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Only it didn t work out that way, and you got stuck eating the
consequences. Literally.
She was right, and they both knew it.
 Thanks for the lecture, Mom. Mind if I go get ready for my
next scene?
To his surprise, she smiled.  At least you understand what an
agent s supposed to do.
 Looks like you d better sign Mike as well. If John has his
way, he ll be getting a lot more work.
 Gives me a valid excuse to be here all the time. She
grimaced.  Although, would it kill them to be a bit more diverse
with their product?
Lucas chuckled. He didn t feel better, but somehow Miranda
had pulled him out of his pity party.  Too much dick?
 And plenty more to come, if the call sheet is anything to go
 We all have crosses we must bear.
She grew serious.  Are you going to be okay?
He shrugged, heading toward the dressing room. She followed.
 Depends on Mike.
 Whether he freaks out or becomes Magnum s next big thing?
 No, whether he ll ever talk to me outside a professional
setting again after today.
Mike had never wanted a drink so badly in his life. He was the
first to arrive at the bar that evening.
 Ted, he told the bartender,  I need two shots of your
strongest tequila and a pint of Yeungling.
 Rough day?
 You have no idea.
He d just tossed back the second shot when Scotty hopped onto
the stool beside him.  Starting without me?
That earned him a raised eyebrow, but she placed her order
with Ted before starting her interrogation.  So& big day today.
 I don t want to hear it. He gestured for two more shots.
 I was just 
 No. No cute innuendo, no sly comments, no smug
congratulations, nothing. And I don t want Lieutenant Logan to
hear word one about it. Clear?
 Hear about what? a familiar voice asked from behind him.
Was the man part ninja?
He couldn t lie to his commanding officer. But, Jesus&
Mike focused on his beer, praying for Ted to hurry up with his
shots.  I may have an in with Long John Fenton, which could help
with our investigation. But I d rather not discuss it until I ve had a
chance to explore it.
Mike could feel Scotty not laughing next to him.
 Good work. But I thought Lucas was going to pursue that
Scotty s voice barely quavered.  Yeah, I bet he thought so,
Mike reached for the shot.
Logan s hand covered the top of the glass.  What number are
you on?
 That will be my third, sir.
 No, I don t think so. Logan took it and tossed it back, giving
the other shot to Scotty before handing Mike his beer.  Come on.
Staff meeting.
If they were going to keep treating him like a kid, Mike
decided he was entitled to feel petulant. But he held his tongue as
he followed Scotty and Logan to the large corner booth.
They had just gotten seated when Scotty waved at someone
who d walked in.  Miranda, we re back here.
She waved back and placed her order with Ted.
When she joined them, she had a pint glass of dark beer and
shot glass. The shot she set in front of Mike.  I think you ve
earned it.
He drank it down before Logan could cut him off again.  You,
Lieutenant, are very much my hero right now. Thank you.
Logan studied him.  Was it really that bad?
Was it that bad getting off on the most exploitive sex act he d
ever participated in? Was it bad having that caught on film for
anyone to see? Was it bad that, God help him, he wanted to do it
again to find out what Lucas could do without the constrictive
rules of pornography tying his hands? He reached for his beer,
ignoring the looks Scotty and Doughty were giving him and each
other.  Yeah, it was that bad.
 Bad enough to want off the case?
 No, he replied without hesitation.
Logan nodded once.  All right, then. So what have we found
out so far?
Doughty took up the reins.  Fenton likes to surround himself
with an entourage. Promising young things that he takes under his
 Are any of the victims among his protégés? Logan asked.
 That s what I m going to look into, Mike said.  Since I have
Fenton s attention, who better to get a list from?
Logan leaned back, thoughtful.  It s a solid angle. Someone
like Fenton will have as many enemies as admirers, and the young
men closest to him would make ideal targets.
 Wait, are we using Mike as bait? Scotty s good humor from
earlier had evaporated.  No.
Logan gave her a hard look.  What do you mean, no?
 You had no problem with Lucas being bait.
 That s different!
 You re right, it is. Mike put down his beer.  I m a trained
police officer, able to look out for myself. I m not some& 
 Gigolo? Logan s voice was cold.
 One of you may have a badge and the other might not,
Doughty cut in, her voice cool,  but you re both too stubborn for
your own good.
Logan seemed to read more into the conversation than any of
them meant to give away.  What the hell happened today?
Neither of the others spoke, leaving it to him. He supposed he
ought to be grateful they were respecting his wishes, but that left
him to do the dirty work. He took another drink, never looking
away from the bottom of his glass when he said,  I ended up on
camera today. Rather prominently.
 How prominently?
 Fenton didn t like the blond cast for the client role, I caught
his eye, and then I got blown by Lucas while he jerked off
Logan blinked once, twice.  Okay, the tequila makes more
sense now.
 You think? He was too close to the bottom of his beer.
 And that explains your  in with Fenton. You re his new
 He certainly prefers Mike over Lucas. Doughty seemed to
read Mike s need for camouflage and signaled to the waitress for
another round of beers.
 Why wouldn t he? Scotty said, earning an immediate glare
from Logan.  Would you listen to what I ve got to say first before
you get pissed at me, Logan?
A server arrived with their next round of drinks.
Once the girl left, Scotty continued,  I m not disparaging
Lucas. I really like the guy.
 Not as much as you like to look at the guy, Doughty
 You, hush.
Doughty grinned over her glass.
 What I m getting at  Scotty s tone was even  is Lucas is
too confident for someone like Fenton to trust. Mike, however,
gives off an air of vulnerability and malleability that would appeal
to Fenton s ego.
Doughty nodded.  And he hates that Lucas thinks just because
he s a sex professional he can do porn. As though it were easy.
 He didn t seem to have any trouble, Mike said. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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