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values of this kind of relationship that you have with property should be modified into an integral concept, as you did earlier in your social relations. When you are given a clean chit, you enter through that gate. Then the third gatekeeper stops you. These are the vital longings of your personality. Your pranas urge you in the direction of a kind of satisfaction. The vital longings are well known to people. What are the vital longings? They are the intense desire to live only in this body and not bother about any other body. You would not like to be transferred to someone else's body; that would be horrible. If permission is granted for you to transfer yourself from your body to another person's body, would you like it? You cling to your body only, and none other. I am only this, and nothing more. This is one kind of vital attachment. 43 The second vital longing is sex. It is a terrible boogie that is before everyone s eyes, mind or feelings, because no one has understood its meaning. Sex is not merely a relationship between a man and a woman. That is only an outer manifestation of an internal longing. You are bound by the time processes, and you know that you are going to die one day. But nobody would like to die. You would like to continue in the process of time, even if this physical body is to pass away. That is the longing for the perpetuation of the species. You want a child to be born. The child is a reproduction of your own self, so you feel that you are physically immortalised because you have produced a child. People marry, but they do not know why they marry. It is a hobgoblin in front of them, a great nightmare. Nobody knows that it is a demon fawning and wanting to swallow you. You think you must marry, but what is the purpose? Why are you pushed in that direction so vehemently? The species tells you, You fellows are going to perish. I shall see that your species continues. The voice of the species is like a terrifying rod telling you that you cannot go without transforming yourself into another form of your own self. The species cannot perish. It is the rod of time that is punishing you in the form of the longing for the production of children. This urge is called sex. It is not man wanting woman or woman wanting man. That is a misconception. It is something else inside a devilish urge to perpetuate the physical personality in the form of progeny. Nobody understands this, because if it is clear to your mind, you will never go for it. So an illusion is cast by nature for its own purposes. It is for your good. Go for it! You will be blessed. This demonical voice that you are hearing from inside is like Satan speaking to Adam and Eve. Eat the forbidden fruit. How beautiful, how tasty! When the tasty fruit was eaten, hell descended the next moment. It is said that God kept a flaming sword at the gates of heaven. Come not here. Go! You fall down headlong into the perdition of human sorrow. The power of illusion connected with this impulse is so strong that nobody can pierce through it. And while it is a devastation of one's welfare, it looks like a great blessing. 44 You must be able to understand this matter. Overcoming the urge of species is as difficult, or even more difficult, than the urge for possession of material wealth and social relations. The urge cannot be resisted by the power of will or any kind of foolish austerity, starvation, or running away. You cannot run away from the devil; it will pursue you wherever you go. Understand the significance of what I have said: you are misguided by the voice of the species, which wants to perpetuate the sorrow of existence. Schopenhauer was one of the persons who thought about this matter. Why do you hide that part of your body? You can expose your mouth, you can expose your chest, legs and hands, but you always cover your sex organs. This is the demon that is sitting inside, and if you treat it with a callous attitude, the demon s work will not go on properly. So it is a shame before you, and you do not want to expose your shame. Why is it a shame? You are going to do something devastating to the soul and, therefore, it is a shame. You are guarding your pugnacious attitude which appears to be the beautiful voice of a friend, but it is actually from a satanic manifestation in the form of a snake. Psychologists and psychoanalysts say that the snake represents sexual desire, and those who have intense sexual longing have dreams of snakes. So, if you are able to visualise the cosmical significance of this urge which is pushing you exteriorly not internally or universally by understanding the situation, you will be able to overcome the impulse. A divine universality will take possession of you, and this externalised urge will stop in one second, if you want. If this is overcome and you pass through, the next gatekeeper is your emotional turmoil. This is very difficult to explain. Why do I enter the bosom of the Absolute? What will I get from that? I have so many things in this world. The whole world will vanish for me, if I have the temerity to think that the Absolute can give me everything. So much is there before me. All beautiful, grand, wonderful manifestations of this world are there, and they will vanish
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