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what the merchant had called the end times, long before they
had withdrawn from the Universe. Perhaps, as Derev be-
lieved, many of Yama's kind now walked the world, as they
had at its beginning. But for what purpose? All through his
childhood he had prayed for a revelation, a sign, a hint, and
had received nothing. Perhaps he should expect nothing else.
Perhaps the shape of his life was the sip he sought, if only
he could understand it.
But he could not believe he was the servant of the feral
machines. That was the worst thought of all.
Yama sat on a hummock of dry grass, with the noise of
crickets everywhere in the darkness around him, and leafed
through his copy of the Puranas. The book had dried out
well, although one corner of its front cover was faintly
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indelibly stained with the merchant's blood. The pages held
a faint light, and the glyphs; stood out like shadows against
this soft effulgence. Yama found the sura which Iachimo had
quoted, and read it from beginning to end.
The world first showed itself as a golden embryo of
sound. As soon as the thoughts of the Preservers turned
to the creation of the world, the long vowel which described
the form of the world vibrated in the pure realm
of thought, and re-echoed on itself. From the knots in
the play of vibrations, the crude matter of the world
curdled. In the beginning, it was no more than a sphere
of air and water with a little mud at the center.
And the Preservers raised up a man and set on his
brow their mark, and raised up a woman of the same
kind, and set on her brow the same mark From the
white clay of the middle region did they shape this race,
and quickened them with their marks. And those of this
race were the servants of the Preservers. And in their
myriads this race shaped the world after the ideas of
the Preservers.
Yama read on, although the next sura was merely an exhaustive
description of the dimensions and composition of the world,
and he knew that there was no other mention of the Builders,
nor of their fate. This was toward the end of the Puranas. The
world and everything in it was an afterthought at the end of
the history of the Galaxy, created in the last moment before
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the Preservers fell into the Eye and were known no more in
the Universe. Nothing had been written about the ten thousand
bloodlines of Confluence in the Puranas; if there had
been, then there would have never been a beginning to the
endless disputations amongst priests and philosophers about
the reason for the world's creation.
Tamora said, "Reading, is it? There's nothing in books
you can't learn better in the world, nothing but fantastic rubbish
about monsters and the like. You'll rot your mind and
your eyes, reading too much in books."
"Well, I met a real monster today."
4 ', , W he's dead, the fucker, and we have a piece of him
in brandy as proof. So much for him."
Yama had not told Tamora and Pandaras about the feral
machine. Tamora had boasted that one of her pistol shots had
weakened the ceiling and so caused the flood which had
saved them, and Yama had not corrected her error. He felt a
rekindling of shame at this deception, and said weakly, "I
suppose the merchant was a kind of monster. He tried to flee
from his true self, and let a little hungry part of himself rule
his life. He was all appetite and nothing else. I think he
would have eaten the whole world, if he could."
"You want to be a soldier. Here's some advice. Don't
think about what you have to do and don't think about it
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when it's done."
"And can you forget it so easily?"
"Of course not. But I try. We were captured, your rat-boy
and me, and thrown into cages, but you had it worse, I think.
The merchant was trying to bend you toward his will. The
words of his kind are like thorns, and some of them are still
in your flesh. But they'll wither, and you'll forget them."
Yama smiled and said, "Perhaps it would be no bad thing,
to be the ruler of the world."
Tamora sat down close beside him. She was a shadow in
the darkness. She said, "You would destroy the civil service
and rule instead? How would that change the world for the
Yama could feel her heat. She gave off a strong scent
compounded of fresh blood and sweat and a sharp musk. He
said, "Of course not. But the merchant told me something
about my bloodline. I may be alone in the world. I may be
a mistake thrown up at the end of things. Or I may be something
else. Something intended."
"The fat fuck was lying. How better to get you to follow
him than by saying that you are the only one of your kind,
and he knows all about you?"
"I am not sure that he was lying, Tamora. At least, I think
he was telling part of the truth."
"I haven't forgotten what you want, and I was a long time
hunting coneys because I really went to ask around. Listen.
I have a way of getting at what you want. There is a job for
a couple of caterans. Some little pissant department needs
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someone to organize a defense of its territory inside the Palace
of the Memory of the People. There are many disputes
between departments, and the powerful grow strong at the
expense of the weak. That's the way of the world, but I don't
mind defending the weak if I get paid for it."
"Then perhaps they may be stronger than you after all."
"Grah. Listen. When a litter is born here, the babies are
exposed on a hillside for a day. Any that are weak die, or
are taken by birds or foxes. We're the Fierce People, see?
We keep our bloodline strong. The wogs and wetbacks and
snakes and the rest of the garbage down there in the city,
they're what we prey on. They need us, not the other way
around." Tamora spat sideways. Yes, she had drunk a lot of
brandy. She said, "There's prey, and there's hunters. You
have to decide which you are. You don't know, now is the
time you find out. Are you for it?"
"It seems like a good plan."
"Somewhere or other you've picked up the habit of not
speaking plain. You mean yes, then say it."
"Yes. Yes, I will do it. If it means getting into the Palace
of the Memory of the People."
"Then you got to pay me, because I found it for you, and
I'll do the work."
"I know something about fighting."
Tamora. spat again. "Listen, this is a dangerous job. This
little department is certain to be attacked and they don't have
a security office or they wouldn't be hiring someone from
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