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with Chairman of PMAC of Ethiopia
5 September 1977
I received a visit from Haile Mariam
Mengistu (Berhanu Bayeh, a member of the
Permanent Committee of the PMAC, took
part in the discussion) and, pursuant to in-
structions, informed him about the results
of the visit of President Siad Barre of the
SDR to Moscow.
1. Having listened, Mengistu asked to
convey his appreciation to the Soviet lead-
ership, and personally to Comrade L. I.
Brezhnev, for the correct line followed in
discussions with Siad Barre, and for the
comprehensive assistance rendered to Ethio-
pia. In this connection, Mengistu noted that
at the present time, especially in regard to
Soviet supplies of trailers for the transport
of tanks, the balance of forces between
Ethiopia and Somali was beginning to move
in favor of Ethiopia.
Assessing the demarche of Siad Barre
as a political maneuver (departing for Mos-
cow, Siad Barre issued an order for an at-
tack on Jijiga), Mengistu announced that an
essential condition for Ethiopian-Somali
negotiations would be the complete with-
drawal of Somali forces from Ethiopian ter-
ritory. Siad Barre is now attempting to lead
astray not only the Soviet Union, but also
the PDRY, the intermediation of which he
had only recently requested, as well as
Madagascar. However, said Mengistu, al-
though the Soviet comrades and comrades
from PDRY are taking a principled line in
the Somali-Ethiopian conflict, friends in the
Republic of Madagascar do not understand
everything in the conflict and are inclined
to believe the demagogic pronouncements
of Siad Barre.
2. Mengistu, who returned on 4 Sep-
tember from Jijiga, told about the battle out-
side that population center (“the most pow-
erful tank forces in Africa”). On Somalia’s
side, four motorized mechanical brigades (5,
8, 9 and 10) took part in the fighting. After
the Somali attack on Jijiga, which was re-
pelled, Ethiopian forces counter-attacked
and repelled the Somalis, completely de-
stroying one tank battalion. The fighting in
that region is continuing. It is possible,
Mengistu noted in this connection, that Siad
Barre counted on a victory outside of Jijiga
for the purpose of forcing the Ethiopians into
negotiations from a position of strength, and
in the event of a defeat, to “demonstrate
good will in the eyes of the Soviet Union.”
3. Responding to a question from the
Soviet Ambassador (a “good question”),
Mengistu stated that up until recently the
government of the Republic of Djibouti had
taken an unfriendly position toward Ethio-
pia in respect to the Somali-Ethiopian con-
flict, by prohibiting the landing of Ethio-
pian aircraft in Djibouti, rendering medical
assistance to wounded Somali soldiers, and
so forth. Now, however, that the Republic
of Djibouti is suffering a serious economic
crisis as a result of Somali aggression and,
in particular, now that Somali saboteurs
stopped the Addis Ababa-Djibouti railroad
from operating, its government has ex-
pressed a readiness to enter into a trade re-
lationship with Ethiopia. Mengistu is cer-
tain that this positive development in the
policy of the Government of the Republic
of Djibouti will gain strength.
In Djibouti, Mengistu continued, at the
present time there are three groups of po-
litical forces: (1) the party of the People’s
Independence Movement (Marxist-
Leninist), advocating independence and cre-
ation of a progressive government; (2) the
party of the National Union for Indepen-
dence, advocating nationalist positions for
independence; and (3) the right-wing party
of the African People’s League, advocating,
in the final analysis, if not annexation to
Somalia, then at least the establishment of
special relations with it.
Ethiopia is supporting the People’s In-
dependence Movement and advising that
party to unite with the National Union for
Independence for the establishment of an in-
dependent existence for the Republic of
Djibouti. The People’s Independence
Movement does not exclude the possibility
that in the future that party will be required
to resort to armed methods of conflict
against the present government, which is
persecuting it.
In the opinion of Mengistu, the Soviet
Union and other socialist countries could,
with the help of Ethiopia, if necessary, es-
tablish contact with the People’s Indepen-
dence Movement and render support to that
party. Toward this end the Soviet Commit-
tee for Solidarity of the Countries of Asian
and Africa could dispatch a delegation to
Addis-Ababa or receive in Moscow a del-
egation of that party. It would be worth-
while to join forces for this purpose,
Mengistu stated, in order to prevent the re-
turn of Djibouti to the imperialist bloc.
4. In response to related representations
of the Soviet Ambassador, Mengistu an-
nounced his readiness to meet with the So-
viet Chief Military Advisor and asked to be
excused for the fact that, being occupied
with the leadership of military operations,
he had not been able to do this sooner.
5. As concerns the All-Ethiopian So-
cialist Movement, Mengistu stated that the
movement had now split into two groups,
one of which was inclined toward coopera-
tion with the PMAC. The PMAC will con-
tinue its advocacy of the merger of all Marx-
ist-Leninist organizations and groups into a
single party and of the creation of a national
6. Responding to a question of the So-
viet Ambassador, Mengistu stated that the
PMAC was preparing to reexamine the
ranks of the All-Ethiopian Committee on
Peace, Friendship and Solidarity. Subse-
quently the PMAC will inform the Embassy
as to the manner in which it would be most
productive for the Soviet Committee on
Solidarity of the Countries of Asia and Af-
rica to render cooperation to that Commit-
tee. In this connection, as relates to assis-
tance which the Soviet Committee intends
to render to Ethiopia, it would be possible
to direct this assistance to the address of the
Ethiopian Committee on Peace, Friendship
and Solidarity, simultaneously apprising the
PMAC about this.
[Source: TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 73, d. 1636, ll.
95-9; translated by Bruce McDonald.]
Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia A.P.
Ratanov, Memorandum of Meeting
with Mengistu, 10 September 1977
TOP SECRET, Copy No. 2
From the journal
29” September 1977
Issue No. 350
with the Chairman of the PMAC
10 September 1977
On September 10, together with the
heads of the diplomatic missions of Bul-
garia, Hungary, the GDR, PDRY, Poland,
Czechoslovakia, Romania, PDRK [People’s
Democratic Republic of Korea; North Ko-
rea], Cuba, and Yugoslavia, I was invited to
visit Mengistu Haile Mariam. From the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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