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world's oceans. Even so, few were taking any chances. Those who had water
guarded it by whatever means available, while those without it used whatever
force was necessary to get it. Wealthy neighborhoods where swimming pools were
common became war zones as those less fortunate tried to relieve the residents
of their liquid assets.
There were, of course, many areas of the world where things like swimming
pools and refrigerators and crock pots and flush toilets were unknown  the
lesser developed areas of Asia, South America, Africa, and India. In those
areas people and animals withered from dehydration after only a few days.
Those who had taken the communion lasted longer than those who had not, but
ultimately the lack of water took its toll and tens of millions died. As much
as possible, the U.N. attempted to send water to such places, but the supply
was extremely limited and distribution unreliable.
6:30 P.M., Thursday, June 25, 4 N.A. (2026 A.D.)  Derwood, Maryland
George Rollins dug through rakes, shovels, saws, hedge trimmers, and various
and sundry other tools and gadgets in his shed looking for something he could
use to pry open a door. But George
Rollins had never been much for keeping his tools in order, nor did he have
the patience to keep looking, so when he found a combination hatchet and
hammer, he altered his plan of entry and decided the hatchet was just what he
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Steadfast 225
Climbing back over his old lawnmower which hadn't worked in three years but
which he planned to get around to working on someday, he called to his son,
George, Jr. "Take these two buckets," he said, handing his son two plastic
pails with dried paint in the bottom.
"Are you going to chop the door down?" George, Jr. asked, looking at the
hatchet in his father's hand.
"Not if I can help it," his father answered. "Let's see if we can find a
window that's not locked.
If not, then we'll either break a window or try to break the door open at the
"What if somebody's home?" the younger asked. It was a silly question;
everybody in the neighborhood knew that no one lived there. Still, the idea of
breaking into someone's house was a bit unnerving to a ten-year-old.
"We've lived here three years and no one has ever been in that house. We'll
just go in and, if the water is okay in the toilet tanks, then we'll bail it
into the buckets and bring it back home.
It's probably been in there for years so we'll want to boil it before we can
drink it."
"What if the police come?"
"George, as busy as the police are, they're not going to bother us," the
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father answered reassuringly. "All we're doing is trying to get a little
water. No one can blame us for that.
Besides, if we don't take it somebody else will. We just thought of it first."
Arriving at the house, George, Sr. added, "Let's start in the back. We don't
want anybody knowing what we're up to or they'll want some of the water for
They tried the sliding glass door to the dining room first but without
success. Next they tried the windows but they were all locked. Though the
curtains were all pulled, George Rollins knew the floor plan of the house
well; it was the exact reverse of his own house. There was only one more place
to try in the back of the house and that was the door that led into what in
the Rollins home was the media room.
"Look, Dad," George, Jr. said, as he pointed to a set of three grave stones.
226 Acts of God
"Yeah," his father replied. "They probably died in the Disaster."
George, Jr. responded with a puzzled look, having never heard of the event.
"I'll tell you about it sometime," the elder said. "It happened before you
were born."
George, Jr. got to the door before his father and tried it. To his surprise it
slid open about an inch, but then stopped. "Let me try," George, Sr. said, as
he stepped in front of his son and tried to jiggle it loose. It wouldn't
budge. "Ah, here's the problem," he said, pointing through the glass. "There's
a cut-off broomstick laid in the track to keep the door from opening, but it's
in there crooked. I think if I can just shove it hard enough, that it will. .
. ugh!" he said as the door slid open.
"Yay!" the son cheered at his father's success.
Suddenly the curtains that hung across the doorway were thrown open, revealing
an old man in his seventies. He was holding a shotgun. "What do you want?" he
demanded, pointing the gun in George
Rollins' face. Bandages hung loose about him. George, Jr., had not yet reached
twelve years old, the age of majority, and therefore did not have the mark and
the resultant sores, but he was certainly used to seeing grownups and
teenagers with bandages over their sores. Somehow though, the bandages seemed
to add terror to the old man's appearance.
Instinctively throwing his hands skyward in a sign of surrender, George, Sr.
tried to answer. "I'm sorry! We ... we didn't think anybody lived here!"
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