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calm tone. He really doesn't want to start a family power-struggle in front
Sometimes You Just Know | Kate Sherwood
of Dan. "It was just a ride, not training. It's Sunday, you know? Day of
rest? Day off, at least& "
Molly seems to be trying to keep herself calm as well, which Justin
appreciates. "Well, you'll be training him tomorrow, right?"
"Uh, I haven't checked the schedule yet, but, yeah, if he's on it& "
Molly nods, then turns to Karl. "Do you want to have a look at that
leg?" She heads down the barn aisle, and Karl nods goodbye to Dan and
Justin before following her.
Justin moves over to Dan immediately, resting his hand on Bailey's
neck near Dan's. "Sorry about that. She's not normally so tense, she's
just& you know, a little unsure."
"It's fine, man, don't worry about it." Dan smiles, the smooth,
bullshitting mask, and Justin wants to punch something. "Should I grab the
lead ropes?"
"No, Dan& ." Justin doesn't really have the words figured out yet,
hasn't had the conversation he needs to have to make Dan understand that
he knows about the mask, and doesn't want Dan to have to use it.
"No ropes?" Dan must know what Justin means, but apparently he
doesn't want to talk about it.
"No, of course lead ropes. I just& ." Justin shakes his head. "Shit,
Dan, help me out here, will ya?"
Dan freezes for a minute, and then looks back at Justin. "What do
you want me to say, man?" His smile is real, but tired. "If I was your
mother, I wouldn't want you hanging around me either. Wouldn't be
thrilled to walk into my barn and find a guy like me there."
"A guy like you? Bullshit, Dan, what does that mean? You're a good
guy." Justin tries to put his arm around Dan, but he jerks away.
Dan stares at him for a second, then his face twists into a sneer.
"What the hell do you know about what kind of guy I am? Jesus, Justin,
think with your head, not your dick. You don't know me at all!"
Sometimes You Just Know | Kate Sherwood
Justin feels like Dan has hit him in the face; he actually jerks his
head back in response. "No, Dan, I do. I mean, not as well as I want to,
but& ."
Dan shakes his head. "You think you do, maybe."
"No, I& "
Dan moves around to Bailey's other side, and leans on the horse as if
for strength. "It's been fun, Justin, but, you know& ."
"No." Justin hears his voice come out as if someone else is speaking.
It seems deeper, somehow, resonating from his chest. Dan seems to notice
the change, looking startled as he turns towards Justin. "No. Don't give up,
Dan." Justin ducks around to Dan's side, standing as close as he can
without actually touching. "Stop running away all the time." His voice
softens, but Justin still feels curiously removed, as if his body has been
taken over. "Don't let outside stuff get in the way of you and me. Don't let
it happen, man."
Dan is still staring, and then he frowns. "But it's not really outside
stuff. I mean, if I'm not a good person& ."
"No." Justin shakes his head, and Dan is listening to him, at least.
"Maybe you've done some bad stuff, I don't know. And I don't care,
because you're not a bad person." Justin doesn't really know how he's so
sure of this; partly because he doesn't really believe in 'bad' people, from a
philosophical perspective, but mostly because he does believe in Dan. He
smiles gently. "It's like I said, man no one who's this good with horses
can be all bad."
Dan looks Justin in the eyes, and then smiles a little himself. "Well,
not all bad."
Justin takes the chance and reaches his hand out to brush against
Dan's face. "See? There you go." He leans in slowly and carefully, and
Dan doesn't pull back. Justin gives him a gentle kiss, and whispers, "Don't
run away."
Dan leans against Bailey's neck and looks out at Justin. "Yeah& " he
whispers. "I'll try."
Sometimes You Just Know | Kate Sherwood
Sometimes You Just Know | Kate Sherwood
Dan decides to head home soon after they put the horses in the
paddock. He's not running, exactly, but he's not lingering either. Justin
tries to convince him to stay a little longer, even uses the T-shirt still in the
wash as an excuse, but Dan just shakes his head.
"It's not a big deal if I liked the shirt that much, it wouldn't still
have been clean for me to wear it on laundry day, you know?" He's
stuffing his clean clothes back in the duffel bag; Justin hasn't noticed Dan
looking particularly wrinkled in the past, so he assumes that the clothes
will be put away properly at some point. They're mostly jeans and Tshirts [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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