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Dlands 37- Demons of Eden
"Who is the current holder of that title?" Ryan asked.
Joe's face darkened a bit with anger and sorrow. "That is the cause of this
conflict, Ochinee. The last Guardian was a shaman named Towasi. I was his
student. He had no son, so I proved myself worthy of his mantle by going out
into the world and destroying all the remains of the predark evil. I was on
that path when you met me. When I returned to Ti-Ra'-Wa, I learned that Towasi
had died, without officially passing on his knowledge or title."
"You said he had no son," Krysty said. "He had no other children?"
"One. You met her, Ochinee, that night in Amicus."
Joe nodded grimly. "She has no more knowledge of how to enter the cavern
safely and manipulate the energies there than I, but she claims the title.
Over a period of months the people of Ti-Ra'-Wa broke into factions. The
brotherhood of Cavern Keepers, of which I
am a ranking chief, seized this, the main village. Sisoka organized our
military, the Wolf
Soldiers, and settled some miles from here, around the entrance to the cave."
Ryan sighed, shook his head. The story of Ti-Ra'-Wa seemed too incredible to
believe, almost like stories he had read in books as a child, back at Front
Royal. A long-hidden valley, holding the relics of an ancient civilization in
North America, a valley from which all Native peoples, all life itself, had
sprung, a valley where wild beasts were on the same footing as humankind.
"Surely," Doc said, "there is more to this conflict than a mere disagreement
over who is the rightful heir to a largely meaningless title."
"Meaningless?" Joe repeated scornfully. "Perhaps it seems so to you, but
whoever holds the title of Guardian holds the future of the world."
Mildred blinked in surprise. "I don't understand."
With an almost fanatical intensity, Joe whispered, "The energies pent up in
the cavern are the same as that which were released at the moment of creation,
when this planet, perhaps the entire universe exploded into existence. My
ancestors tended to these energies, worshiped them, knew how to manipulate
them to various degrees. You've seen evidence
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Dlands 37- Demons of Eden of that, and the use of these energies helped
Ti-Ra'-Wa stay hidden for so many centuries.
I and my brotherhood wish to manipulate those same energies again, to use them
as they were used aeons ago to reshape, to remold, to heal the Earth."
Everyone stared at Joe in shock. He was evidently accustomed to such
incredulous reactions to his pronouncement, because he continued speaking
quickly, giving no one time to interpose a question about his smity or lack
"The world is an abomination," he said, "populated with unnatural monsters and
spiritually dark people. The waters are poisoned, the sky full of deadly gases
and radiation. All that can be reversed, Sisoka and her faction say my dream
is only a power mad ambition, that I am tampering with the natural order. I
say the natural order has already been tampered with. It's been turned upside
down, and it must be set right. The future of Grandmother Earth is at stake
here, the future of humanity itself. Can we turn our backs on our Grandmother
without turning our backs on the high laws themselves?"
Shaking his head vehemently, black tresses flying, Joe answered his own
question. "No, we cannot. Not when we have the means and power to transform
Deathlands into a mirror image of Ti-Ra'-Wa!"
Despite his growing doubt and suspicion, Ryan couldn't help but feel sympathy
for Joe's burning passion. It was a wonderful dream, to turn the clock back,
to transform the horror of this world into an Eden and vanquish all the demons
spawned by the skydark. He also realized the magnetic power of the man, the
innate leadership that had enabled him to overcome his followers' fears of
breaking tribal tradition.
"Sisoka and the Wolf Soldiers do not agree with your ambition?" Doc asked.
"Not in practice. We used to talk about it, she and I, at night " Joe broke
off, and his eyes reflected a painful memory. "Sisoka believes that the
energies are holy, the life source, the heart of Grandmother Earth. To
manipulate them, even for a good cause, is arrogance, blasphemy. She fears
that mortals cannot hope to command such power without incurring devastating
"The cure might be worse than the disease?" Mildred commented with a rueful
"Such is her fear. I maintain that this valley is living evidence the energies
can be manipulated successfully, beneficially."
Jak shuddered. "Crazy talk gives me creeps."
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Dlands 37- Demons of Eden
Seating his spectacles more comfortably on his nose, J.B. asked, "So what do
you want us to do, Joe? Go over to the lair of the Wolf Soldiers and chill
them all, the ones on two and four legs both?"
Joe looked dismayed and even a little shocked. "I don't want to exterminate
them. It's simply that they must allow the Cavern Keepers to fulfill our
purpose and duties and the ancient vow to Ah-badt-dadt-deah. However, I'm not
ruling out any course of action."
J.B.'s practical mind zeroed in on tactics. "How much of this valley do you
Keepers hold?"
"Only this southern quarter, and a few other places near the river."
"How long have you been at war?" Krysty asked.
"We've been observing an armed truce, at least until last night. But now blood
has been spilled, and that means they're willing to kill to prevent us from
entering the cavern. That means we must do the same. Sisoka must have followed
me to Amicus to block my attempt to recruit you. She failed when she failed to
kill you, Ochinee, and they failed last night. Now, though I regret it, open
warfare begins."
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"How many people live in this valley?" J.B. asked.
"A little over a thousand. My faction is in the minority. Only my blaster
tipped the scales and allowed us to drive away the Wolf Soldiers and occupy
the city. However, we can't put more than three hundred warriors into the
field. The Wolf Soldiers not only outnumber us in manpower, but they have an
equal number of wolves as allies."
"Pretty stiff odds," said J.B. "But if you drove them away with one blaster, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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