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stunning. Of course, it hadn't always been this way. Things had been entirely different only six months ago. That's when James O'Hara had called the surprise meeting in his office. At the time, Gerry had worked for Tina Corporation as a researcher for a little less than a year. Tina Norita, the reigning queen of the yellow journalistic network talk shows, had been fun to work for. Well, you really couldn't call the job working for Ms. Norita. Gerry had not even met the woman until that morning. "Gerry," said James O'Hara. "You've been with us for a while now. We've both been impressed by your research skills." "Thank-you, sir," Gerry stammered. Gerry knew this kind of comment well. Such comments were followed by an 'unfortunately' and a dismissal. Researchers, Gerry knew, were a dime-a-dozen, easy to find and even easier to replace. A lump rose in Gerry's throat. "Don't worry," said Tina Norita from the corner. "This isn't a firing. In fact, I think you might find it a promotion, of sorts." "A promotion?" Gerry's spirits rose. "You've heard of 'New You'?" asked James. "Who hasn't? It's all over the networks. Some pretty wild claims too." Gerry was beginning to wonder where all this would lead. "Too many claims," said Tina. "Just the kind of target I'd like to sink. Be a real audience pull for ratings week in December." "That's over half a year away," began James. "Our regular people are too well known. We'd like to put someone inside 'New You'. Get at their claims. Find the dirt, you know." "I've never worked undercover that way before. I've never even done a script for the show. All I've done is dig up information from the information net, that's all." "We have faith in you," said Tina. "First step is to get you in for a quick make-over. We want you to make contact with some of the other clients. You would use your computer skills to get at their client file." "I -- I am honored," Gerry began. "I just -- " "Good!" pronounced Tina. "Then it's settled. We'll give you the usual micro-recording equipment and you can start as soon as you are ready." She got up and started for the office door. She then turned to face Gerry. "That's all, Gerry. You'll manage. Why don't you go talk to our makeup people? They'll help you decide what changes to ask for. We don't need anything too extreme. This is just a first contact. That's all. I'll call ahead to let them know you're coming and what's expected." Gerry knew this was a dismissal and quickly left the office. Walking down the hall all kinds of musings came to mind. Still, it had seemed a promotion. He had graduated from the backroom to the exalted ranks of the undercover investigators. Gerry headed for the elevator and decided to see Helen in makeup. Gerry had talked to Helen as part of some research of a few months previous. Tina, of course, had made sure that everyone in the makeup department knew that Gerry was coming. Helen recommended several minor changes: nose shape changes, cheek bone enhancements, things like that. Armed with the information, Gerry took the maglev subway to the headquarters of 'New You' and presented himself at the information booth. An efficient guide took Gerry quickly up four floors and into the office of an esthetician. After the introductions, a coffee and a doughnut and some small talk, Gerry described the changes Helen had suggested. The esthetician brought up a head and shoulders holographic projection of Gerry. Gerry was shocked. There was no holographic scanner anywhere visible. Jerry once again described the changes and the esthetician modified the projection. When the changes were complete and Jerry indicated they were acceptable, the esthetician pressed a large button on the monitor labeled 'SEND' and sat back. * * * * After a few minutes, a doctor in a lab coat entered the room. "Gerry Williams?" he asked. "I'm Dr. Kikino. Welcome to 'New You'." "Uh, hi," Gerry stammered. "Your request isn't as extreme as it may seem to you. In the past, you'd have to prepare for surgery. The results usually turn out tolerably well from plastic surgery once the bruising has healed. Plastic surgery has always seemed a rather extreme method to effect relatively minor changes, in my opinion." Gerry swallowed hard. Since an unfortunate childhood accident and a less than personable attending physician, Gerry had been afraid of surgeons. "Not surgery?" Gerry managed. "Of course not!" bubbled Dr. Kikino. "'New You' uses the latest in genetic techniques to effect the change over the space of a few weeks. You literally will be rebuilt so that your face will be in your genes, so to speak. No pain, whatever." "What?" was Gerry's somewhat lame reply. "Genetically effected surgery. No knives, stitches, bandages. Just a short stay in our clinic and your new face is done." "When?" Gerry found the pace dizzying. "We can start any time you wish," Dr. Kikino handed Gerry an electronictablet that was displaying a form. Gerry signed the form. An aide appeared and led Gerry to a different part of the clinic. * * * * True to their word, 'New You' did effect the changes painlessly and quickly. The process started with a full biometric scan from head-to-toe. A few hours later a beautiful and efficient nurse came in and gave Gerry a quick injection with a gas gun. Gerry made numerous contacts with other clients and discovered their treatments were going equally painlessly. Three days later, he was once again in Dr. Kikino's office for a final meeting. Since all had gone well, Gerry was soon back on the street. Gerry decided to report in to James immediately. -------- CHAPTER 2 War Room
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