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He didn't take a bearing on the smoke. There was no point. He had complete confidence in his own sense
of direction and knew that he could lead the others toward the fire as soon as he had descended the
mysterious little trail.
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RYAN HAD BEEN WALKING down the track for only a couple of minutes when he had the odd but
unmistakable sensation that someone, or something, was watching him.
There was the familiar prickling at the back of the neck, and his hand was reaching for the butt of the SIG-
Sauer before he was fully aware what was happening.
The air seemed still and heavy, but a quick look all around showed him nothing.
He began to holster the blaster again when his acute hearing caught a strange, almost metallic clicking,
like a safety being repeatedly snapped on and off.
And he finally saw the creature that had made the narrow, twisting path.
Chapter Nine
There were two of them, straddling the trail, facing in his direction about a dozen paces away.
Ryan was able to spot a crumbling opening in the dirt to the side, which he imagined had to be their lair.
Probably they had been sensitive to the vibrations of his feet as he passed by on his way to the
observation tower and had come creeping out to discover what was happening.
They were insects.
But the larger of them was close to two feet in length, the other a couple of inches shorter. Ryan's first
guess had them as some kind of centipede, as they were low to the ground and each had dozens of narrow
legs that moved in a strange wavelike motion. Their skins were polished, like green brass, glittering
brightly, the scales shifting as they moved nervously from side to side, long antennae quivering above
razored jaws.
Ryan had seen similar mutated creatures elsewhere in Deathlands, often in regions that had suffered badly
from intensive nuking.
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Some of them sometimes squirted blinding or poisonous fluids from glands beneath the throat, and he
backed away a few steps, looking for a possible way around them.
But as Ryan glanced sideways, he spotted four more of the hideous, scuttling insects as they emerged
dustily from their concealed burrows. And he realized with a thrill of horror that the whole hillside was
undermined by the mutie creatures. There could be dozens of them. Or hundreds.
KRYSTY WAS LYING near the water's edge, dozing in the sudden warm glow of sunshine. Doc was
snoring softly to her right. J.B. and Mildred had gone off together about a quarter-hour earlier and
vanished into the fringes of the forest. Jak was sitting down on the shingled beach, picking through the
rocks until he found perfectly round and smooth stones, which he would flip with a sharp underarm
whiplash at the still water, counting the bounces.
"Sixteen!" he said triumphantly.
Krysty sat up suddenly, her head turning toward the invisible top of the hill. "Ryan," she whispered, then
stood and called to the others. "It's Ryan! He's in trouble."
RUN OR FIGHT. When it came down to it, as the Trader used to say, life in Deathlands often left you
with a rapid choice of one of those two options.
The morning was flooded with a metallic chittering sound as the insects rubbed their antennae together
and clacked their fearsome jaws. Now Ryan could count upward of fifty, creeping forward in their odd
sidling motion, surrounding him, though none of them seemed to want to come too close.
He leveled the SIG-Sauer and shot the biggest one, carefully placing the 9 mm round an inch or so behind
the turning head. It ripped through the carapace, nearly cutting the thing in two. But its legs continued to
move, propelling it slowly toward Ryan.
The others had stopped for a moment at the thunder of the shot, their angular skulls swiveling toward the
mortally wounded insect.
"Go get it," Ryan whispered encouragingly. "Fresh meat for you all."
A sticky turquoise liquid was seeping from the bullet wound. The powerful handblaster would have
stopped a man dead in his tracks, but the insect still seemed to be functioning, ignoring the leaking hole in
its body.
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He fired quickly, two more shots, taking another couple of the mutie centipedes out of the game, blowing
the head clean off the first of them, breaking the body of the second in two. This time some of the others
scuttled sinuously toward their stricken comrades and began to devour the twitching, oozing corpses.
But the noise seemed to have stirred up the whole mountain, and Ryan was forced to move before he was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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