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A bachelor s degree from an arts or liberal arts school is a
staff. Freelancers are also responsible for maintaining their
solid educational background in this field. Photo Researchers
businesses, which can entail everything from advertising
usually have degrees in any number of areas, from English
and promoting their services, to handling their own book-
literature or photography, to political science or art history.
keeping and making sure their office equipment functions
More experienced Photo Researchers may have advanced
degrees in library science or archive administration. An
apprenticeship or previous work experience as an assistant
photo researcher or editor is highly recommended.
Salaries for Photo Researchers vary, depending upon the
types of clients for which they work and the project budgets.
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
Advertising companies with national advertising campaigns
Several years of experience as an assistant photo researcher
will typically allot higher wages for Photo Researchers than
are generally a solid background for Photo Researchers.
nonprofit associations with company brochure projects.
Those who enjoy this work the most are passionate about
Photo Researchers usually earn annual wages ranging from
photography and extremely knowledgeable about photogra-
$30,000 to $65,000 or more. Full-time Photo Researchers
phers and photographic images. They have a good grasp of
have the advantage over freelancers in that they are pro-
photo history as well as current trends in the industry. A large
vided with such benefits as health insurance, disability, paid
part of the work can be administrative, so strong organiza-
vacations, sick time and personal days, bonuses and raises,
tional skills and the ability to manage paperwork is a must.
and stock options and retirement plans.
Photo Researchers who are clear communicators with
excellent interpersonal skills will do well in this field. The
Employment Prospects job entails working closely with clients, listening carefully
to their needs, and effectively meeting those needs and
Photo Researchers often work in similar industries as writers
and editors, and a parallel can be drawn regarding employ- deadlines. Clients may also change their minds midway dur-
ing projects. Photo Researchers need to be problem solvers ings, museum events, conferences, parties, and any
with vast amounts of patience and creativity to get the work and all events that your prospective clients will attend.
done on time and keep clients coming back with new 2. Read the publications of the clients with whom you
assignments. are interested in working, to familiarize yourself with
To save time, Photo Researchers need to keep track of
the subject matter and artistic styles, as well as the
where they found specific images and where to locate them
photographers they have used in the past. If you want
again, if needed. Exceptional research skills and sharp
to work for magazine publishers, subscribe to the
minds and memories are absolute requirements. Addition-
magazines they publish. If you are leaning toward
ally, Photo Researchers need to have a solid grasp of licens-
building a career with advertising agencies, study
ing issues and copyright laws and be able to educate their
their past and current advertising campaigns. Many
clients in these arenas as well. To advance within the field,
Photo Researchers work in a variety of media, so be
strong management and team-building abilities will also be
sure to cover all of the bases if you are opting for an
all-encompassing path.
3. Get a job as an assistant photo researcher. Volunteer
Unions and Associations
for a short time, if that is the only way to get your foot
Photo Researchers may join the American Society of Pic-
in the door. Working firsthand with a trained and expe-
ture Professionals, Professional Photographers of America,
rienced Photo Researcher is the best education and an
the American Society of Media Photographers, and the
excellent way to determine if this work suits you. Find
National Press Photographers Association for professional
work in the photo research departments of galleries,
resources and employment referrals.
museums, or publishers. Search the companies Web
sites directly, as well as employment sites such as
Tips for Entry MuseumJobs (http://www.museumjobs.com), Muse-
1. Referrals and word of mouth are often the best ways umEmployment (http://www.museum-employment.
to get work in the photo research field, so network as com), or the New York Times on the Web (http://
much as you possibly can. Go to gallery show open- www.nytimes.com).
Duties: Manages a gallery exhibiting and selling photo-
graphs of past and contemporary photographers; adver- Photo Gallery Owner
tises to and networks with museum curators, private
collectors, interior designers and decorators, and cultural
institutions; arranges exhibition and sales contracts with
photographers and photographers representatives; over-
Photo Gallery Manager
sees and manages gallery staff and freelance consultants
Alternate Title(s): None
Salary Range: $50,000 to $100,000+
Photo Gallery Assistant /
Employment Prospects: Good Freelance Photographer
Advancement Prospects: Fair
Best Geographical Location(s): Major cities and towns
where photographers, artists, and collectors live and
work (i.e., New York, Los Angeles, Santa Fe)
Education or Training Four-year degree in photogra-
phy or art history; coursework in small business manage-
ment; master s degree may be beneficial
Experience Five years of experience as a fine arts or
commercial photographer; several years of experience in
photo or art gallery
Special Skills and Personality Traits Knowledgeable
about photography, photographic styles and techniques,
film development and printing processes, and past and
current photographers; entrepreneurial; versed in industry
practices; skilled in negotiation and sales ethical; reliable
and responsible; excellent verbal and communication
skills; diplomatic;
Position Description
age. They also ensure that all archival images are packed in
Photo Gallery Managers exhibit and sell photographs in gal- appropriate materials and stored in safe environments. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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