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from tension, it seemed to take three or four attempts to place each of the
next three crystals. Lars was muttering imprecations by
the time Killashandra could test the third one. No sooner had she struck the
crystal than the door panel slid open and the aperture was filled by
Trag's bulky figure.
"Trag, I bless your timely arrival. We're both fingers and thumbs trying to
set this manual. A fresh hand and a sane mind will work wonders!"
Trag gave her a nod of his head and stepped inside, giving Lars a cursory
glance before his attention was completely taken by a critical appraisal of
their endeavors. Killashandra ignored the entrance of Ampris, Torkes, Thyrol,
and Mirbethan, who filed slowly into the room in Trag's wake. Trag picked up
the tuning hammer and struck each of the crystals.
Trag merely nodded his head. Lars made a noise of protest but
Killashandra shot him a warning glance. The fact that Trag had no comments to
make was all the approval she required, knowing better than to expect overt
praise from him. For a very fleeting moment, however, she was seized with a
totally irrational desire to throw her arms about Trag's neck, a notion which
she quickly suppressed without revealing it by so much as a grin.
Elder Torkes, resembling the scavenger bird more faithfully than ever, seemed
about to step forward, then, apparently, changed his mind as if aware of how
Trag's bulk diminished his stature to insignificance.
"You have only just arrived, Guildmember, and as it is now midday, refreshment
has been prepared for you." Torkes began with scant courtesy.
Trag dismissed the offer. "You gave the Guild to understand the matter was of
the most urgent."
"We need to eat," Killashandra said tartly. "Just send us in some food,
please, someone," and she picked up more brackets as Trag removed the next
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crystal from its bed of plasfoam. "We might even finish this today if given
the chance to work without interruption."
"Not quite." Trag amended in his deliberate fashion as he held the crystal up
for inspection in the ceiling light. Satisfied he lowered it, his gaze
traveling beyond to the fascinated observers. "If you please?" And he extended
his hand toward the door.
Killashandra, her eyes on Lars's blank face, had to fight not to chortle at
the aura of dismay, fury, and shock emanating from the four high ranking
Optherians. But her hands were free of both sweat and tremble and, with Lars
carefully tightening the matching bracket, they were ready to fasten it the
moment Trag inserted the crystal in place. The door panel whooshed over the
rectangle of sunlight. Killashandra tightened her bracket just as Lars
finished his. Trag took up his hammer for the ceremonial tap and the D, mellow
and clear, broke the silence of the room.
"Just two more, Trag and I believe we'll have something to show you,"
Killashandra said, reaching for more brackets. "This is Lars Dahl."
"A lover posing as a bodyguard! A young man with highly suspicious
credentials," Trag said bluntly, his hooded stare fixed on Lars.
Killashandra held up a hand to restrain any understandable outburst from Lars
but he only smiled, inclining his head in brief acknowledgment of the
"According to Elder Ampris or Torkes?" Killashandra asked, grinning at Trag as
she faced him squarely.
Trag focused his attention on her. Had she not been so positive of her own
righteousness, she would have been hard pressed to maintain her composure
beneath that basilisk stare.
"I will hear your explanation, then, for I warn you, Killashandra
Ree, the Guild looks with disfavor on a member who abrogates her contractual
obligations for whatever personal reasons obtain . . ."
Killashandra stared at Trag incredulously.
"I was given two assignments here, Trag, by you -- "
"The secondary assignment was considerably less important than the primary --
" Trag's big hand indicated the unfinished installation.
"The two are more closely linked than you or Lanzecki imagined when
the Guild accepted that contract. But then abduction ought not to be a
high-risk-factor on well-ordered, conservative secure Optheria. Right? Ever
aware of my primary obligation," Killashandra allowed some of her outrage to
color her voice, "I swam dangerous channels from one island to another in
order to escape the one I was dumped on. Confounding all parties and managing
thus to return to my primary contractual obligation."
Trag merely raised his eyebrows.
"Tell me, Trag, what is your opinion of subliminal conditioning?"
Trag's bleak eyes widened fractionally. "The Council of the
Federated Sentient Planets has declared any form of subliminal projection
morally criminal and punishable by expulsion from the Federation."
"Then if I were an Elder," Lars said in a quiet, faintly amused tone, "I
wouldn't be so quick to accuse anyone else of having highly suspicious
"If you will assist us to install the next two crystals, Trag, I
believe we may be able to prove our allegation," Killashandra said.
"If you cannot prove this allegation, Killashandra Ree, you are liable to
severe discipline and censure."
"Then isn't it convenient that I'm right?"
"Guildmember, I have been subjected to subliminal conditioning,"
Lars said, as if he sensed her minute uncertainty. Trag turned his penetrating
stare on the islander.
"The insidiousness of subliminal conditioning, Lars Dahl, is that the victim
is totally unaware of the bombardment."
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"Only if he is unprepared, Guildmember. My father, late an agent of the
Federated Council, was able to safeguard me, and other friends, against
electronically induced subliminals. Which, I might add, are particularly
adaptable to the heavy emotional experience of the sensory organ."
"Late an agent?" Killashandra fancied she saw some diminution of
Trag's intractability.
"Trapped here by the same restraint which keeps Optherians from competing in
galactic enterprise," Lars replied. "Contact with the
Federated Council has only just been reestablished after nearly thirty years
-- "
She and Trag heard the minute sound at the same instant and assumed suitable
poses of interrupted labor when the door panel slid open.
Mirbethan escorted the lunch table which the security guard wheeled in.
"If you'll just leave it there, Mirbethan," Killashandra gestured with a hand
full of brackets while Trag and Lars bent over an already sited crystal,
"we'll take a break shortly." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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