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Dunno. He shrugged. Still hungry? He gripped her hips as if he were ready to lift her from his lap. That wasn t happening. Slow your roll and back that truck up. Isaac froze. Just an FYI, two weeks is fast. Okay. He nodded, his scent told her he didn t agree. I mean it. Of course you do. He was humoring her, the bastard. Kira tried to sound stern. I m really super serious here. Right. She had obviously failed. Kira didn t whine, didn t plead, didn t even joke. She merely said his name. Isaac? He relaxed back against the couch and squeezed her gently. Yeah? It really is& I mean& It s just& Hush. He stroked her arm, sliding over her skin until he got to her hand. He entwined his fingers with hers and she let him, enjoying the comfort of his touch. I need you to know that I m here. I want you. I m ready for you. Kira swallowed past the growing lump in her throat. What about leaving? Moving? You have plans and And now I have you. That s all that matters to me. He stroked her palm with his thumb. I wanted to die that day. I wanted them to let me die in the middle of the goddamned street and I would have been thankful that the pain ended. I didn t fight for my family. I didn t fight to see my parents again. I didn t care about anything but the end to my torment. But you, Kira Kolanowski, KK to your friends& I would have come back from hell for you. And because of the pain, I d smile. Chapter Twelve Waiting had never been Isaac s strong suit. Not when he was a kid, not when he d been in school, and sure as hell not when he waited to sink his teeth into Kira. And yet& he was waiting. He sighed and leaned against the side of his car, waiting for the woman of the hour to come strolling out, that mangy dog in tow. As much as he bitched about Ebenezer, he d become used to the pup. They d come to a half-assed agreement. Ebie promised not to piss in Isaac s house or car and Isaac agreed not to take the dog on a one-way walk into the forest. He glanced at his watch and noted the time. He also noted that Kira still hadn t emerged. With a sigh, he crossed his arms over his chest and settled in for a long wait. She still had a good ten minutes, but if his female in-laws were anything to go by, he d be waiting a while. Then the creak of dry hinges announced the opening of her front door and he smiled. Apparently he wouldn t be waiting a while. The dog emerged with a happy bark, tripping over himself as he bounded down the stairs and raced to the gate. Kira followed him, her tinkling laugh filling the air, and he couldn t help but smile. The gate rang when she swung it wide and the moment Ebenezer was free, he raced toward Isaac, nails scraping on the sidewalk in his mad rush. He caught the dog with ease, scratching and petting as Kira approached. She walked toward him without a hint of hesitation. She was still uneasy in strange situations, but now he was faced with the cool and confident woman he d slowly come to care for. Or not-so-slowly. She neared him, a handful of feet separating their bodies, and he pushed Ebenezer aside. Opening his arms wide, he gathered her close the second she was within reach. The aroma of blueberries and sensual woman crept into him. He moaned and buried his face against her hair. So damned sweet and seductive. Hey, he mumbled into her neck. He lapped at her skin, teeth aching with the need to shift his position a few inches and then sink into her warm flesh. His cock hardened at the thought, thickening and lengthening in an instant. Kira wiggled, shimmying her hips, and he swallowed his groan. She enjoyed torturing him way too much and he didn t want her to ever stop. Hey, she murmured, tilting her head to the side and granting him better access. Just& damn. Hey, he spoke into her shoulder, letting his tongue flick out for a taste of her sweetness. It burst across his tongue, filling his mouth and he ached for more. But he wouldn t because they were taking their time. Isaac was ready for the time to be over now. He let his bear out the tiniest bit and his fangs lengthened and sharpened. With his method of torment exposed, he scraped it along her neck, tracking the delicate line of her throat and then venturing to her shoulder. Kira whined and pressed closer, pushing to her tiptoes as if she couldn t get close enough. Well, he couldn t get enough of her, so they were on the same page. He suckled the skin, scratching her and then laving away any hint of sting he may have left behind. She shivered in his arms and the seductive scent of her arousal came to him. Her musky hints of sweetness filled the air and he was desperate to drop to his knees and see if she tasted as good as she smelled. He hoped so. He also hoped he d get a chance to discover the truth. Soon. Someone nearby cleared their throat, but Isaac wasn t too concerned. He didn t scent any strangers maybe a hint of Mrs. Laurie from across the street and Ebenezer didn t seem worried. That meant he could keep kissing on Kira until she told him to stop. Ahem. The thump of a cane on the concrete was a familiar sound and that voice actually was Mrs. Laurie from across the street. The woman was a hundred if she was a day and she always got into everyone s business. It d been helpful when Mia lived in the house and was attacked by her crazed cousin. Now it was just annoying. With a sigh, Isaac eased his lips from Kira s shoulder and pasted on a smile. When Kira would have pulled away, he kept her in place by squeezing her hips. It was bad enough he got caught making out on the street. He knew the old woman would be on the phone with his mother the moment they left. The last thing he needed was Mrs. Laurie also telling his mom that he d been rock hard. Good afternoon, Mrs. Laurie. He coughed and swallowed hard, doing his best to banish the arousal from his voice. Kira groaned and pressed her forehead to his chest. Yeah, he knew the feeling. With the woman s
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