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the vagina with your palm up. Curl the finger(s) upward until a
lumpy or slightly protruding area is felt. Massage both sides of
the area while communicating with your partner what feels best.
You may find that significant pressure is needed, to the point of
stretching the walls of the vagina up until the pubic bone is felt.
You may also find that a constant, motionless touch to the G spot
is all it takes to bring a woman to orgasm.
Penile Stimulation of the G spot
When using the penis to stimulate the G spot, a little can
go a long way. If you can get the right position, it only takes 2 to
4 inches of penis to hit it just right. Deep penetration could miss
the spot completely.
When a Man Makes Love to a Woman
Some recommended positions are:
1. Have your lover lie on her back. Put her legs over your
shoulders. Insert your penis no more that three inches
so the head is on the G spot. Use short pelvic thrusts
or slow probing motions until she feels a sensation of
more pleasure. You may try rubbing her clit with your
thumb and pressing on the outside of her stomach right
over the G spot to add more pleasure.
2. Have your lover lie on her back with her legs over
your thighs . Sit with your knees bent as low as you
can, while her lower back or butt rests on your thighs.
You may try holding her hips for support. She can
recline or sit up. Move your penis upward and around
toward the G spot
with short pelvic
thrusts or slow
probing motions
until she feels a
sensation of more
Eight Types of Female Orgasms
3. Have your lover lie on her stomach with her legs together or
spread. Experiment with her sitting up or lying down. Also ex-
periment with her lying flat or with her butt stuck up in the air.
Move your penis downward and around toward the G spot with
short pelvic thrusts or slow probing motions until she feels a sen-
sation of more pleasure.
(The above sketch depicts a position for G spot stimula-
tion not anal stimulation.)
Try variations of these methods lying on their sides facing
each other or from behind. While facing each other, deep, pas-
sionate kissing could intensify the experience dramatically.
Anal Orgasm
Anal stimulation is a controversial topic so I will just lay
down some facts and not get into religious or spiritual beliefs.
Nor will I make any moral or immoral comments about anal
stimulation. (Personally, I do not recommend anal intercourse.)
The anus is full of highly sensitive and responsive nerve
endings that can be stimulated like any other genital area causing
orgasmic sensations. For males, the prostate may be stimulated by
interior anal stimulation. For both sexes, interior anal stimulation
could result in orgasm with or without ejaculation. Many report
When a Man Makes Love to a Woman
having anal orgasms and full body orgasms during enemas.
The anal muscles are strong and when squeezed during
any type of orgasm can enhance other orgasmic sensations. Anal
stimulation can be very pleasurable, yet risky. Damage may occur
to the colon by deep anal penetration. Anal stimulation, conse-
quently, can result in sexually transmitted diseases and bacterial
infection, also damaging the rectal muscles and tissue, resulting in
loss of bowel control, hemorrhoids or death. (Always disinfect
anything that has accidentally touched the anus before touching
any other part of the body to avoid sickness and disease.)
Mind Orgasm
All orgasms originate from the mind, but I have coined the
mind orgasm as one that happens from thought stimulation. Yes,
thought is the only stimulation one has during a mind orgasm
causing different parts of the body to respond as though they were
being physically stimulated. One may experience it by thinking
about sex or by reminiscing on a past sexual encounter causing
the body to relive everything. Hence a wet dream.
This just goes to show how important it is to be in the
right frame of mind for sex. Make love to your lover's mind with
romance and kind words, then watch what their brain does to their
body. They may have a mind orgasm right before your very eyes.
The good thing about it is you can start making love to your lover
with romance over the phone from work or by a card you left be-
fore you went to work. With this type of attention, the body will
prepare itself all day for an unforgettable night. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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