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without learning more than a few of those things.
 We could infiltrate the capital disguised, Kethry said, surprising her partner.  Magical
disguises, if we have to. No one will know us then; Jadrek can tell me who are the ones he wants
contacted; if we can get one of us into the Court itself, we could pass messages, arrange
meetings. I know Tarma could go in as a man, with an absolute minimum of dis-guising, all
So we ve thrown in with this lot, have we, she enedra? Is it the cause that attracts you, or the fact
that it s Jadrek s cause? But, since Kethry had added herself to the little conspiracy, Tarma added
her own thought, in spite of her better judgment.  Huh, yes if we can figure something that
would put me into the Court without suspicion.
 Challenge the current champion of the King s Guard to combat/ Mertis put in, surprising Tarma
considerably.  That s anyone s right if they want to get in the Guard. Free swords do it all the
time, there s nothing out of the ordinary about it. If you do well, you ve got a place; if you beat
him, you automatically become head of the Guard. That would put you at Raschar s side every
day. You couldn t get any closer to the heart of the Court than that.
Stefansen looked doubtfully at the lean swords-woman.  Challenge the champion? Has she got a
Still not sure you trust us, hmm, my lad? 1 can t say as I blame you. I m still not entirely sure of
But Mertis smiled, and Tarma sensed that the gentle-seeming lady had a good set of claws
beneath her velvet.  If half the tales I ve heard about the Shin a in Swordsworn are true, she ll
have his place before he can blink. And right at Raschar s side is the place we could best use you,
It became evident to Tarma that guileless Mertis was no stranger to intrigue as the evening wore
on, and the plan began to look more and more as if it had a strong chance of success. In fact, it
was she who turned to Roald, and asked, bluntly,  And what is Valdemar prepared to grant us
besides sanctuary?
Roald blinked once, and replied as swiftly,  What will Valdemar get in return?
 Alliance in perpetuity if we succeed, Stefansen said,  My word on that, and you know my
 Is more than good.
 Thank you for that. You know very well that you could use an ally that shares a border with
Karse. You also know we ve stayed neutral in that fight, and you know damned well that Char
would never change that policy. I will; I ll ally with you, unconditionally. More I ll pledge
Valdemar favor for favor should you ever choose to call it in. And I ll swear it on the Sword
that will bind every legal heir to the pledge for as long as the Sword is used to choose rulers.
Roald let out his breath, slowly, and raised his eyebrows.  Well, that s a lot more than I expected.
But you know we don t dare do anything openly. So that means covert help ... His brow
wrinkled in thought for a moment.  What about this every rebellion needs finances, and arms.
Those I think I can promise.
Kethry looked rather outraged; Tarma was just perplexed. Who exactly was this Herald?
Kethry took the question right out of her mouth.
 Just what power is yours that you can fulfill those promises? Kethry asked with angry
cynicism.  It s damned easy to promise things you know you won t have to supply just to get us
off your backs and out of your kingdom!
Stefansen looked as if Kethry had blasphemed the gods of his House. Mertis jaw dropped.
I think Keth just put her foot in it, Tarma thought, seeing their shocked reaction to what seemed
to be a logical question. Something tells me that  herald means more than  royal mouthpiece
around here
 He Roald is the heir to the throne of Valdemar, Mertis managed to stammer.  Your
Highness. I am sorry 
Tarma nearly lost her own jaw, and Kethry turned pale. Insulting a member of a Royal House like
that had been known to end with a summary execution.  It s I who should beg pardon, Kethry
said, shaken.
 1 I ve heard too many promises that weren t fulfilled lately, and I didn t want Jad my
friends, I mean, counting on something that wouldn t ever happen. Your Highness 
 Oh, Bright Havens  Roald interrupted her, looking profoundly embarrassed.   Highness, my
eye! How could I have been insulted by honesty? Besides, we aren t all that much sticklers about
rank in the Heraldic Circle. Half the time I get worse insults than that! And how were you to
know? You don t even know what a Herald of Valdemar is! He shrugged, then grinned.  And I
don t know what a Swordsworn is, so we re even! Look, the law of Valdemar is that every
Monarch must also be a Herald; our Companions Choose us, rather like that musical sword of
Stefan s. Both Father and Mother are Heralds, which makes them co-consorts, so until they seek
the Havens may that take decades! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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