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eagles  farewell wherever you fare! 
They begged him not to leave them. They offered him dragon-gold and silver and jewels,
but he would not change his mind.  We shall see, we shall see! he said,  and I think I have
earned already some of your dragon-gold when you have got it.
After that they stopped pleading. Then they took off their clothes and bathed in the river,
which was shallow and clear and stony at the ford. When they had dried in the sun, which
was now strong and warm, they were refreshed, if still sore and a little hungry. Soon they
crossed the ford (carrying the hobbit), and then began to march through the long green grass
and down the lines of the wide-armed oaks and the tall elms.
 And why is it called the Carrock? asked Bilbo as he went along at the wizard s side.
 He called it the Carrock, because carrock is his word for it. He calls things like that car-
rocks, and this one is the Carrock because it is the only one near his home and he knows it
 Who calls it? Who knows it?
 The Somebody I spoke of a very great person. You must all be very polite when I intro-
duce you. I shall introduce you slowly, two by two, I think; and you must be careful not to an-
noy him, or heaven knows what will happen. He can be appalling when he is angry, though he
is kind enough if humoured. Still I warn you he gets angry easily.
The dwarves all gathered round when they heard the wizard talking like this to Bilbo.  Is
that the person you are taking us to now? they asked.  Couldn t you find someone more
easy-tempered? Hadn t you better explain it all a bit clearer?  and so on.
 Yes it certainly is! No I could not! And I was explaining very carefully, answered the wiz-
ard crossly.  If you must know more, his name is Beorn. He is very strong, and he is a skin-
 What! a furrier, a man that calls rabbits conies, when he doesn t turn their skins into squir-
rels? asked Bilbo.
 Good gracious heavens, no, no, NO, NO! said Gandalf.  Don t be a fool Mr. Baggins if
you can help it; and in the name of all wonder don t mention the word furrier again as long as
you are within a hundred miles of his house, nor rug, cape, tippet, muff, nor any other such
unfortunate word! He is a skin-changer. He changes his skin: sometimes he is a huge black
bear, sometimes he is a great strong black-haired man with huge arms and a great beard. I
cannot tell you much more, though that ought to be enough. Some say that he is a bear des-
cended from the great and ancient bears of the mountains that lived there before the giants
came. Others say that he is a man descended from the first men who lived before Smaug or
the other dragons came into this part of the world, and before the goblins came into the hills
out of the North. I cannot say, though I fancy the last is the true tale. He is not the sort of per-
son to ask questions of.
 At any rate he is under no enchantment but his own. He lives in an oak-wood and has a
great wooden house; and as a man he keeps cattle and horses which are nearly as marvel-
lous as himself. They work for him and talk to him. He does not eat them; neither does he
hunt or eat wild animals. He keeps hives and hives of great fierce bees, and lives most on
cream and honey. As a bear he ranges far and wide. I once saw him sitting all alone on the
top of the Carrock at night watching the moon sinking towards the Misty Mountains, and I
heard him growl in the tongue of bears:  The day will come when they will perish and I shall
go back! That is why I believe he once came from the mountains himself.
Bilbo and the dwarves had now plenty to think about, and they asked no more questions.
They still had a long way to walk before them. Up slope and down dale they plodded. It grew
very hot. Sometimes they rested under the trees, and then Bilbo felt so hungry that he would
have eaten acorns, if any had been ripe enough yet to have fallen to the ground.
It was the middle of the afternoon before they noticed that great patches of flowers had
begun to spring up, all the same kinds growing together as if they had been planted. Espe-
cially there was clover, waving patches of cockscomb clover, and purple clover, and wide
stretches of short white sweet honey-smelling clover. There was a buzzing and a whirring and
a droning in the air. Bees were busy everywhere. And such bees! Bilbo had never seen any-
thing like them.
 If one was to sting me, he thought,  I should swell up as big again as I am!
They were bigger than hornets. The drones were bigger than your thumb, a good deal,
and the bands of yellow on their deep black bodies shone like fiery gold.
 We are getting near, said Gandalf.  We are on the edge of his bee-pastures.
After a while they came to a belt of tall and very ancient oaks, and beyond these to a high
thorn-hedge through which you could neither see nor scramble.
 You had better wait here, said the wizard to the dwarves;  and when I call or whistle be-
gin to come after me you will see the way I go but only in pairs, mind, about five minutes
between each pair of you. Bombur is fattest and will do for two, he had better come alone and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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