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carried in for the stove. The injury festered. Neither iodine nor antibiotic
ointment seemed to help. I looked for a bit of splinter but could find
I noticed that I was uncomfortable sitting because of rectal pain, a weird and
disturbing symptom. I had a vague feeling that something distressful had
happened to me, but no clear memory.
In the ensuing days, I experienced more bouts of fatigue. I would be working
and suddenly I would get cold and start to shake. Then I would feel so
exhausted that I could not go on, and crawl into bed quivering and miserable,
sure that I was coming down with the flu.
I took my temperature during one of these experiences and found that it was
96.6 at the outset and 98.8 at the height of the "fever." Afterward it dropped
to 97.0
Nights I would sleep, but wake up in the morning feeling as if I had been
tossing and turning the whole time. I ceased to dream, and sometimes had
difficulty closing my eyes. I
felt watched, and kept hearing noises m the night. Mornings I would wake up
with the feeling that I had been somehow on guard.
My disposition got worse. I became mercurial, frantic with excitement about
some idea one moment, in despair the next. I was suspicious of friends and
family, often openly hostile.
I came to hate telephone calls. I could not concentrate even on light
television programs.
After writing "Pain" I found that I could not sustain enough attention to work
for more than five or ten minutes at a time. An attempt to read
Gerald's Party by Robert Coover left me profoundly confused. I kept reading
and rereading the same few pages. I switched to a less challenging novel, but
it was also totally incomprehensible. I had been reading some sermons of the
thirteenth-century mystical philosopher Meister Eckhart, but this study had to
be abandoned. I could no longer follow my own thinking, let alone that of the
authors who interested me. It was a fearful, haunting discovery.
Page 13
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
On the afternoon of January 3 we were skiing when I got a pain behind my right
ear. It was a sensation similar to what -happens to one's jaw when Novocain
wears off after a session in the dentist's chair. My skull ached and the skin
was sensitive. In the middle of this sensitive area my wife could see a tiny
pinpoint of a scab.
I believe that the combination of the infected finger, the rectal pain, and
the aching head were what finally brought my memories into focus. The confused
swirl resolved into a specific series of recollections, and when I saw what
they were, I just about exploded with terror and utter disbelief.
One of the memories would come into my head, linger there a moment, then leave
me with my heart pounding, gasping, sweat pouring down my face.
I thought that I had lost my mind.
For half of my life I have been engaged in a rigorous and detailed search for
a finer state of consciousness. Now I thought my mind was turning against me,
that my years of eager study of everything from Zen to quantum physics had led
me into some strange and tragic byway of the soul.
As soon as I had them in focus, my memories became perfectly vivid-as vivid,
say, as childhood memories become when one chooses to draw them out of the
mental file where they are hidden. I sat at my desk, trying to make sense of
what could not make sense.
I thought, quietly and calmly, You may be going mad, or you may have o brain
You've gut to find um which it is and take whatever steps are necessary
. And then I rested my head on the desk, and, quite frankly, cried.
For a couple of days I lived with it. Maybe the "symptoms" would subside.
Then, quite suddenly one afternoon, I recalled the smell. Their smell. It came
back to me as clearly as if I had inhaled it not a moment before. More than
anything except discovering that I was not alone with my experience, that
totally real memory saved me from going stark raving mad.
In the first week of January, a local newspaper published accounts of an
object or objects being sighted in our area. This story appeared m the January [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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