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the danger has blown over. I don t like to do that, because it can be
risky. I think maybe we should just leave her alone now.
Baako ignored them as they stepped back out and closed the partition.
Claudi went back over to Lopo, who had curled up in the corner of his
enclosure and gone to sleep. She stared at him for a time, aware of Sheki
beside her, and Joe. She turned her eyes up to Joe, pleading silently for some
understanding of what was happening. All she got was an uncertain shrug.
 Guess we should go, she said to Sheki.
Sheki looked at her soberly and nodded his agreement.
That night Claudi dreamed again, for the first time in days. She dreamed of
Throgs, and of
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Suze. They didn t appear together, not at first anyway, and this time when she
dreamed of the
Throgs it was without that terrible icy-cold gripping fear. They floated
toward her out of the deep darknesses of space. She watched them come with
a feeling that if they reached her she would respond by turning the darkness
into a blazing sun first red, then dazzling white, then a blackness deeper
than any darkness that the Throgs could create. She wasn t sure if
would destroy them by this action, or change them somehow. She only knew it
would make her safe.
She woke up, panting for breath. At first she wanted to cry,
remembering only that she had been dreaming of the Throgs; then she
remembered that she d not been frightened. And then another part of the
dream came back to her: Suze, floating in the darkness, her hair
streaming in the cosmic winds as though she were underwater. Suze was calling
to her in the emptiness of space, calling her name, calling calling calling &
and she, Claudi, didn t answer, but gave a little smile instead because she
knew that she was safe & there was no danger &
And she remembered this, lying in the darkness in her bunk, hearing only the
whisper of the air circulator and, deep down, the vibrating thrum of the
ship s own life. And she began suddenly to shiver with fear and
cold, and she began to cry. She wept hot and bitter tears, crying
out to Suze that she was sorry, she hadn t known! And she shook
under her thin blanket, as if chilled by a harsh, wet wind. And after a
time, it all began to blur; and she wasn t even aware at first of the warm sun
that dried out the wet wind and took away the chill. But she heard
chimelike voices answering her, in songs, as she cried out to Suze. And then
she was only aware of her mother calling to her out of the darkness, and then
sitting on the edge of her bunk and holding her, holding her, soothing and
quieting and holding her.
Go to Contents
Chapter 26
I suppose I should have explained this earlier. You might be wondering why
the teachers placed so much emphasis on helping the kids to deal with the
loss of Suze, when what they really had to worry about was the
Throgs. And why the use of a counseling program that hadn t been
upgraded in about a hundred years?
Well & I could tell you that it was for the emotional health of
the kids, and that would certainly be true but only a part of the truth.
The wall-shrink, however clumsily, did push the kids into expressing a lot
of grief that could have interfered with their ongoing life more
specifically, with dealing with the Throgs. I had a particular feeling about
that, and I persuaded the teaching programs that it was important. Mr.
Zizmer was reluctant to take on the task himself. He was an excellent
teaching personality and a tribute to his species, but he just didn t have the
heuristic experience needed to handle this sort of emergency. We both knew
that the counselor was an outdated program, but at least it was designed
for the kind of problem we faced.
It was important to me that the kids deal quickly with their pain
and anger and most especially that Claudi deal with hers. I had a
suspicion about what Claudi might have to do, and if I was right,
it would be vital that she not be filled up with anger and
bitterness and self-recrimination. Don t ask me how I knew that. I just did.
And I knew that Claudi had more learning to do, and perhaps little time in
which to do it.
And some of that learning was bound to be painful.
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The classroom sims were getting harder.
Claudi heard, dimly, a babble of voices in her head. She saw flashing lights,
dazzling lights, explosions. She d already been hit, her floater shattered. In
a leaking spacebubble, she floated high over the asteroid colony where her
friends tried desperately to defend themselves from
the enemy warships. (Whose? Throgs? Unknown.) Their only weapon, a
mining laser, had been knocked out. The only hope now was to last until the
enemy moved on.
It hadn t been much of a battle. They d gotten off one shot with the laser
before the enemy ships had clobbered them. And Claudi, caught outside, had
been hit almost immediately. And now she waited, helpless, hoping that someone
knew she was still alive, hoping that someone could save her.
It wasn t fair! It wasn t a fair fight
She wanted to scream out to the teacher, to demand that she be
given another chance that they all be given another chance. But something
held her back: a voice that said, this is the only chance you will have. It
is now or never
. And she swallowed, bursting with fear and frustration but afraid to
let it loose, because even more than dying in the sim, she was
afraid of not doing it right.
 Can anyone hear me? she called out plaintively, in the hollow of her
spacebubble. She couldn t even tell if her voice was reaching farther than
the thin enclosure that surrounded her.
But she could hear scratchy voices:
  can t go out together 
  you ll get killed 
  but we have to save 
  she s floating away 
  you could die
  but don t you see, we have to 
The babble was getting louder, but somehow more confusing, the
voices more urgent.
Were they talking about her? Were they coming out to get her?
! Light and molten rock sprayed up near the bunker. Another enemy hit.
  I m going 
She saw a spurt of light, way down there on the asteroid, and felt a queasy, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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