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Dubell's attention had gone back to Kade; his expression was worried. As well
it might be, Thomas thought. Had the golem been activated by a confederate of
Grandier's or by Kade herself? "Did she tell you why she wanted an audience
with Roland?" Thomas asked.
"No." Dubell was silent a moment. "Her abilities here, in the mortal world,
are not as great as when she is in Fayre, and it is difficult to fatally wound
her with anything other than a weapon of iron, but... It appeared the creature
was attacking her?"
"Yes," Thomas admitted.
"I hope so, for all our sakes."
The door to the solarium opened and one of the stewards emerged, looking
harried and somewhat the worse for wear. He hesitated, then approached Thomas
and Renier. He said, "His Majesty will see the sorceress now."
Thomas said, "Good. Go and tell her."
The steward blanched visibly.
"All right, all right."
As Thomas approached she looked up, a strange creature not at all like the
child he barely remembered, or the fifteen-year-old girl in the portrait. He
said, "His Majesty will see you now."
"Will he?"
"And I thought he'd be so glad to see me he'd have run out into my arms long
before this." There was a bitterness underneath the light irony in her voice.
"You were mistaken."
"I suppose." She shrugged, abandoning repartee with a disconcerting
Thomas turned and walked back toward the solarium's door without looking to
see if she followed.
After a moment she caught up with him. "This isn't turning out right at all,"
she muttered.
"Oh? Who did you plan for the Arlequin to kill?"
"You don't really believe that. And I don't know who sent tt so you won't find
out from me. Oh, was I supposed to pale and let something slip at that point?
I'm sorry, I was thinking of something else."
Thomas didn't slam the door of the solar open with any more force than
necessary, and bowed her in with elaborate courtesy.
The old solar wasn't used much, and the three huge windows covering the
farthest wall had already been shuttered by painted panels in preparation for
winter. The scene on the panels was a lurid traditional hunting landscape,
subtly at odds with the other paintings on the oak-sheathed walls, the
hangings of brocaded satin and striped silk, and the delicately carved
furniture. Thomas remembered that this room was one of those that had been
redecorated after the death of Roland's father; the painted panels reflected
the old" king's taste, and had probably been left unaltered by mistake. He
thought Ravenna might have chosen the room for that rather than its
convenience to the gallery.
Roland was slumped in his chair in a sulk, Denzil seated beside him. Falaise's
face was still a little reddened under the powder, as if she had been weeping
from anger rather than hysteria. She had chestnut hair and blue eyes, and her
natural prettiness had been transformed by her coiffure and costume into
fashionable beauty. She wore a blue gown trimmed with gold ribbons and seed
pearls, and against the somber colors of the rest of the room she looked like
an orchid thrown into a dirty alley. Ravenna was the only one who appeared
calm. Her hands were busy on her embroidery and she didn't look up at their
There was a stiff silence in the room and the dregs of a bitter argument lay
heavy in the air.
Thomas realized it was his duty to announce Kade, the steward having
apparently seized the opportunity to escape. Sensing that calling her "the
evil fay sorceress" would probably please her no end, he said,"The Princess
Katherine Fon-tainon," then moved to take his place at Ravenna's side.
Kade's fair skin made her helpless against a sudden blush.
Ravenna looked up and said, "How lovely to see you again, dear child."
Kade curtsied in what had to be an intentionally graceless fashion. "I'm sure
it's just as lovely for you as it is for me, stepmother."
"I'm not your stepmother, dear. Your mother did not bother with the travesty
of marriage with your father, and it would hardly have served the purpose if
she had, because he was already my husband at the time. You know this, but it
seems to please you to hear me repeat it."
In a whisper plainly audible to the rest of the room, Denzil said to Roland,
"Cousin, diis is all too dull."
Ravenna snapped, "Roland, send him away. This is private."
Roland glared. "I could ask you to send your paramour away too, mother."
In the ensuing moment of silence, Kade snickered.
Thomas glanced briefly heavenward. Denzil looked at Roland in irritation as
the implication in the unfortunate phrasing of the King's retort sunk in.
Realizing what he'd said and reddening faintly, Roland continued defiantly,
"This is a family matter and he is the only one of my family who is truly fond
of me."
"What a sad thought," Kade added helpfully. "Sad, but true."
Roland stared at her, meeting her eyes for the first time since she had
entered the room. "What do you want here?"
Kade ignored the question. She looked to Ravenna, who had gone back to her
embroidery. After a moment the Dowager Queen said, "And how is your dear
mother, child?" as if her prepared greeting had never been interrupted.
Ravenna's expression was as polite as a judge passing sentence; Kade looked
ironic and amused. "She's in Hell," she said.
"Wishful thinking, certainly."
"Oh, no, she really is. We saw her go. She lost a wager."
"My condolences," the Dowager said dryly, as the rest of the room digested
that. Kade had just reminded them all of her strangeness, and Ravenna had
taken the point. "Now tell us why you've come here in this unseemly fashion,
as an actress of all things, bringing an enemy with you and disturbing our
"What are you more worried about, that I brought you a battle or that I was
with an acting troupe? Never mind. I have quite a few enemies; I can't help it
if they follow me about. As to why I'm here . . ." She paced a few steps, not
looking at them, hands clasped behind her back and the dingy lace of her
petticoats swirling around her feet. "I just wanted to see my family, and my
dear younger brother."
The slight emphasis on the word "younger" made Roland sit up and flush.
Kade looked from Ravenna to Roland, her gray eyes passing over the quietly
watching Falaise.
This isn't turning out right at all, she had said outside, Thomas remembered.
"I want to make an agreement with you," Kade said.
"Was it agreement you wanted when you sent my court those cursed gifts?"
Roland demanded. "How many of us have you tried to kill?"
"Then there's the death of King Fulstan," Denzil added helpfully, before Kade
could answer. "His illness was very sudden, was it not?"
"I see no point in resurrecting either the dead, or the rumors of years past." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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