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one harder against her clit.
 Ohh. The second climax spun around so hard it left her dizzy and drained.
Speeding up the rhythm from lazy to frantic had her whole body shuddering to meet his thrusts.
She drew nails against his back again, scoring him. Marking him as her own. He bore the heartstone
as she did. So bonded. So combined. They became one in the thrusting of their bodies. She didn t
know where he began and she ended. The way things should be.
His neck straightened, the cords in his arms visible as all of him tensed, his skin breaking into a
sweat. His hot seed poured into her as he jerked spasmodically until he was spent. He lay there a
second, his breathing calming after a moment. Rolling off of her, he pulled her against his side.
 Good not to wait on that.
 Oh, yeah. She laid her head on his shoulder, cuddling into the warmth of his body. Safe. He
always was the one place she felt the world couldn t touch her. Didn t matter the place, as long as
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Bren was there.  This was good. Better than good. No one else had ever made her feel the way
Bren did. He could turn her on with a look, but yet, being close to him, drifting off to sleep made her
feel secure.
Tilting his head, he kissed the tip of her nose before sweetly savoring her mouth.  Yeah. Yeah, it
They lay in the afterglow of their loving for many minutes. Distantly, she could hear the tapping of a
hammer into the rock. That almost sounded too close. She d have to check the mine permits. That is,
when she had the energy to get up.  Remind me to make sure everyone s where they should be in the
 Will do. Another comfortable silence stretched out between them.  Think the bed will fit three?
Her eyes glanced to his twinkling ones. Bren found amusement in the damndest things.  Yeah. Yeah,
I do. But we don t know& 
 I know. He let out a long drawn out sigh.  But we will soon.
 How do you know that? Her nose crinkled. Was he ready for the answer? She was. Now she only
had to find the patience to wait until things moved forward.
 Just do. His voice had that sleepy tone, like he was already gone, his eyes just hadn t closed yet.
Then, they did close, and not too much later, he emitted soft snores. Sounded like the purr of a Seelie
She rubbed a hand over his chest, laying her arm over him. Her last thoughts as she drifted off to
sleep were about their friend and what would happen when he found his heartstone and left Settler s
* * * * *
Amory clanged his hammer on the rock. Damn mine. Damn heartstones. Clanging it again, he moved
around to the side of the path he sat on while he pounded into the wall, dislodging stone, while
uncovering what lay underneath in his section of the quarry.
Especially after seeing Bren and Zelda that night at the bar, frustration had set in. He wanted what
they had. With Tania. And he couldn t have it until he found that stone that eluded him at every turn.
He brought the hammer down even harder on the rock. A resounding bang echoed through the cavern
 Hey, now. A deep voice said behind him.  That might break whatever is embedded there. Be
more careful.
Amory s eyes darted up to Bren s.  Who cares?
Heartstones were tough. They were said to be the hardest thing in the universe, even more so than
diamonds. If only he had first-hand experience with one to find out.
 I m sure those who will mine after you care. Especially, if you broke someone s heartstone.
Miners have been killed over less. Not that they break easily, but you should be careful. Bren
lowered to crouch down in front of him.  Haven t found it yet?
 If I had, do you think I d still be here? Amory tossed his hammer down to the path, glaring up at
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 Oh, I thought you just liked our company so much you might stay on after. Bren s mouth revealed
his straight white teeth with a lazy smile.
Amory snorted. Bren and Zelda had sought him out over the last few weeks. Didn t they understand
he wanted to be alone, find his heartstone, and go? Not even other miners commenting on how
unusual it was for Zelda and Bren to mingle had made him pause too much. He just wanted to leave,
his future intact and in his hands.
Bren s head cocked to the side.  There s a heartstone right by where you re digging. His fingers
traced up a seam on the lower wall.
The simple touch inflamed Amory. He looked, not seeing any evidence a heartstone rested there.
 How do you know?
 It& I don t know. But it s there. Why don t I help you get it out?
 Why would you help me? Need more platinum? Amory rubbed a hand over his face. Nothing was
free in this settlement. Hands of help cost, no matter how it was offered. And he didn t have that
much platinum left.
Bren chuckled low and deep.  It won t cost you. If it ain t yours, it s someone s. They ll pay a
pretty price for their heartstone.
 Bastard. Capitalizing off others & needs. Zelda and Bren both took advantage of the need for
heartstones. Everyone of Quatar descent, especially males, wanted to ind theirs. There would
always be a steady business for Settler s Mine. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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