hear me, Sharia, Goddess of the seas. Hear me,
Bezzel, God of the sky. Hear me, Azurrel, Goddess of the
mountain. Hear me, Raulo, God of flame. We are here to
keep the pact you've made with our ancestors. Step
forward, daughter of the seventh daughter, Jenica Bradley."
Jenica dropped Kelsey's trembling hand and stepped
into the circle. She stood so that the crystal altar was
between her and her grandmother. The elderly woman cried
Don't Take Candy from Werewolves Ashlynn Monroe
out again.
"Elemental Gods hear me; I call the alpha werewolf
into our circle. Malone Luna step into the noon daylight
here before the Gods of Atlantis."
Jenica held her breath. She couldn't see him. What
if the circle killed him? Panic filled her heart, sending it
into a wild rhythm of terror. She felt his large, warm hand
take hers and her grandmother glanced down at their
intertwined fingers. A growing jumble of voices erupted
from the wolves who'd come with Malone, and the last
people of Atlantis, as the combined group expressed their
confusion. Her grandmother looked out at the crowd, and it
fell respectfully silent.
"Hear me elements, hear me Gods, hear me People
of the Wolf, hear me people of Atlantis, witness these
vows. Jenica, do you accept your sacrifice? No wolf shall
find rest in Juniper Falls; no human shall find rest in the
home of a wolf. No wolf will kill within the limits of
Juniper Falls. You are the mate of their leader. You are
what we offer to our Gods. Do you give us your magic to
seal the pact? Hold out your hand and give your blood to
show the Gods you accept. Say 'I will'."
"I "
"No, Jenica."
Don't Take Candy from Werewolves Ashlynn Monroe
Malone spoke harshly, pulling her outstretched
hand away from where her grandmother prepared to cut it
with a ceremonial knife. The onlookers gasped in unison. If
the situation hadn't been so serious, Jenica would've found
it comical.
"Priestess, I give your Gods my life. If they will end
the need for a sacrifice from your people, I'll let them kill
me. If Jenica will be free to make her own choice and my
people can once again find mates and live in the city limits,
I'll willingly let your Gods vent their anger on me, only me.
Jared will be the new alpha when I'm dead."
Her grandmother looked stunned, but recovered
quickly. She grabbed his hand and sliced his palm with the
knife, slapping it to the crystal. Before Jenica could protest,
the old woman raised her arms and cried out. "Let it be so."
"No!" Jenica's heartbroken cry came a second too
Malone's grasp on her hand slackened, she turned to
him. He looked at her sadly, just for a moment, before he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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