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pressure-filled a situation for Becca to be acting in such an
unprofessional never mind uncharacteristic way.
Which was precisely his point, he supposed, in a long,
roundabout way. Stress and pressure. They went together
like peanut butter and jelly, only not so tasty. Becca s
behavior had to be a result of how hard they d both been
working lately. That was the only explanation that made any
sense. So that had to be it. It had to.
But what if it wasn t?
Turner had no choice but to consider that possibility.
Because maybe, just maybe, Becca s sudden, vehement
attraction to him wasn t the result of stress or pressure.
Maybe, just maybe, it was the result of feelings she d had
for him for a long time that, for whatever reason, she d
finally decided to reveal. Maybe it was the stress and
pressure bringing those feelings to the fore. It had
happened twice now. And even though she was swearing it
wasn t what she wanted, she was the one who kept doing it.
And doing it so well.
Bottom line, he thought. What was the bottom line?
The bottom line was that Becca wanted to get sexual
with him today. There wasn t any way he could deny that.
And he wanted to get sexual with Becca, too. Today or any
day. That was the bottom line.
Maybe the reasons didn t matter, he told himself.
Maybe all that mattered was that they both wanted the
same thing for a change. Why was he trying to fight it? This
was what he d wanted for as long as he could remember.
And he knew Becca well enough to be certain that she only
got sexual with a guy when she cared about him.
Emotionally. So if she was coming on to Turner, it was
because she had come to care for him in a way that went
deeper than the way she d cared for him before. And when
all was said and done, what difference did it make what the
reason for that was?
Becca wanted Turner. Turner wanted Becca. He didn t
need to know any more than that.
He glanced up from his musings to see that he had
driven halfway to Becca s apartment without even paying
attention to where he was going. His subconscious, at
least, knew what was what. Still, he was dressed in his
work clothes, and he hadn t had lunch. Becca probably
hadn t, either. So he decided that instead of going straight
to her place, he d go home first and change clothes. Maybe
even pack a few things for the night. Then he d stop by their
favorite deli and grab some stuff to go. Becca had been
awfully adamant earlier in voicing her needs. Turner s
needs were no less demanding. What he had in mind for
the rest of the day and night was going to require a lot of
stamina. And that meant refueling. Once he entered
Becca s apartment, he didn t want to leave again for a long,
long time. So maybe a few provisions were in order before
he arrived.
He smiled as he made an illegal U-turn to take him
back to his place so he could change into something more
comfortable. Something that would take less time for
Becca to remove. Too bad Bluestocking didn t make
underwear for men, since it might have been kind of fun to
see where that led. Ah, well. Becca had taken all those
samples home with her, so he d still be able to enjoy their
newest client s products. As long as it took for Becca to
strip them off, anyway.
Oh, yeah, he thought as he pulled into his parking
space outside his apartment building. He had big plans for
Becca s underthings once he got to Becca s house.
And he had even bigger plans for Becca.
BECCA AWOKE FEELING disoriented and confused, and
wondering what the racket was that had caused her to
wake up. Her bedroom wasn t fully dark the way it would be
at night, but the blinds were drawn, and what little light did
get through indicated it was late in the afternoon and not a
sunny day. What was she doing sleeping in the afternoon?
she wondered groggily as she pushed a long strand of hair
out of her eyes. The last thing she remembered was
Oh, God.
Her hand stilled in the process of nudging her hair over
her shoulder, and she closed her eyes again though not
because she was sleepy this time. The pitch to the
Bluestocking people. She remembered that she and Turner
had given it that morning, and that it had gone extremely
well. And then&
Oh, God.
And then Becca remembered being suddenly and
inexplicably turned on. So turned on that she hadn t been
able to stand it. And she hadn t wanted just anyone. She d
wanted Turner. The same way she had wanted him
Wednesday night when they d stayed late to work on the
pitch: thoroughly. Completely. Obsessively. Immediately.
Oh, God&
What the hell was going on? she asked herself as the
racket started up again, and she recognized it as someone
pounding on her front door. Turner, she knew. Because she
also remembered how he had dragged her out into the
hallway, and how shamelessly she d thrown herself at him,
and how ruthlessly she d pawed him and how adamantly
she d shoved her tongue into his mouth. And she
remembered, too, how she had made him promise to
come to her house after he d finished the meeting, and how
she d compelled him to touch her so intimately before she
would leave.
Oh, God&
Why had she done such a thing? How could she have
behaved in such a way? Especially after just telling Turner
something like that would never happen again? How could
she have been so completely overcome by one emotion, to
the utter exclusion of all others? And not just any emotion,
either, but pure, unadulterated lust. For a man she d always
considered her best friend, the one man she had always
vowed she would not have sex with. And not just once had
this happened, but twice now. To the point where she had
endangered not only her relationship with Turner, but her
job and his, too. How had such a thing happened?
Stress, she told herself instantly as she pushed herself
to sitting and swung her feet over the side of the bed. Even
as she uttered the explanation to herself, though, she knew
it was pretty lame. But what else could it be? People
reacted to stressful situations in different ways often in
ways that were so not beneficial, and sometimes in ways
that were downright self-destructive. Some people drank.
Some people smoked. Some overate. Some became
irritable. Some bit their nails.
Some had sex?
Was that really possible? Becca wondered as she [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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