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As he looked to the northwest, he sensed something, a use of Talent that
wasn t normal. He hurried toward the squares where the pteridons were hosted,
hoping either Quelyt or Falyna was there.
Falyna stepped forward as she saw the colonel approaching.  Sir? Something
 I don t know. Are you ready to fly? With a passenger?
 Yes, sir. We re the duty, such as it is 
 Good. Let s go. Head for where we found that ancient tunnel.
 Yes, sir.
Dainyl didn t feel like explaining. How could he? He couldn t afford to reveal
that he was following a Talent-trace, not when he d been careful to hide that
he had any significant Talent besides shielding. While that had been true many
years before& it wasn t now, and he didn t want to lose the advantage of being
underestimated in that fashion, especially not after Tyanylt s death and what
he had discovered so far in Dramur. Nothing known to more than two people, and
sometimes not even that, remained secret from the High Alector of Justice.
After Falyna mounted the pteridon, Dainyl followed, settling himself into the
silver saddle behind her.
With a spring and a burst of Talent, the pteridon spread its wings and leapt
into the sky, headed eastward into the prevailing wind. Within moments, taking
advantage of the thermals over the wanner water off the coast, Falyna and the
pteridon were high enough that Dramuria looked like a toy village below. Then
the Myrmidon turned the pteridon to the northwest and continued climbing as
they headed toward the peak of the ancients.
With the air so chill, the pteridon could climb higher, but the cold seeped
through the insulating fabric of Dainyl s uniform and even through the flying
Falyna looked back at the colonel.  Straight to the peak, sir? You want me to
set down there, like before?
 Circle it, first. I ll let you know. Keep your lance ready when we get near.
 Yes, sir.
Abruptly, the pteridon dropped a good fifty yards, then began to climb again.
Dainyl looked down to his left as they drew abreast of the mining complex, but
he could feel no Talent being used there, although he could make out a column
of miners entering the mining compound. How many more would vanish today? And
He forced his attention to the terrain ahead.
As they drew nearer to the angled peak, Dainyl could still sense, faintly but
clearly, the use of Talent, almost two lines of Talent, one red-violet and the
other greenish gold, although the two seemed interlinked.
 That peak there? called back Falyna.
 The one that angles, just to the left.
 Got it, sir. Don t see anything, not any more than last time.
 Can you circle a bit higher?
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 We can try.
As the pteridon swept past the cave, Dainyl caught a glimpse of the golden
green arch and of two figures, one stocky and one far smaller. The stockier
figure seemed to be of red-violet, the slighter one of golden green.
 Don t see anything there, sir! called out Falyna.
 Make another circle!
 Yes, sir.
The red-violet vanished from Dainyl s Talent-perception. One instant, it was
there; the next it was not.
As Falyna brought the pteridon around for another pass, Dainyl studied the
foliage and the rocky slope below the cave/tunnel and the bluff. He thought he
could sense several landers or indigens several hundred yards below.
 Skylance ready! he called.
 Lance ready! returned the Myrmidon ranker.
The pteridon swept past the opening to the short tunnel again.
Dainyl could make out, literally suspended in midair, a hazy sphere of golden
green. In that instant, as he watched, the sphere at least he thought it was a
sphere vanished. It didn t move; it just wasn t there.
 Nothing there, sir.
There wasn t, not any longer, but Falyna hadn t seen either presence, and that
meant some sort of strong Talent-shielding, although Dainyl hadn t sensed it.
As Dainyl was rocked back in the pteridon s second saddle, pain lanced through
his right shoulder, the one that had barely healed from the last set of
braises. Dainyl raised shields around his neck and head, all too aware of the
drain his action would place on the pteridon.
 I m fine. Use the lance! snapped the colonel.  Straight below the bluff.
The lifeforce-imbued uniform and jacket had kept the bullet from breaking
through his jacket and tunic, but he would feel the impact for days.
 Coming round, sir. Hang tight!
The pteridon began to lose altitude, if slowly.
 Can t stay up here, sir!
 Go right over that grove of trees ahead. Flame the center.
Crack! Crack!
Dainyl could feel the force of one of the bullets against his shields, and,
the corresponding loss of height by the pteridon.
A line of bluish flame arrowed from Falyna s skylance toward the stand of
evergreens that clung to the slope ahead and below. Yellow-and-blue fires
flared, flame fountains that almost reached up to the pteridon as it passed
overhead, a good hundred yards above where the trees had stood, amid the
steeper rocky slopes and cliffs.
With those fires, Dainyl could sense the deaths of the men who had hidden in
the trees.
 Another pass, sir?
 No. None of them could have escaped that. At least, the fire had killed all
that were nearby, and it would have been far too wasteful of lifeforce to
flame more of the forest and the living things within it.  Just head back to
the compound.
 Yes, sir.
Once they were well away from the mountains and ridges, Dainyl released his
shields. His entire body was trembling from the effort it had taken to hold
them that long, because he had been forced to share the draw on the lifeforce
around with the pteridon or they would have crashed into the mountains
As they headed back down to a warmer altitude and toward the Cadmian compound
just north of Dramuria, questions swirled through his thoughts.
The golden green lifeforce had to have been one of the ancients. It had
matched the aura residue in the short tunnel. Where had the ancient come from?
How could it have vanished so quickly? Why hadn t he felt it before? What
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creature had created the red-violet lifeforce? Was the tunnel site some place
of worship for the indigens or the landers? Where they worshipped or
sacrificed themselves to the ancients? Had they fired at him to protect the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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