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its further intensification, the use of the most
effective types of weaponry. In this regard,
we should search for additional reserves to
accelerate delivery of armaments and am-
munitions into Afghanistan, particularly the
armament like R-17 missiles, air-defense
equipment, and others.
2. The question about conducting
bombing raids by Soviet aviation from the
territory of the USSR requires additional
3. We should continue demonstrative
relocations of our aircraft from Soviet air-
fields near the border with Afghanistan, hav-
ing in mind that these relocations should be
done without any camouflage so that they
could be observed by the Pakistanis and the
opposition. [We should] continue further the
flights of the Soviet military reconnaissance
aircraft over Afghanistan, particularly in the
areas of Jalalabad and Khost, possibly at
lower altitudes, with the aim of obtaining
aero-photografic data about military concen-
trations of the enemy.
4. With regard to the idea of Najibullah
about sending foreign volunteers to Afghani-
stan to render assistance to the government
of the Republic in the repulsing of aggres-
sion, there is nothing to object to, if the Af-
ghan friends do this kind of work with a
number of countries, particularly Muslim
5. It is decided that we will continue a
constant political-diplomatic campaign with
the aim of influencing [public opinion] on
the Afghan issue in the United States, Paki-
stan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and also insofar as
one can use the capabilities of India, the
Non-Aligned Movement. In particular, the
Afghan theme will continue to be a focus in
Soviet-American contacts. It is advisable to
accept the proposal of Saudi Arabia to play
a mediator’s role between us and the Afghan
opposition. We have in mind to take into
account the anti-Afghan line of Pakistan in
developing bilateral ties with this country.
L. Zaikov
E. Shevardnadze
V. Kryuchkov
D. Yazov
12 May 1989
no. 390/os
[Source: TsKhSD, f. 89, per. 10, dok. 35;
trans. by Vladislav M. Zubok.] [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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