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in the illustrious struggle. I swear by all the seed of my loins that this is
so!" Raising his head hesitantly, he stole a glance first at Simna, then at
Ehomba. Reaching into a vest pocket, he pulled out a rolled parchment and held
it up, quivering, for the herdsman to see. "Look! A draft of my physician's
statement, attesting to my piteous circumstance. Would that it were otherwise,
and that I could join our brave citizens and allies in desperate conflict!"
Simna snorted softly. "He's got a condition of the belly, all right. A
condition of excess, I'd say." "Stand up." Ehomba felt very uncomfortable.
"Come on, man, get off your knees. Stand up and face us. We are not here to
persecute you, and none of us cares in the least about your 'condition' or
lack thereof. We need only to ask you some questions." Uncertain, and
unsteady, the man climbed warily to his feet. He glanced nervously at Ahlitah.
When he saw that the great cat was eyeing his prominent paunch with more than
casual interest, the chosen unfortunate hurriedly looked away. "Questions? I
am but a modest and unassuming merchant of dry goods, and know little beyond
my business and my family, who, even as we speak, must be sorely lamenting my
enforced absence." "You can go back to them in a minute," Ehomba assured him
impatiently. "The questions we want to ask are not difficult." Peering past
the detainee, he pointed with his spear in the direction of the great wall and
the roiling surge of opposing forces below. "There is a war going on here.
A big one. For days my friends and I have been passing through hills and
little valleys filled with refugees. We have seen fine homes and farms
abandoned, perhaps so their owners could join the fight while sending their
families to a place of safety." "There is no place of safety from the
Chlengguu," the merchant moaned. Fresh curiosity somewhat muted his fear as he
looked from Ehomba to the short swordsman standing at his side. The predatory
gaze of the great and terrible litah he avoided altogether.
"Who are you people? Where are you from that you don't know about the war with
the Chlengguu?"
Ehomba gestured casually with his spear. "We come from the far south, friend.
So you fight the
Chlengguu. Never heard of them. Is this a new war, or an old one?" "The
Chlengguu have ceaselessly harassed the people of the Queppa, but by banding
together we have always been able to fight them off.
For centuries they have been a nuisance, with their raiding and stealing. They
would mount and attack, we would pursue and give them a good hiding, and then
there would be relative peace for many years until they felt strong enough to
attack again. They would try new strategies, new weapons, and each time the
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farmers and merchants and townspeople of the Queppa would counter these and
drive them off." As his head dropped, so did his voice. "Until the Wall."
Ehomba turned to look down in the direction of the line of combat. "It is an
impressive wall, but though I am no soldier, it seems to me to be in a strange
location. We thought that perhaps it was your wall, and that your enemies had
captured it from you."
"Our wall?" The merchant laughed bitterly. "Would that it were so! For if that
were the case we would use it to push these murderous Chlengguu into the sea."
Ehomba started slightly. "The sea? We are near the ocean?" Strain as he might
to see past the western horizon, he could detect no sign of the Semordria.
He was surprised at how his heart ached at the mere mention of it. It had been
far too long since he had set eyes on its dancing waves and green depths. "You
mean the Semordria?" the merchant asked. When
Ehomba nodded with quiet eagerness the other man could only shake his head.
"You really are far from your home, aren't you?" Raising one beringed hand, he
pointed to the west. "The Semordria lies a great distance off toward the
setting sun. I myself, though a man of modest means and varied interests, have
never seen it." His arm swung northward.
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"That way lies the Sea of Aboqua, a substantial body of water to be sure, but
modest when compared to the unbounded Semordria. Upon its waters ships of many
cities and states ply numerous trade routes. I
am told that at several locations it enters into and merges with the
Semordria, but I myself have never seen these places. I have only heard other
merchants speak of them. And I have never heard of a trading vessel with
captain and crew brave or foolhardy enough to venture out upon the measureless
reaches of the Semordria itself." Ehomba slumped slightly. "There is something
I must do that requires me to cross the Semordria." The merchant's heavy
eyebrows rose. "Cross the Semordria? You are a brave man indeed." "But if no
ship will do that," Simna put in, "how are we supposed to make this crossing?
I'm a good swimmer, but no fish." "From the tales I have heard of the monsters
and terrors that swarm in the depths of the Semordria, I believe it a journey
even fish would be reluctant to take." The man rubbed his chin whiskers. "But
it is rumored that in the rich lands on the far side of the Aboqua there are
ports from whence sail ships grander than any that ply the smaller sea. Who
knows? You might even find shipmaster and sailors stupid enough to attempt
such a passage. Tell me, what do you hope to find on the other side of the
Semordria, anyway?" "Closure," Ehomba told him. "Now, about this Wall. It is a
very impressive wall. Behind it I see fields and buildings, some of which have
been burned. If it is not yours, then it must be a construction of these
Chlengguu. But why build it here, and how did they manage to trap all of you
on this side instead of the other, where your homes and villages lie?" The
merchant looked over his shoulder. "My poor family must be in an agony of
apprehension at my absence."
Simna fingered the hilt of his sword. "Let 'em agonize a little while longer.
Answer the question." "You really don't know, do you?" The man heaved a deep
sigh. "The Wall was not built here." Turning, he pointed to the northwest.
"When it first appeared on the outskirts of Mectin Township, no one could
believe that the Chlengguu had managed to raise so massive a structure in so
short a time. Its true nature was not immediately apparent to the people of
the Queppa. That we learned all too soon. "There was nothing we could do. Our
young men and women fought bravely, but the Wall is so high and strong it
cannot be breached. The Chlengguu we fought to a standstill, but we could not
stop the Wall." Simna blinked at him, glanced sharply down at the line of
battle then back at the merchant. "Are you telling us that these Chlengguu
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