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 Lizzy did do it. She thought she loved him. He
told her he loved her too, and before long they
started sleeping together. Within a few months she
was pregnant.
 Your time has protection against pregnancy,
does it not?
 Accidents still happen even with those
precautions. Tara breathed in the cool air.  My dad
flipped when he found out. My mom cried. Lizzy s
boyfriend denied all responsibility.
 What? He was a coward.
Tara was surprised to hear resentment in his
reply.  Yes, he was a coward, a kid. I imagine he was
scared to death at the possibility of his life being
over at seventeen. His parents moved out of state
when they heard Lizzy was going to keep the baby.
 What do you mean?
 Oh, that s right. You don t have abortions here.
She picked her words carefully.  If a woman
Catherine Bybee
doesn t want the baby, a doctor can stop the
pregnancy. Lizzy never considered that an option.
Giving the baby to someone else to raise wasn t an
option for her either. So, she had Simon.
 He s Amber s age now. Lizzy found a job
working in a daycare. She has always struggled to
make it work. But she has, somehow.
 Your parents didn t help? Disgust laced his
 No. As soon as she turned eighteen, they kicked
her and Simon out. Tara narrowed her eyes at the
painful memory.  I finished high school six months
early and left home. Once I was out of the house,
they moved somewhere in Arizona. I haven t heard
or seen them since. But Lizzy and I were very close.
Her son Simon is the greatest kid.
They rode is silence for awhile, both caught up
in their own thoughts. Neither of them snuck into
the other s mind.
Breaking the solemn mood, Tara asked,  How
long will it take us to get to the village?
 At this pace it will take us  till mid-day.
 Which means we would be getting back after
dark. Is it safe? She glanced toward the woods and
thought of thieves living in them.
 I can protect you, Tara.
She noted the massive sword strapped to his
waist, his straight back and ruffled hair reminded
her she had nothing to fear. No self-respecting
criminal would willingly clash swords with him. He
would protect her and look good while doing it! He is
the definition of eye candy. She forgot to block the
words from him.
An image of a child s sucker being popped into
her mouth came straight from Duncan s mind. She
watched his laughing eyes, their expression bordered
on seductive. He drew his horse closer.
 Would you like a taste?
Binding Vows
Her teeth caught her bottom lip.  Maybe a
little. What harm could come on the back of a
He dropped his lips to hers, like every time they
connected, Tara felt shudders of pleasure drifting
down her body.
Unable to keep her thoughts to herself, Tara
moaned inside and out. I want more. Her hand
resting on his chest moved over his body, searching
for skin-to-skin contact.
The horses pushed away from each other,
breaking their contact.
Tara, feeling off balance, struggled to keep her
Duncan struggled in a different way. The effect
of their brief contact had his leggings tight, and his
position on the back of his horse was uncomfortable.
Tara struggled to keep from smiling when she
read what Duncan thought.
 You re thinking this funny are you?
Not able to stop, Tara started laughing so hard
she doubled over and had to hold her sides for
support.  I m sorry, really. His serious look made
her laugh even harder. Tears fell with every
renewed giggle.  Maybe you should go back to
wearing a kilt.
 Perhaps I will.
Tara imagined his ease with seduction while
wearing such clothing. She quickly stopped laughing
after reading his thoughts.
He changed the subject and kept her busy with
instructions on riding until they reached the edge of
the village.
Tara gawked at the sights. The village was right
off the pages of a novel. Thatched roofs on top of
simple buildings blotted the landscape. Smoke from
cooking fires rose out of pits both in and outside the
dwellings. Children ran free along with dogs and an
Catherine Bybee
occasional chicken.
People stopped what they were doing and
watched when they approached. Greetings came in
the form of waves and an occasional bow.
Tara noticed a few mules corralled or hooked up
to an occasional cart and asked,  Where are all their
 Not many villagers can afford the luxury of a
mount. Those that do are in the outlying fields
working the summer harvest or herding sheep. They
prepare all spring and summer for our long winters.
 Oh. Long winters weren t something she
thought much about after years of living in Southern
California. Instead of dwelling on the unknown,
Tara noticed a cart loaded with what looked like
dirty cotton.  ...and over there? Tara pointed to the
 Wool, from the sheep. The women will comb out
the dirt, divide it up into colors. Some will be dipped
and dyed for fabric, some will be spun for blankets.
He had more to tell, but she was already moving on
to the next question. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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