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After that she d insisted that Jimmy come over to her house if
they were going to hang out. Though Jimmy had stood up for her,
she never again felt totally comfortable around his parents.
 Your mom didn t take sides. But I always worried that you
guys wouldn t like me anymore after all the stuff your dad said,
Reid admitted.
 I don t think I even understood what it meant to be gay. I
mean, it s not like I really knew anyone else who was.
For the first time since she awakened, Reid noticed the soft
music, and she latched onto a reason to change the subject.  What
are you listening to?
 You don t like it?
 Well, this music isn t really my style. Reid tried for
diplomacy, but her tone didn t quite carry it off.
 Norah Jones? It s soothing.
From across the room Reid watched as Isabel leaned her head
back and closed her eyes. When Isabel stretched her arms over her
head, the hem of her T-shirt rode up, exposing a pale strip of her
abdomen. Reid was anything but soothed.
Isabel opened her eyes to find Reid s hot gaze on her. In
the flickering candlelight Reid s dark eyes appeared bottomless.
The now-familiar curl of arousal low in her belly erased any
apprehension she might have had.  Dance with me? Isabel stood
and slowly crossed to her.  I ll even let you lead.
 I don t really know how.
 Come on, I rode a motorcycle. Shouldn t you be at least as
open-minded? Besides, I don t believe you ve never danced with
a woman. Isabel had gotten the impression that Reid did okay
with women. And while she certainly didn t have the reputation of
being a player, Isabel suspected that was due more to preference
than to opportunity.
Reid shrugged.  The women I ve been with weren t really
into dancing.
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 They didn t need to be romanced? Isabel guessed, lightly
touching Reid s collar, then her shoulder.
Reid shook her head. The women she had been with were
nice enough. But none had inspired romance in her, and they didn t
seem to expect it either. Until that moment she d never considered
it strange that she hadn t really courted anyone before. Suddenly
she found herself wondering what it might be like to take flowers
to a woman, to treat her to a romantic dinner or to surprise her
with a candlelit bath.
 Well, it s not difficult. I ll show you. Isabel took Reid s
hands and drew them to her hips. She linked her hands behind
Reid s neck.
Isabel pressed a finger against her lips.  Shh. Just enjoy it.
Reid was enjoying it. That was the problem. She was enjoying
it entirely too much. She slid her hands from Isabel s waist to the
small of her back, closed her eyes, and allowed Isabel to guide
them around the floor. Their sock-clad feet slid over the hardwood
with the barest whisper. The mood was seductive the candles,
the music, and the singer s voice, flowing and slightly breathy.
And unlike the sharp edge that Reid usually experienced when
she was near Isabel, this was a languid climb to arousal. The scent
of Isabel s perfume was a drug, and Reid floated on a high so
smooth and sweet that it made her want more. She was definitely
acquiring a new appreciation for Norah Jones.
 I thought you were going to let me lead, she whispered
close to Isabel s ear.
Isabel s hand sifted through the hair at the back of Reid s
neck.  I lied. Her fingertips were hypnotic and light as they swept
Reid s skin.
Isabel pressed closer and her swaying hips moved against
Reid s. Holding Isabel was absolute torture, incredibly exquisite
torture. Reid slipped her hands up Isabel s back, fighting the
urge to push beneath her T-shirt. She bit back a groan and gently
restored some distance between them.
 What s wrong? Concern evident in her eyes, Isabel touched
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Reid s cheek. Reid trembled against her. She wondered if she
would forever have to fight her attraction to Isabel and found it
ironic that she was the one who kept pulling them back from the
edge of intimacy.
 Isabel, I m only human. The entire evening had been like
foreplay. She had already been beyond primed by the time Isabel
had talked her into dancing, and Isabel s fingers on her skin made
her throb with need.
 What are you talking about?
Reid tried to move away, but Isabel s hands on her shoulders
kept her within touching distance.  It s no secret that I find you
attractive. I can deal with it. But I can only stand so much of this.
She pulled Isabel s hands away from where they had wandered [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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