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back seat as well. Ella took a breath. After years of going it alone, having someone do even these small
favors for her felt strange. It would be so easy to get used to. And so dangerous. Having it, and losing it,
was what had driven her mother to try to find it again, sinking into depression when it all went wrong time
after time. She blinked, wanting to let herself love him and so afraid that if she did she d end up just like
her mother had. Heartbroken and alone with a daughter to raise.
 You never did tell me why you were here, she said, more determined than ever that they find a way
to work together.
He smiled over top of the box, and she noticed how the simple angle of carrying it emphasized the
muscles in his arms. She looked away, instead digging out her key for the main door.
 Like you, I didn t want to talk about it at your office. I stopped by hoping to take you for a late
lunch, but this is better.
 It is? Her heartbeat stuttered. The idea of being alone with him wasn t something she was used to
 We can talk better here.
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Donna Alward
She thought they d pretty much covered everything the last time certainly the divorce and custody
agreements had settled the rest. But he was here and he seemed to have a purpose.  You might as well
come up then.
She led him to the elevator and hit the button for the third floor. Within seconds they were at the door
to her apartment. At least she didn t need to be ashamed of her home, she realized, unlocking the door and
leading the way inside. The building was fairly new, the neutral-colored walls and flooring unmarked. It
was small, but she d tastefully decorated it, using black and white tones with the odd splash of color.
It didn t, however, look like a place to raise a child. Soon she d have to start shopping for cribs and all
manner of items.
 This is nice, Ell. It looks like you. Comfortable but classy.
The unexpected compliment filled her with warmth, while at the same time putting her on alert. Devin
was being nice. Too nice, considering.
 Thanks. It s small, but I ve been happy here.
 Have you?
Ah, there it was. Just the tiniest note of challenge.  Yes, I think I have.
He put the box down on a drop-leaf table.  Do you want to tell me what happened at the paper? Did
they force you to leave?
Ella remembered the very awkward meeting she d had with Charlie. For the first time ever someone
had questioned her objectivity. Normally she would have felt the failure acutely. Instead, she felt proud that
she d written what she had. She had done the right thing for Betty, for Dev. And for herself. Her sense of
panic from earlier dissipated. Come what may, she knew she d done the right thing.
 Not at all. Sure, I took some heat for the article, but it wouldn t have cost me my job. It was more& a
realization, I suppose, of the kinds of things I wanted to write about rather than what I was being told to
write. I was so focused on where I was going that I used my job as a vehicle, you know? And I forgot to
enjoy what I was doing. Maybe letting go of the Boston opportunity was good for me, when I think about
it. It made me see I wasn t really happy at the paper, and it wasn t really a stepping stone anymore.
 So you quit.
 I did.
His smile spread slowly.  That s fantastic.
The smile was contagious and she found herself answering with one of her own.  Sure. It s always
great to find oneself pregnant and unemployed.
 Any plans?
 I m going to try freelancing for now, I guess. I can work from home until the baby is older. Now that
you finally know what happened at work, will you please tell me what you re doing here?
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Sold to the Highest Bidder
Devin reached out and took her hand, squeezing her fingers in his.  I came to tell you I made a big
mistake, Ella.
Indecision swirled through her.  You did?
He nodded, pulling her hand and pressing it to his chest.  I made a mistake signing those papers, and
I ve come to make it right.
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Chapter Thirteen
Ella pulled her hand away. No, he couldn t be doing this to her now. Not now when she finally had
achieved the impossible getting him to agree to a divorce. She had worked so hard to make a new start for
herself. And yet every time she thought about it, Devin snuck into her thoughts and dreams. He couldn t be
changing his mind now, could he? She forced herself to take a few clearing breaths.  It is too late, Devin.
The papers have been signed and registered with the court. We are divorced.
 I know. It doesn t matter.
Hope fluttered and she frowned, annoyed that she was reacting this way. She had to think with her
head. Her heart wasn t trustworthy. She had to stand on her own two feet. Devin kept changing his mind
about what he wanted. But with the courts, it was as final as it was going to get. He couldn t hold it over
her any longer.
 What do you mean, it doesn t matter? Of course it does. Our marriage is over. And divorcing wasn t
a mistake. We needed to do it so we can focus on just being parents. Desperation slipped into her voice.
Co-parenting was going to be difficult enough. They had to find a way to put their lingering feelings aside,
not only for the sake of their child but for themselves too. She realized what she needed from Devin was
what he d been in the beginning that one person she could rely on, talk to, go to when she was in trouble.
And that person was slipping away with each moment.  We agreed, Devin. It s for the best for all of us.
 I know. He refused to rise to her challenge. On the contrary, he seemed so very sure of himself it
was scaring her. Because she wasn t sure at all. She d missed him horribly since coming back to Denver.
She d cried the day the papers had been filed. On the surface she could say it was hormones. In her heart
she knew what it was, and right now it was hurting her deeply. She d thought a part-time Devin would be
better than no Devin at all. But seeing him and not having him caused a little slash of pain each time
they met. She couldn t forget. She didn t want to forget, not deep down. She didn t want a man who felt
obligated to her. She wanted her champion back. She wanted her Devin back. Anything less wasn t enough.
 That day at the cabin, you asked me to hear you out, and I did, remember?
She nodded, remembering just how difficult it had been to say the words and to say goodbye.
 Now I m asking the same of you. Hear me out. Please, just listen to what I have to say.
She went to the sofa and sank into the cushions, a relief after being on her feet most of the day
combined with her churning emotions. But Devin didn t sit. He paced in front of her.
Sold to the Highest Bidder
 When I read your article, Ell& No, wait, he amended, coming to a halt and standing before her. His
dimple was nowhere in sight, hidden behind his serious expression. His dark gaze reached into her middle
and grabbed her. This was the only man she d ever given her body to. The man who had fathered the child
inside her, the man who had the ability to turn her world upside down over and over again. She didn t care
what he had to say for a fleeting, beautiful instant. She wanted to rise and simply walk into his arms, let [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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