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let them meet another bearded Sikh.
 Sunner Dain? Black eyes scanned him, and he heard no irony.  You may come
with me. He turned to Mindi.  We assume responsibility.
 Thank you, Lieutenant. She turned to Quin.  Careful! she whispered.
 Sunner Dain, come with me.
The Sikh lieutenant left him to wait in a long empty room, not quite so
magnificent as Barranca s halls.
Alone, he had an uneasy sense of hidden lenses watching. One high wall was a
computer simulation of a window into space, opening on the Earth from above
the skyweb. The planet itself looked realistic, half moonlit shadow, half
Sunlit, splendid against the empty dark.
The skyweb was exaggerated, a bright golden net that stretched far out from
Earth s equator, beaded with brighter yellow diamonds for its cities, anchored
everywhere with the Sun-disks that marked the surface terminals.
The opposite wall was recessed with huge holo portraits, gigantic heads of
historic Kwans and Chens.
In most of them he thought he saw a certain hawkish family likeness, Romanoff
noses jutting, hooded eyes slightly slanted. They seemed to turn, watching
with a shrewd intentness as he walked down the
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Jack Williamson - Eldren 1 - Lifeburst (v1.1)
Chairs were set around a tiny-seeming table, but he felt too restless to sit.
Almost overwhelmed by those imperious giants, he stopped at the end of the
room and turned uneasily to admire the shining simulation of their empire.
 Quin? The raspy voice startled him.  Quin Dain?
A lean old man in a plain tan shipsuit had come from a door beyond the table,
leaning on a cane. A
long yellow jacket was drawn close around him, as if he were cold. His Sunmark
had dimmed, a pale yellow moon at the edge of a thin, grizzled beard.
Breathtaken, Quin saw the arrogant tilt of the nose, the hooded eyes
inspecting him. It could have been an aged Jason, moustache and beard and
flowing hair gone white.
Fernando Kwan! He knew the face from coins and history tapes. The Sun Tycoon!
 You are Nadya  The old voice wavered.  Nadya s son?
 Sir  He had to catch his breath, and his own voice came hoarsely.  Nadya
Dain was my mother. I
was born on the
, three weeks before she got to Halo Station.
 Then you are mine. Swaying a little, the Tycoon put more weight on the cane
and leaned to peer again.  A fine young man. An imperative whisper.  Come
here to me.
Himself unsteady, Quin walked into his arms. A brief embrace. He caught a
sharp medicinal pungence, felt thin old bones through age-wasted flesh.
 Come along. Rustily cracked, the voice had kept a ring of command.  I need
to sit.
He followed around the table and through the door. The office they entered was
small, at least by comparison, walled with maps and a holo screen and model
spacecraft and antique paintings and shelves of old paper books. It seemed to
Quin strangely out of date. He saw no computer console, only a battered wooden
 Old, old! The Tycoon sank into an equally ancient chair and paused to
breathe.  All too old. The
House and the Company. Even this. He breathed again, pale eyes on Quin, his
unsteady hand on the time-scarred oak.  Ivan Kwan had this in Hong Kong,
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Jack Williamson - Eldren 1 - Lifeburst (v1.1)
Yet another wheezy breath.
 Sit, please. He waved the cane at the other chair.  I ve arranged for us to
be alone.
Quin sat, his heart throbbing hard.
 I never knew. He thought he saw the shine of a tear.  Even though I saw her
again. Once when I
wanted to see the remains of what they called the starbird. Again down in Sun
Country, when I could still stand the gravity. I wish she had told me.
Quin said,  She never told me.
 Then how  The hawk-eyes narrowed.
 I found this in the lab where she was killed. He leaned to offer the
foam-stained holo.  Called the number written on the back.
Quivering fingers took the holo, turned it, turned it again. Pale eyes blinked
and came back to him.
 You are my son. The shriveled face twitched.  I wish I had known while while
she was alive.
For a long time he said no more. Waiting, Quin felt a sting of pity for him,
washed away in a surge of sympathy and sorrow for his mother.
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 Though it may have been may have been better. The old head shook, lips
sternly set.  I couldn t have claimed you. I can t claim you now.
The old Tycoon seemed to sigh.
 Perhaps I should tell you, if your mother never did, what we were to each
 Sir, if you would!
 You needn t call me sir. A wan half-smile, while the old man decided what to
say.  My wife was
Mei-ling Chen. We married young. Years before I met your mother. Mei-ling had
looks and charm enough then, but our marriage wasn t for love. Our parents
imagined it would help them bring the
House back together. A sad blunder, because the Chens never let her forget
that she was one of them.
 Our first real quarrel was over Jason.
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Jack Williamson - Eldren 1 - Lifeburst (v1.1)
He nodded at a little niche in the wall above that odd wooden desk. It held
Jason s handsome bronze-
haired head, a computer-sculpture smiling with the casual arrogance Quin
remembered. His own half-
brother that thought was an unpleasant jolt.
 She hated me because I let him come to space with me on the halo expedition.
She wanted to keep him with her here and turn him into a Chen. I brought him
back an all-out Kwan. She never forgave me. He shrugged.  Not that I cared by
He paused to breathe before he went on.
 When I was young enough, I loved to travel Earthside. Mountains, the sea, the
woods, and the weather. All the wonders we ll never have in space. I even
loved the Earthfolk, and diplomatic dealings with them. I was good at it.
Visiting lowside friends, speaking to lowside crowds, fighting the
 That s how I met Nadya. I d picked up an Earthside virus. The lowsiders breed
a lot of bugs, along with more babies than they can feed. The medics called
Nadya in she had turned to study mutant viruses when she found her genes
weren t entirely right for space.
 We fell in love. I stretched out my convalescence. Wistfully, the old eyes
smiled.  I planned to keep her near me as my official medic. Planned  A
rueful shake of the faded head.  I d just got into office. I had a lot to
learn about the limits of power.
Thin lips twitched and tightened.
 Too many Chens talked too much. Mei-ling made an ugly public scene. In spite
of the bitch because of the bitch I needed Nadya. Begged her to help me bluff
it out. She was too proud. Too proud.
A long-drawn sigh.
 She disappeared. Gone to the halo on that relief ship before I knew where she [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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