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challenged Thariinye disturbed her even if she did see it as only the usual
posturing of males for a desired female. The incident had also taken away from
Acorna's eyes the scales of infatuation over her first encounter with a male
of her own species.
However, she too -was tired and wanted to retire as discreetly as she could to
the AcaSecki., now once again on the Haven's hangar deck.
So, too, was the Linyaari ship, and, as she passed it, Neeva called out to
"Join us, my sister-child," and then added as Acorna switched her direction,
(You cannot know how rewarding it is to see the Khieevi overwhelmed as they
have overwhelmed us for centuries. To know that we, we four, have been witness
to their rout.)
(I don't feel much like cheering, I'm afraid) Acorna said truthfully.
Neeva pressed her horn against Acorna's. The scene of Acorna's dream
reappeared. (This is what they destroyed for you. But it is good to see that
you are more linyani than khievn in the matter of dealing death. This is
indeed a novel way of defeating one's enemy.)
(IF you can get them to land on a planet) Acorna said.
Neeva nuzzled Acorna. (You are heartsick, my sister-child, and it is because
we are not what you thought we should be. Is that not correct?)
Acorna gasped. She hadn't realized just how deeply Neeva could delve. (I mean
no offense, truly. It's just that you . . . )
(Are what our world and genetics have made us, just as these humans are the
product of their worlds and genes.) It was Melireenya whose deep voice chimed
into their conversation. She appeared in the open hatch of the brilliantly
decorated ship. (You wish to know HOW do we manage to keep the paint so
bright? Ah, that is one of our secrets. Come. Come. Lei us relieve your
anxieties and confusions, dear 'Khornya.)
Acorna was mind-weary enough to wish surcease and entered the Linyaari vessel.
Thariinye was not in evidence.
(You must have just passed him on the way to the Haven's bridge,) Neeva said.
(He wishes to know more about this most unusual and spectacular method of
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dealing with the Khieevi.)
(Huh,) Khaan said 'with a nasal snort of disagreement, (he enjoys seeing the
ships blown up and was counting them. "That is for the Selinaaryi." "The next
kill will be for the Juveniiryi.")
(Who?) asked Acorna, confused, though she did realize that these were family
(Ancestors and friends who were lost to the Khieevi over the centuries,)
Khaari answered.
(Will there be ships enough to satisfy that lust in Thariinye?) Neeva asked
She led Acorna to a pile of cushions and settled her in their comfort. Then
she began to knead the muscles of Acorna's neck, and "work her fingers up and
down the length of the mane, into the vertebrae themselves. More often than
not, Acorna winced at the pain as Neeva touched places which Acorna hadn't
even known were sore.
(When we bring you home) and there was a subtle triumph in Neeva's use of the
word, (we shall introduce you to the ways whereby we dissipate tension and
fatigue. This ship was not large enough to contain the unit, which is why we
do not appear at our best to you. We, too, have suffered from the stress of
reaching your quadrant of space soon enough to give you warning.)
(We are not always as contentious as we have been these past few weeks,)
Melireenya said sorrowfully. Then her silvery eyes brightened. (What glad
tidings we bring, along with one we thought lost and gone to us.)
(Do I have many relations?) Acorna asked, though she already knew that she had
been the only youngling born to her parents.
Neeva's silvery neigh filled the room. (Hundreds! But we shall not require you
to meet them all at once.)
(I will want you to meet a few) - Khaari smiled, her eyes sparkling-(a chosen
few of mine.)
Melireenya gave Khaari an affectionate shove. (I am the elder. I shall have
the first chance.)
(Chance for what?) The inferences were beyond Acorna, though she sensed them
in the subtle nuances of the interchange.
(Why, to introduce you to a suitable mate, of course) Neeva said, as if that
should have been obvious. (You are well old enough to need a mate. In fact, I
marvel that you have been able to contain yourself.)
(She has had no one to stimulate that part of her nature yet) Melireenya said.
(Or have you experienced . . . well, unusual sensations at all?) She turned to
the other two females. (It can happen, you know, for someone isolated as she
has been.)
(I ... well)-Acorna bowed her head in confusion-(there have been moments . . .
(Not for much longer, sister-child,) Neeva assured her, and continued to
massage her neck.
(It will have to be for a while longer,) Acorna said regretfully.
(WHY?) all three Linyaari demanded, shocked.
"Well, there are things I must attend to at Maganos. ..."
(Nothing that Rafik fellow cannot handle) remarked Melireenya firmly. (We are
YOUR people. You must first come with us. Then, if there are any problems that
you must indeed deal with yourself, we can return with you.)
Khaari's neigh was closer to a snicker. (And with your life partner.)
(WILL one find me suitable? I've lived so long. . . .) Acorna stopped because
even Melireenya was convulsed in Linyaarish laughter.
(Wait and see, 'Khornya. Wait and see.) Then the other two made excuses of
tasks to be done and Neeva altered the rhythm of her gentle kneading, and,
before Acorna could help herself, she was dozing off.
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It was dawn on the Haven before anyone came looking for her. Calum had finally
deferred to Markel and gone back to the Aca
he lay down. He never thought that Acorna would be anywhere but in her own
quarters. So, when Gill and Rafik came looking for her, and him, to announce
the arrival of Uncle Hafiz, with his voluptuous and veil-swathed Karina, they
were startled and dismayed to find her missing.
"She is here, close by," Karina said through her veil. It wasn't a very thick
gauze, Calum noticed: much more transparent than the silks he'd once been
dressed in for Uncle Hafiz s benefit. It allowed someone to get a glimpse of a
rather attractive face, if much too plump for Cal's taste.
Now Karina gracefully placed her much beringed hand on her forehead.
"Very close." She slowly turned and looked at the Linyaari vessel. "There in
fact. And oh, they're all there. And fast asleep."
"Uncle," Rank said in an undertone, "since when have you followed the outmoded
and barbarous custom of veiling your women?" Only a few years earlier Hafiz
had been shocked and dismayed to find Rafik apparently converted to the
Neo-Hadithians and reverting to the strictures practiced by those who denied
the Second and Third Prophets, keeping women veiled and refusing spirituous
liquors. He had professed great relief to discover that Rank's apparent
conversion to a fundamentalist sect had been only a clever business trick-even
if he had been its victim.
"Since I acquired this pearl without price, my lovely Karina," Hafiz replied
in the same discreet undertone.
"Acquired? Uncle, the last time I looked, slavery was forbidden by the laws of
all known states and federations. Even on Laboue, I do not think you can
legally own a concubine!"
Hafiz put on a disapproving expression. "Nephew, I might take offense did I
not love you so dearly. Karina is my beloved and dearly cherished wife in the
sight of the Three Prophets. We have sworn our vows upon the Three Books."
Rafik's mouth dropped open. "You've married that . . . that pseudopsychic
"Dear boy," his uncle said in a-warning tone that held more than a hint of
steel, "you are speaking of your new aunt. It is a shame to all discerning men
that such a flower of beauty should have been forced to work for a living
instead of reclining upon silken cushions and being fed on marzipan and cream
cakes. Her previous lifestyle," he said grandiloquently, "is unimportant to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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