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ports does not differ from control on ships on posal. We must refuse it, since in principle we do disagreements on the control issue, I don t see the open sea. not allow inspections, not on Cuban territory, nor point of making a declaration on that issue and in our airspace, nor in our ports. continuing its consideration after the speech of A.I. MIKOYAN. There is no doubt that a After we have finished our consideration of comrade Fidel Castro. However, I have already verification can be carried out on open sea too, the issues which concern us, we could move to a spoken about that. I think that we will not make but does not bear relation to Cuba. consideration of our tasks in the near future. We a declaration on that topic and we will respect would like for the new steps which stand before us each other s position, maintaining our own opin- O. DORTICOS. It seems to me that now we to be agreed with the Soviet government. We ions on this issue. should interrupt our work. We can agree upon believe that after the elections in the USA it will Concerning the proposals about inspections further meetings through Ambassador Alekseev. be possible to make a joint statement of the Soviet in the USA and other countries of the Caribbean government and the government of Cuba or to Sea, this proposals accords with the plans of U Ambassador Alekseev was also present on make separate, but simultaneous statements. Thant, we support it, and we can envisage it in the the Soviet side. The Cuban government unilaterally will de- draft of the protocol which we will propose to the clare that it opposes any surveillance of its terri- Americans. To this point it is mentioned there in Recorded by V. Tikhmenev tory, airspace and ports aimed at inspection of the a somewhat general form. I spoke about it with U [signature] dismantling and removal of offensive weapons. Thant, since this question seemed interesting to However, we are ready to consider U Thant s us. Although the Americans may support such a [Source: Russian Foreign Ministry archives, proposal about the possibility of inspection or proposal regarding to other countries, they will obtained and translated by NHK television, copy verification on Cuban territory under the condi- not allow observers at home. If you agree with provided by Philip Brenner; translation (by tion of a simultaneous inspection on the territory this point in the draft of the protocol, then it could Aleksandr Zaemsky) has been slightly revised.] of the USA, Guatemala and in other countries of occupy a place in our joint proposals. the Caribbean basin upon the coming into force of On the basis of a conversation with U Thant * * * * * an agreement on the liquidation of the conflict in I came to the conclusion that a coordinated dec- this region. Of course, we have no right to oppose laration will not satisfy the Americans and that Document IV: inspection on the open seas. That is not in our they will call for declarations from each of the The USA wanted to destroy us physically, competence. We would like Comrade Mikoyan sides. However, form is not the main thing. It is but the Soviet Union with Khrushchev s to understand why we oppose inspections in Cuba. necessary to coordinate our positions so that both letter destroyed us legally It is not just a matter of thoughts of legal proce- our and your representatives in New York could Mikoyan s Meeting with Cuban Leaders, dure. The political side of the issue also has great act in a coordinated manner. 5 November 1962 (evening) significance. Such is our position. The draft of the document with which you The are other issues of concern to us, but we are familiar is not limited to U Thant s plan, but Copy would not want to mix them up with the current it would still be possible to revise it. U Thant has Top Secret question. Therefore we would be glad to hear said that it would be possible to make more Comrade Mikoyan s opinion. concrete the part of the document in which the MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION plan for the presence of the UN in the Caribbean A.I. MIKOYAN. The variant which in- Sea region is noted. U Thant, referring to such A.I. Mikoyan with Oswaldo Dorticos, Ernesto cludes inspection on ships which are being states like the USA, Cuba, and a range of other Guevara, and loaded that is my initiative. I have already told states of Central America, believes it would be Carlos Rafael Rodriquez you that I had no authority to put forth that possible to do this. This could be done in the text. proposal. We understand your position. It seems This issue of coordinated observation by repre- to me that we have made our position clear to you. sentatives of the UN on the territory of the USA, Evening 5 November 1962 We are informing the CC CPSU and the Soviet Cuba, and other countries of Central America government about your position on this issue. As could be reflected in the protocol. In this case we far as a declaration is concerned, then I don t see would be starting from a common position. How- After mutual greetings, Com. Dorticos said the point for either you or we to make a declaration ever, thus far we do not know your attitude to the 106 COLD WAR INTERNATIONAL HISTORY PROJECT BULLETIN given document. the countries. And what is your opinion, Com- both from the territory of the USA and from the Comrade Kuznetsov, who is located in New rades? territory of the neighboring states of Cuba. This York, asked me to find out the opinion of the type of formulation seems to give the USA the Cuban comrades. Not knowing your opinion, O. DORTICOS. I agree. Consequently we right to determine the actions of other states. Comrade Kuznetsov has been deprived of oppor- should strike article 13. tunities to speak with U Thant and the Americans. [Ed. note: Article 13 of the draft protocol A.I. MIKOYAN What are you going to do read: The Government of the Republic of Cuba about that? They are satellites. Maybe another A.I. ALEKSEEV. This would give us the agrees to allow onto the territory of Cuba confi- editing will tie them even more. So far we have possibility to work out a common position in dential agents of the U.N. Security Council from no other version, but it is possible to think about regard to other articles of the protocol as well. the ranks of representatives of neutral states in it. The 5th article contains clauses which have a order so that they can attest to the fulfillment of similar nature. However, international law al- O. DORTICOS. We reviewed the text of the obligations vis-a-vis the dismantling and carry- lows similar formulations. protocol immediately after it was given to us, i.e., ing away of the weapons mentioned in article 9 of [Ed. note: Article 5 of the draft protocol even before the conversation with Comrade the present Protocol. Draft Soviet-American- read: The Government of the USA declares that
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