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Celtic and what of pre-Celtic and probably non-Aryan origin? This is a more difficult task; yet, looking at
all the analogies and probabilities, I think we shall not be far wrong in assigning to the Megalithic People the
special doctrines, the ritual, and the sacerdotal organisation of Druidism, and to the Celtic element the
personified deities, with the zest for learning and for speculation; while the popular superstitions were merely
the local form assumed by conceptions as widespread as the human race.
The Celts of Today
In view of the undeniably mixed character of the populations called "Celtic" at the present day, it is often
urged that this designation has no real relation to any ethnological fact. The Celts who fought with Caesar in
Gaul and with the English in Ireland are, it is said, no more-they have perished on a thousand battlefields
from Alesia to the Boyne, and an older racial stratum has come to the surface in their race. The true Celts,
according to this view, are only to be found in the tall, ruddy Highlanders of Perthshire and North-west
Scotland, and in a few families of the old ruling race still surviving in Ireland and in Wales. In all this I think
it must be admitted that there is a large measure of truth. Yet it must not be forgotten that the descendants of
the Megalithic People at the present day are, on the physical side, deeply impregnated with Celtic blood, and
on the spiritual with Celtic traditions and ideals. Nor, again, in discussing these questions of race-character
and its origin must it ever be assumed that the character of a people can be analysed as one analyses a
chemical compound, fixing once for all its constituent parts and determining its future behaviour and destiny.
Race-character, potent and enduring though it be, is not a dead thing, cast in an iron mould, and there-after
incapable of change and growth. It is part of the living forces of the world; it is plastic and vital; it has hidden
potencies which a variety of causes, such as a felicitous cross with a different, but not too different, stock, or
in another sphere-the adoption of a new religious or social ideal, may at any time unlock and bring into
Chapter II: The Religion of the Celts 39
Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race
Of one thing I personally feel convinced-that tho problem of the ethical, social, and intellectual development
of the people constituting what is called the
"Celtic Fringe" in Europe ought to be worked for on Celtic lines; by the maintenance of the Celtic tradition,
Celtic literature, Celtic speech - the encouragement, in short, of all those Celtic affinities of which this mixed
race is now the sole conscious inheritor and guardian. To these it will respond, by these it can be deeply
moved; nor has the harvest ever failed those who with courage and faith have driven their plough into this
rich field. On the other hand, if this work is to be done with success it must be done in no pedantic, narrow,
intolerant spirit; there must be no clinging to the outward forms of the past simply because the Celtic spirit
once found utterance in them. Let it be remembered that in the early Middle Ages Celts from Ireland were the
most notable explorers, the most notable pioneers of religion, science, and speculative thought in Europe.
[For instance, Pelagius in the fifth century ; Columba, Columbanus, and St. Gall in the sixth; Fridolin, named
Viator, "the Trayeller," and Fursa in the seventh ; Virgilius (Feargal) of Salzburg, who had to answer at Rome
for teaching the sphericity of the earth, in the eighth; Dicuil, "the Geographer;" and Johannes Scotus Erigena
- the master mind of his epoch - in the ninth.] Modern investigators have traced their foot-prints of light
over half the heathen continent, and the schools of Ireland were thronged with foreign pupils who could get
learning nowhere else. The Celtic spirit was then playing its true part in the world-drama, and a greater it has
never played. The legacy of these men should be cherished indeed, but not as a museum curiosity; nothing
could be more opposed to their free, bold, adventurous spirit than to let that legacy petrify in the hands of
those who claim the heirship of their name and fame.
The Mythical Literature
After the sketch contained in this and the foregoing chapter of the early history of the Celts, and of the forces
which have moulded it, we shall flow turn to give an account of the mythical and legendary literature in
which their spirit most truly lives and shines. We shall not here concern ourselves with any literature which is
not Celtic. With all that other peoples have made - as in the Arthurian legends - of myths and tales originally
Celtic, we have here nothing to do. No one can now tell how much is Celtic in them and how much is not.
And in matters of this kind it is generally the final recasting that is of real importance and value. Whatever we
give, then, we give without addition or reshaping. Stories, of course, have often to be summarised, but there
shall be nothing in them that did not come direct from the Celtic mind, and that does not exist to-day in some
variety, Gaelic or Cymric, of the Celtic tongue.
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