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stone Earthquake Area, Billings Geological Society, Range, and Jefferson Valley: Rocky Mountain 164 Friends of the Pleistocene Field Trip Guidebook, p. 1987, Investigations of the Pleistocene geological 137-157. history in the vicinity of the South Everson Creek and Black Canyon Creek archaeological sites, south- Ritter, J.B., Miller, J.R., Enzel, Y., Howes, S.D., western Montana: Current Research in the Pleisto- Nandon, G., Grubb, M.D., Hoover, K.A., Olsen, T., cene, v. 4, p.137-139. Reneau, S.L., Sack, D., Summa, C.L., Taylor, I., Touysinhthiphonexay, K.C.N., Yodis, E.G., Schnei- Turner, M.D., Turner, J.C., and Bonnichsen, R., der, N.P., Ritter, D.F., and Wells, S.G., 1993, Qua- 1988, A long Pleistocene glacial sequence in south- ternary evolution of the Cedar Creek alluvial fan: western Montana: Current Research in the Pleisto- Geomorphology, v. 8, p. 287-304. cene, v. 5, p. 96-97. Roy, W.R., and Hall, R.D., 1981, Glacial geology of Walsh, T.H., 1971, Quaternary geology of the east the South Boulder Valley, Tobacco Root Range, portion of West Fork Basin, Gallatin County, Mon- Montana: T.E. Tucker, ed., Montana Geological tana: M.S. thesis, Montana State University, Boze- Society Field Conference and Symposium Guide- man. book to Southwest Montana: Montana Geological Society, Empire Printing, Billings, Montana, p. 125- Waters, M.R., and Stafford, T.W., Jr., 2007, Rede- 132. fining the age of Clovis: Implications for the peo- pling of the Americas: Science, v.315, p. 1122- Schneider, N.P., 1990a, Late Tertiary and Quater- 1126. nary history of the Upper Madison Valley, south- west Montana: Ph.D. dissertation, Southern Illinois Weinheimer, G.J., 1979, The geology and geother- University, Carbondale. mal potential of the Upper Madison Valley between Wolf Creek and the Missouri Flats, Madison Schneider, N.P., 1990b, Terrace geomorphology of County, Montana: M.S. thesis, Montana State Uni- the Madison Valley: in Hall, R.D., ed., Quaternary versity, Bozeman. Geology of the Western Madison Range, Madison Valley, Tobacco Root Range, and Jefferson Valley: Whitlock, C., 1993, Postglacial vegetation and cli- Rocky Mountain Friends of the Pleistocene Field mate of Grand Teton and southern Yellowstone Na- Trip Guidebook, Department of Geology, Indiana tional Parks: Ecological Monographs, v. 63(2), p. University, Indianapolis, p. 24-57. 173-198. Sloan, B.C., 1960, Alluvial fans from Jack Creek to Wilson, M.C., and Davis, L.B., 1994, Late Quater- Mill Creek along the west flank of the Madison nary stratigraphy, paleontology, and archaeology of Range, Montana: in D.E. Campeau and H.W. Anis- the Sheep Rock Spring Site (24JF292), Jefferson gard, eds., West Yellowstone Earthquake Area, Bill- County, Montana: Current Research in the Pleisto- ings Geological Society, 11th Annual Field Confer- cene, v 11, p. 100-102. ence, p. 174-177. Witkind, I.J., 1976, Geologic map of the southern Sonderegger, J.L., Schofield, J.D., Berg, R.B., and part of the Upper Red Rock Lake quadrangle, south- Mannick, M.L., 1982, The Upper Centennial Valley, western Montana and adjacent Idaho: United States Beaverhead and Madison Counties, Montana: Mon- Geological Survey, Map I-943. tana Bureau of Mines and Geology Memoir 50. Streubel, D., 1989, Small Mammals of the Yellow- stone Ecosystem: Roberts Rinehart, Inc., Boulder, Colorado. Sturchio, N.C., Pierce, K.L., Murrel, M.T., and Sorey, M.L., 1994, Uranium-series ages of traverti- nes and timing of the last glaciation in the northern Yellowstone area, Wyoming-Montana: Quaternary Research, v. 41, p. 265-277. Turner, M.D., Turner, J.C., and Bonnichsen, R., 165 ...saw several bald Eagles and two large white headed fishing- hawks boath these birds were the same common to our country. From the number of rattle snakes about the Clifts at which we halted we called them the rattle snake clifts. This serpent is the same before discribed with oval spots of yellowish brown. The river below the mountains is rapid rocky, very crooked, much divided by islands and withal shallow. After it enters the moun- tains its bends are not so circuetous and it's general course more direct, but it is equally shallow les divided more rocky and rapid. Capt. Lewis, A
gust 10, 1805 166
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