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 Good I ll let you know what we bring to light. You might have to
leave and join the unit for the takedown, Casey said.  Keep the cell on if
you can. I will need to reach you ASAP when we know.
 Yeah I know. They will protect Promyse while I m gone.
 Roger that, Casey said.  Be safe, brother.
Zane ended the conversation, and he slipped his arms around Promise
as they walked. Casey very rarely used the word that bonded them long
ago. When he said brother Zane knew he meant it because that is how they
saw each other, as more than soldiers in the same unit, but family. The sun
was coming up over the horizon, but that didn t do anything to stop the
bitter cold. Zane was fine. Being a shifter his body could withstand the
cold, but he could feel Promyse shaking as she walked. When she tripped
the second time, without a word Zane lifted her and carried her. She
snuggled against his chest trying to draw his heat, and he wished he had
more to give her.
Finally, after hours of walking the Arapaho grounds came into view.
Even before that he could smell the scent of his people. Their territory was
clearly marked so that no other clans would try to breach their sacred
grounds. From the time he walked in he could see familiar faces stop and
stare at him in astonishment. He had not been back to the clan in so many
years he thought they would turn from him. He was amazed when none
Army Beasts Dahlia Rose
did. In fact a few came up to greet him with warm smiles and a hello.
None of that mattered until the leader gave his blessing for them to stay.
Of course it helped that the clan leader was his stepfather, so the scales
were tipped slightly in his favor. He had seen family turned away before
for going against the clan, so he couldn t have said for sure what would
happen. His mother and her husband came out of the large log cabin at the
far side of the camp and stood on the steps. Promyse had fallen asleep
against him while they walked. He still carried her while he moved toward
his stepfather and mother. Behind him a group gathered. It was their clan s
way. All had to be present to hear the leader s words in a situation like
Zander fell into step next to him.  I see you came to visit after all.
 Had no other choice. We were ambushed, Zane replied.
 I can still smell the fight on you. Zander sniffed the air.  Your girl
smells delectable.
Zane grinned.  I know. That s why she is mine.
Promyse opened her yes and looked at him with a sleepy smile.  Hey.
 Hello, little one, Zander replied before Zane could.
Her eyes widened as she looked from Zane to his brother.  Oh lord,
there are two of you!
 I told you I had a twin brother. Zane s voice held humor at her
 You didn t say identical twins.
 Are you ok to stand? Zane asked.
She nodded as he stopped and placed her on her feet.  Why are we
 I have to wait for the leader to give his consent for us to stay here.
Zane responded.  Quiet now.
Zane held her hand as he stood in front of his mother and stepfather
Admiral. His mother had aged since last time he saw her, but she was still
strikingly beautiful down to the streak of white that now graced the front
of her long hair. The Admiral was formidable even with the added years
that showed clearly on his face. The two of them made the perfect picture
Army Beasts Dahlia Rose
of an American Indian couple. If they were painted right at that instant
anyone would see strength and beauty coming off the canvas. Zane
remembered when he was younger and always got into scrapes, The
Admiral used to pick him up by the collar and shake him like a pup. He
used to say he hoped it would shake some sense into Zane s head so he
would gain some self preservation..
As with their way Zane knew he had to greet the leader of the clan
first.  Admiral, it s good to see you.
 I say the same to you, Zane. You look well. Is this your mate?
Admiral replied.
 Yes, she is. This is Promyse.
The Admiral inclined his head to her.  Welcome to you both. Why are
you here? We have not laid eyes on you in many years.
Zane explained the situation while Admiral s face stayed passive.  We
need the sanctuary of the clan for her protection as well as mine.
 It seems you bring trouble with you, Admiral replied and then
smiled.  It also seems you have gained some sense in your head after all.
Zane chuckled.  Yes, I have, and I thank you for it.
 Can you promise this will not affect the clan? Admiral asked.
Zane nodded.  I can promise that.
 Then you are welcome. We will make a cabin ready for you and your
Promyse to stay in, Admiral replied.
 I will need to leave to take care of this matter in a few days. Can you
guarantee her safety when I am gone? Zane asked.
Admiral nodded.  As is our way we protect the mates of those in the
With his final words it was now safe for anyone in the clan to greet
them. His mother rushed down the steps and wrapped her arms around
him. Zane had no hesitation in holding her tight and inhaling her familiar
scent. His heart filled with love for his mother who had born so many
burdens for him and his siblings. For a moment he relished her comfort
and let it take him back to the past where she was the lifeline that he
Army Beasts Dahlia Rose
needed. When they pulled apart she cupped his cheek and then embraced
 Welcome to you as well, Promyse. Your name means wonderful
things. I m called Serena, his mother said.
 Thank you for the welcome and for taking me in. I wish it was under
better circumstances. Promyse smiled.
 Any reason that brings my son home to his people is a good reason,
his mother replied.  Let s get you all settled. You must be worn out, cold,
and hungry. Zane watched as she took Promyse s hand and began to walk
away chatting like they were old friends.  Tomorrow is our lunar
celebration. You will like it.
Zane watched as they left,. Promyse looked back as she was led away.
He nodded to let her know it was ok. He never knew how much he would
miss this life when he left it. He felt the restriction of living off the land
and like gypsies as a yolk around his neck when he was younger. But the
freedom of it was something that could not be replaced. He loved his job,
but he spent too long on a tight rein only shifting for missions because
anonymity was essential to the unit. The urge to shed his human form and
run with the others became almost unbearable, but first he would make
sure Promyse was settled. The rest of the clan almost forty strong crowded
around to say welcome and to reconnect. Zane felt at home.
Army Beasts Dahlia Rose
Chapter Six
Literally having to run from men with really big guns worried
Promyse. In fact it down right scared her but it seemed there was little to
be concerned about. His mother brought in clothes that fit to perfection
and people kept dropping by the cabin to bring blankets and other
essentials to make the sparse room livable. This was unlike anything she
had ever experienced in her life. The cabin was barely two rooms with one
small bathroom. It had only recently gotten running water Zane mentioned
when he came inside. He said when he was younger before he left if you
wanted a hot shower you had to bring the water from the river and heat it
over a fire. Promyse thanked God she didn t have to do that and was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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