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and you ll suffer 70% movement reduction for 5 seconds. " The priest at your team s resurrection shrine will periodically resurrect fallen team members as long as the priest himself stays alive. The same is true for your opponents priest. " When under attack, the priest will try to heal himself using Heal Area. Whether you re attacking or defending, you can take advantage of this AoE healing by standing next to him. " If you play a Me/Mo and plan to fight in the Team Arenas often, consider bringing spell-based resurrection (probably Resurrect, Restore Life, or Rebirth) instead of a signet just for the sake of this arena. If you end up in a battle in which both priests die early, your ability to cast rez quickly (because of Fast Casting) could turn the battle around. " See the discussion below for information on keeping your priest alive and defeating your opponents priest. All kinds of debates have occurred over just how worthwhile it is to try to protect one s priest, as opposed to rushing the one in the enemy team s camp. Since there are a few avenues of attack and defense in this arena, it s not surprising that battles here can involve very strange positioning and tactics. Usually, though, fights here work out in one of three ways: " Case one: Both teams rush the other team s priest along different paths and kill him, immediately turning the match into a normal game of survival PvP. This is very common. " Case two: One team rushes while the other mostly defends its shrine. If the defenders win with their priest intact, they counterattack the enemy shrine and (usually) overwhelm the priest and rezed team. If the defenders lose, the rushing team basically has won. " Case three: Both teams meet each other along the same path (usually the upper path, since few players enjoy fighting on ice) and fight. The winning team then presses onward to the enemy altar and tries to end the match. Or, if there s no clear winner, a couple of caster killers (possibly including you if you re spec d that way) rush the enemy priest at just the right moment and kill it, practically assuring victory for their team. - 138 - What you'll need to do in each case will depend on your specialization. If you're set up to shut down fighters, be prepared to run back to your shrine to deal with offensive warriors who'll use Sprint or "Charge!" to dash past your party and aim for your priest. If you're set to shut down casters, you'll want to stay with your team as it progresses, make enemy monks useless, and then shut down the priest himself when your party reaches the resurrection shrine. If you're using degeneration, energy sapping, or any other annoying offensive theme, try to lure one foe away from the crowd for a duel (standing on the ice is particularly effective for luring some warriors), kill that foe or snare him/her, and then run back to join your party. 4.2.5. Heroes Ascent (HA) Heroes Ascent is an ongoing, single-elimination tournament in which teams of eight fight a series of battles against other such teams. Those who reach the top of the tournament get to do battle in the Hall of Heroes, where each victory puts the winning team s region of the world one step closer toward acquiring the favor of the gods. Most tournament teams will want you to perform one very specific role: disabling enemy casters using your Domination spells. Whether you do this via shutdown, energy denial, interruption, or a mix of the three is largely a matter of personal and team preference. Naturally, practicing with such builds in the Random and Team Arenas is a good way to prepare to use them in tournament combat. Other roles you might play during tournament matches include shutting down fighters and removing enchantments/hexes. Degeneration and fragility theme builds tend to be less useful here than elsewhere due to the prevalence of hex removal and skilled healers. As for the battles themselves, the mission objectives will vary wildly from match to match. The first battle is always a fight versus a team of mobs; defeating them quickly will give your team a morale boost for use in the first real battle. For your own part, you ll
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