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John pulled him into an embrace.  Thank you for saving her, he murmured.
 Bastard or not, Joan is the daughter of my heart.
Awkwardly, Stephen patted the other man s shoulder. The display of fatherly
affection constricted his heart. Would he ever have a child of his own to love?
It didn t matter. If he had Elena, it would be enough more than enough.
 How is the lass? The trip back to Winchester had been difficult. Nightmares had
plagued the girl. Stephen had employed a woman to chaperone her, but Joan would
have nothing to do with her. She panicked every time Stephen left her sight. She only
left him when her old nursemaid had come to comfort her last night, and even then, she
had been reluctant to let him go.
 She is well. Recovering from the ordeal. The king s lips twisted.  If Llywelyn still
wants her, he ll have to come fetch her himself. And bring an army of Welshmen with
When it came to the thieves stalking the roads, a Welsh army would certainly fare
better than a convoy of the king s. Stephen breathed a sigh of relief.
 I am glad to hear she is recovering. She is a good lass, Your Grace she ll make a
prince of Wales a fine wife, I daresay.
 Thank you. The king pulled back but still gripped Stephen s shoulders.  I
shudder to think of what might have happened had you not come& 
 I only did what any man of honor would have done, Stephen said. Though he
wasn t a man of honor, not for the betrayal against his king he was about to commit.
He looked into the king s eyes. They were light blue, like his daughter s, and at the
moment, as earnest as he d ever seen them.
 Your Grace, before we continue, I have something to tell you 
The king raised his hand to stop him from saying more.  Anything, he said.  You
may have whatever holding, whatever amount of gold that you desire. As long as you
don t bankrupt me. Think on it carefully, for this is the only time I will make this offer.
Stephen s fists clenched and unclenched at his sides in a single, convulsive
 Elena de Burgh.
The king didn t appear surprised. He released Stephen s shoulders and returned to
the window, where he looked out at the clear morning sky, crossing his arms over his
 This has naught to do with Loxburn or her lands, does it?
 Not at all.
 If she had not a farthing to her name?
Dawn Halliday
 Then I would still want her.
 You love my cousin.
 I do, my lord.
 You would care for her, no matter what?
 I would with all my heart. I know you have legally betrothed her to another, but

The king held up his hand to stop him.  No. I destroyed the betrothal documents. I
didn t trust the man with Elena. She wasn t safe with Ranulf of Lewes. I sensed& a
shadow of evil within him.
Stephen released a long breath of relief. Thank God.
 Do you think your decision might jeopardize your contract with Prince Llywelyn,
my lord?
 I doubt it. Lewes was instrumental in the beginning of the negotiations, but
Llywelyn and I have an understanding. I think he trusts Lewes about as much as I do.
His lips twisted.  No farther than I can throw him.
Stephen moved closer to the king.  You know I would never let Elena come to
The king sighed.  I believe you.
Stephen tensed. The resignation in the king s tone was impossible to miss.
 I would give her to you if I could, John continued.  But she is gone.
 Gone? Where? Stephen didn t understand. Why would she have returned to
 Ranulf of Lewes. The king s features hardened.  He took her from Winchester
beneath my very nose.
 He& ?
 He kidnapped her.
 When? Stephen bit out.
 Five days ago.
 Where are they?
 I d guess he took her to Fordhaven. It s the only keep he controls. It stands to the
east of Glamorgan.
Primal fury threatened to cloud his reason. Stephen clenched his fists, fighting the
sweeping, overpowering rage.
 I will find her, Your Grace.
The corner of John s mouth quirked upward.  Yes, Sir Stephen. I imagine you will.
 If I may take my leave 
 Of course.
Sins of the Knight
Instantly shifting into warrior mode, Stephen sprinted into action. Within the hour,
he was headed away from Winchester, a small army of men at his back.
Only then did he realize it had been too easy. His men had awaited him in the
bailey, armored and ready. His squire had already saddled his destrier, who stood at
the gate, chomping at the bit.
It dawned on Stephen that if he hadn t arrived to take charge, the king would have
led the army to rescue Elena himself.
Grimly, Stephen spurred his mount, leading the men toward Wales.
He wouldn t fail her this time.
* * * * *
It all went by in a blur. Keeping her wrists bound, three men held a struggling
Elena upright as the priest a round man with bulging eyes stuttered through the
vows. Though the man seemed to have some sympathy for her plight, given the sword
pointed at his throat, he had no choice but to bless the union.
By sundown, Elena was legally married to Ranulf of Lewes.
Ranulf himself had been the only calm person present, a beatific smile spread over
his features as he promised to love and cherish her until death did they part.
She refused to acknowledge the priest or speak the vows. Instead she spat at the
men who held her and only laughed bitterly when one of them threatened her with
disembowelment. Ranulf wouldn t have her disemboweled. He wanted her to live, and
to suffer.
When the priest pronounced them man and wife, a deadly calm settled over Elena.
She was married again, to another boor this one far worse than the last.
With one last pitying look at her, the priest departed, leaving Elena with Ranulf and
his men, more exhausted, drained and alone than she d ever felt in her life. The
scratches on her arms and chest burned and her limbs ached with bruises. A line of
blood trickled down the back of her arm.
Ranulf finally came to within touching distance of her. He grabbed her chin
between hard fingers and forced her to look into his dark, angry eyes.  You know what
comes next, wife.
As much as her pride told her to spit in his face, instead she let her defeat show in
her slumped shoulders and downcast eyes.
His voice was rough with anger or passion, Elena couldn t tell.  Hugh was too
weak to tame you. Sir Stephen is an imbecile. But I am neither weak nor stupid.
She didn t answer this time.
He moved close too close. She smelled his minty breath as it washed over her face,
and her stomach heaved.
Dawn Halliday
 I can hardly wait, he whispered.
Elena swallowed down her nausea. Tears were easy enough to conjure, and she let
them flow freely. Yes. Let him think her a weak, defeated female.
 There is naught I can do to stop you. She looked back up into his cruel eyes.
He smiled.
* * * * *
Fury at his wife s stubborn behavior had nearly overcome Ranulf during the
ceremony. It was almost impossible to allow his men to subdue Elena when all he
wanted was to pummel her into submission. But Ainsley s hand on his arm reminded
him to be calm, and he d somehow maintained a peaceful façade and forged his way
through it.
Ultimately, it didn t matter. All that truly mattered was that she was finally his.
The best part was that Ranulf had literally watched the fight drain out of Elena as
the priest blessed their union. They were finally married under God. She knew as well
as he did that nothing could tear that asunder not even the king. Nothing but death
could separate them now.
They dined beside one another at the high table, and for the first time since her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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