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vance taking advantage of the ranked pages found by Google enables
searchers to see possibly relevant pages and then, if the result is not fully
satisfactory, to use their common sense to further fine-tune their query.
The result is the surprising success of syntactic search.
3 Personal communication. Chart 1 shows, in percent of pages viewed
daily how much Wikipedia is actually gaining on Google. Source: http:/
google.com&site1=wikipedia.com&y=r&z=3&h=400&w= 700 &range
4  Internet Opens Elite Colleges to All, Justin Popoe, Associated Press,
December 29, 2007. Printed by The Washington Post, and The Herald Tribune,
among others.
5 Ibid.
6  The iPod Lecture Circuit Michelle Quin, Los Angeles Times, November 24,
7 ABC World News with Charlie Gibson, Saturday March 22, 2008.
8 Michelle Quinn.
9 K. Chang,  Science Times , The New York Times, September 12, 2000. It
is typical of the field that the situation hasn t changed in the decade
since that report.
10 C. Thompson,  Being There , Fortune Magazine, Special Issue on the Future
of the Internet, 142: 8, October 2000, p. 236.
11 National Public Radio, Talk of the Nation, February 29, 2000.
12 H. Rheingold, The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier,
rev. edn, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2000.
13 Ibid., pp. 375, 376.
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid., p. 379.
16 Ibid., p. 382.
17 Ibid., p. 384.
18 Ibid.
19 Andrea L. Foster,  Professor Avatar , The Chronicle of Higher Education:
Information Technology, September 21, 2007.
20 This might well be a case of the Hawthorn effect  a famous study
that showed that changing the light in a factory from incandescent to
fluorescent increased productivity, but so did changing it back.
21 F. Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra, trans. W. Kaufmann, New York, Viking
Press, 1966, p. 34.
aesthetic sphere 80 2, 86, 139 144; sense of reality 7, 69, 94,
agora, electronic 138 9 123, 125, 137; skill acquisition
American Federation of Teachers 125; trust 68 9, 70, 121
26, 33 Blakeslee, Sandra 114
apprenticeship 7, 27, 37 40, 47, blogging 78
62, 67, 122, 128, 150 Borgmann, Albert 107, 110
Aristotle 11 Burke, Edmund 74, 75, 77 8
Artificial Intelligence (AI):
commonsense knowledge 17, Canny, John 56
20; natural language 16; Carnegie-Mellon University 2 3,
relevance 16 17, 20 50
Augustine, Saint 51 Cartesian view 110 13, 116,
118 20
babies 45 6, 69, 70 1 Castronova, Edward 92 3
Barlow, John Perry 4 chat rooms 81, 87
Benner, Patricia 32 choice 83 4
Bell, Alexander Graham 1 Christianity 6, 73, 157
Brewer, Eric 51 classification schemes 11
Blair, David 14, 58 60 classroom: interaction 57 61; risk-
body: affirmation as self 140; taking 57, 122, 125 8; skill
Cartesian view 53; acquisition 32, 39, 40, 46, 49,
disembodiment 3; embodied 57, 125; technology 26, 130 1
capacities 121; embodied commitment(s) 7, 84, 85 7, 102;
commonsense understanding unconditional 86 7, 88, 120;
20; Forster s vision 49, 68; virtual 7, 81, 139
freedom from 6; Merleau- commonsense 17, 20, 46
Ponty on vi; Nietzsche s view vi, communities, virtual 138 9
5 6, 144; Platonic view 5, 123 5, CYC 17 19
data retrieval (DR): information Habermas, Jürgen 73, 74, 75, 78
retrieval (IR) distinguished Hacking, Ian 52
14 16 Haugeland, John 32
Deep Blue 151 Hawking, Stephen 98
Dertouzos, Michael 9, 19 Heidegger, Martin 21, 96, 98,
Descartes, René 32, 52 4, 67 106 7, 110, 116 17
Dewey decimal system 21 Hundt, Reed 28 31, 33, 48 9, 63
Dewey, John 53 hyperlinks: Google 127, 128;
distance learning: education 25 48; hyperlinked culture 13;
podcast world 128 33; information retrieval (IR) 9 24;
telepresence 49 71; see also interconnection 11 12
document retrieval 15
information highway: nihilism
Dye, Nancy 26, 33
72 88
Dylan, Bob 72, 79
information retrieval (IR): AI see
Dyson, Esther 5
Artificial Intelligence;
classification 11; data retrieval
Edison, Thomas 25 (DR) distinguished 14 16;
education: distance learning 25 48; hyperlinks 9 24; pessimism
face-to-face engagement 26 7; 9 10; relevance 12, 125 8;
see also learning specific content 15
Enlightenment 74 6, 78, 88 intercorporeality 58
ethical sphere 83 4, 106 interest groups 78, 84, 87
Extropians 1, 5, 6, 57, 93 isolation, sense of 2 3, 51, 69,
existentialism: Second Life 96 8 101 2
information technology: education
Ford, Henry 1
inner life 51 2
Forster, E.M. 49, 68
interconnection: flexibility 2;
Forster, E.M. 50, 70
hyperlinks 11 12
Galileo 52
James, William 53
Gallese, Vittorio 114 15
Judge William 83 5
Goldberg, Ken 53, 134, 135
Goldhaber, Nat 103 4
Google: hyperlinks 127, 128; Kant, Immanuel 84
PageRank 23; syntactic searches Kierkegaard, Soren 72 88, 103,
22 4, 126 106, 123, 137, 139
Kurzweil, Ray 4 Perlman, Itzak 98
Pew Foundation 9
Plato 5, 6, 92 3, 106
Lamb, Barry 66 7
postmodern self 81
learning: advanced beginners
press 74, 76, 78, 81, 89
28 30; competence 30 4;
primordial belief: reality 55 6
cultural style 45 6; expertise
public sphere 74 7, 89, 103, 106
35 40; mastery 40 6; novice
reality 7, 71 2, 90, 91, 93 4
stage 27 8; proficiency 34 5;
telepresence 57; universities
57 8 reflection/commitment 136 41
lectures 32 3, 39, 49, 91, 97 8 relevance: Artificial Intelligence
Lenat, Douglas 17 18, 20 (AI) 16 17, 20; information
Levenson, William 25 retrieval (IR) 12, 125 8
libraries: old library culture 12, 13 Rheingold, Howard 138 41
Rios, Gordon 24, 95
robots: context-independent
Mars Sojourner 54
communication 56 7; robot
meaning: absent sources 105 19
control 53 4, 57
Media Lab 100 1
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 98
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 54 5, 57,
Rosedale, Philip 89, 92, 99
58, 64, 70, 113 14
Mill, John Stuart 74
Moravec 4, 46
Sartre, Jean-Paul 122
More, Max 1, 5
St Ambrose 51
National Public Radio survey 102
search engines: indexes 15;
Net surfing 81, 83, 87
syntactic 20 4
Nietzsche, Friedrich 1, 5 6, 72, 96,
Second Life: absent sources of
102 3, 106, 144
meaning 105 19; alternative
nihilism: anonymity/commitment
way of life 98 101; alternative
72 88
world 95 6; artistic creation
Nye, Joseph 6
93 4; avatars 7, 90, 98, 111 15,
117 19, 141 4; bold
Page, Larry 21 experimentation/unconditional
Pascal, Blaise 96 8 commitment 102 5; building a
Paulos, Eric 57 world 91 1; business ventures
perception: indeterminacy 55 90 1; enchantment 92 3;
Perelman, Lewis J. 25 existentialist critique 96 8; game
91; irresistible alternative culture Tocqueville, Alexis de 74
6; myths of meaning 89 120; trust 69 71, 121
new friends 94 5; risk Turkle, Sherry 81 2
discouraged 102 5; safe
experimentation 98 101 university teaching 57, 58
simulators 43, 85, 86
skills, acquiring 7, 32, 49, 93 4, virtual communities 139 140
120; see also learning stages
Skinner, B.F. 25 virtual embodiment: myths of
social/psychological impacts meaning 89 120
2 3
Socrates 5 Webcams 133, 135
Stanford study 50, 136 Web crawlers 20
Star Trek 95, 97 Websites 14, 77, 87, 126 7
Stephenson, Neal, Snow Crash 91, Wittgenstein, Ludwig 39
111 World Wide Web 78, 88, 121, 133,
style, cultural 45 6 136, 137, 141
Swanson, Don 19, 31, 126
syntactic searches 22 4, 126 Weber, Max 92
Wikipedia 127
teleconferencing 56, 133 Winograd, Terry 21, 22
Telegarden 53, 134 Woolf, Virginia 108 9
Teilhard de Chardin 156 writing 124 5
Tele-Actors 135, 136
telepresence: remoteness of real Yeats, William Butler 4
49 71, 133 6 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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