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had resisted her every attempt to comprehend it. She was always too honest
to engage in a purely mechanical exercise, and so when faced with the
mechanical exercise of choosing a glyph to act as her mark of certification,
she could not do it.
Without a mastermark she could not be a mastersmith. So Karis never
opened a smithy of her own, and never took apprentices, and never went to
stand behind her work at major fairs, and never dressed in silk or soaked
her hands to leach out the soot ground into her skin. She kept working
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where she was, and her old master paid her five times an apprentice s wage
to keep her from going somewhere else.
When the word got out in early winter that she was making a blade, the
work of Meartown practically came to a standstill, as the mastersmiths of
Meartown sent all their best apprentices to learn Karis s secret.
Metalsmithing, a dramatic and dangerous profession, was never practiced
in solitude, especially not in Meartown. But Karis would rather have made
Zanja s blades in private, for she engaged in a private conversation as she
shaped them. She could have made a model of Zanja s right hand, including
the blood vessels and the nerve endings, but to fit the blade to the hand was
the easy part; it was the less tangible matters that preoccupied Karis to the
point that she forgot her rapt audience and lost all track of time. She had
never seen Zanja in her strength. Forging a blade to match Zanja s fighting
style when Karis s only information came from an intimate knowledge of
Zanja s wasted muscles and compact skeletal structure was a matter of the
purest kind of speculation.
People fight the way they talk, Norina had said once, and so Karis made a
blade for a gracious and graceful fighter whose manners were the velvet that
covered the steel. Zanja would win by talent and persistence, not by power,
so Karis gave the blade an edge that would slip m and out on the moment of
inspiration and be gone before the recipient of that moment could know
that he was dead. It was indeed an artist s blade, and that worried Karis. She
realized as she forged it that if Zanja fought the way she talked she didn t
belong in a war at all.
Karis loved the work of making the dagger and its companion knife, but
hated the aftermath. A half dozen people were injured trying to imitate her
methods, and many others demanded that she show them again how to do
one thing or another, and explain it this time. She couldn t have explained
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what she was doing even if she had been willing to do the demonstration.
For a while her relationships with nearly half the townsfolk were in
disarray, and various people had to go around reminding other people that
she wasn t like the rest of them.
Later, when the blades had been delivered, Norina admitted that when
Zanja unwrapped them she had nearly been in tears. She admitted that
Zanja fought as if she were dancing, and that it was a beautiful but not
completely impractical performance.
Now, with the spring mud season not even half over, Norina had come to
visit. Her face was familiar in Meartown, and the people there at least
vaguely understood her role as Karis s protector. The rain prevented them
from walking the barren heath as they usually did, so Karis left the forge to
spend the day in a tavern instead, and the metalsmiths who constantly
sought her advice soon began to find her there. After one of these
interruptions during which Karis solved a problem with a new kind of door
latch that the smith was inventing, Norina commented,  Meartown s
reputation has become practically legendary in the last ten years. While the
people of this town conspire to maintain you in obscurity, the entire town
has become notorious instead.
Karis pushed away the remains of a meat pie Norina had made her eat.  For
years you have been congratulating yourself for your cleverness at hiding
me here,  one talented artisan among many. 
Norina made a face at hearing her own words quoted back at her.  Well, this
year I am less pleased with myself. Perhaps the Sainnites will never come
here looking for an earth witch to slaughter, but surely they must be
desperate to eliminate the metalsmiths that supply the Paladins with their
fine weaponry. With Meartown so famous, how could the Sainnites not
know where those weapons are coming from? They will come, Karis, and
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when they do, I fear you will not flee.
 And leave Meartown to face its attackers without me? Of course I will not
Norina sighed.  So I was not so clever as I thought. Now, Karis 
 Don t waste your breath. I can already recite your arguments in my sleep.
These people have been loyal to me.
 They admire and rely upon your skill, but would they die for you?
 Why should they? Karis asked.
Karis glared at Norina, exasperated.  Well then, Meartown will have to rely
on the Paladins, as we always have, to keep the Sainnites away.
 Do you know what lies between Meartown and the Sainnites?
Karis said,  A couple of rivers, a small mountain range . . .
 And fifty farmers who think they can fight.
 And two fire bloods, Karis said, for Norina had told her earlier that Zanja s
new commander was also a fire blood.
 And what s that worth? Zanja may be a fire blood, but she never won a
single blade match against me. She added, grudgingly,  I suppose that
Paladin commander might prove more difficult to defeat, despite his game
 You re awfully surly, Karis said.
 I m pregnant.
 I noticed.
 It s your fault! J han and I have been lovers for years, but the one night you
sleep under my roof. . .
Karis began to laugh. She couldn t help herself. Norina glared at her.  I want
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neither a child nor a husband, and I intended to get an abortion.
 Yet here you sit with your belly swelling. It s too late for an abortion now.
 J han wants the child.
Norina s blunt, strong fingers tapped the tabletop. It was rare for her to
betray any sign of upset, and Karis looked into her face more closely than
usual. This was her friend, reliable as steel but much less pliable. It must
have been a stunning moment when Norina decided to bear the child for her
lover s sake; Karis regretted that she had missed it.
 How can I make amends? Shall I give you a painless birth?
 I don t know a better midwife than you. But J han wants to be with me. I ll
go to my sister s house when the time comes, so she can foster the child. Her
youngest will be just about due for weaning, and I have already written [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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