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speak to us. And you fucking believe that? Talk to Sarah. I think you ll find her perspective rather interesting. I shoved my chair back and hobbled for the door. Frank blocked the doorway, glowering at me, his tone as sneering as always. Figures the beasts are God damn fairies. I smiled and stepped forward, ready to give him a big hug. Frank, God, I missed you, buddy. Agggk, you re disgusting! Frank looked suitably horrified and as expected backed out of my way. Fucking prick. I would get trapped in a compound with the most homophobic redneck in the whole country. * * * Feeling exhausted after my grilling by the council, I hunkered down on the couch in the clinic waiting room and promptly fell asleep. A firm hand on my shoulder woke me up. I thought I sent you to your place to get some rest. Brannan Black Wolfman 2: Revelations 53 I stretched and sat up. Got shanghaied by the council on the way there. Her eyes narrowed and she got that too calm look. Don t sweat it, Mom. How is he? She sat down next to me. Better than I expected. As soon as I d get two parts pressed together, his body would start visibly healing. I think his arm will heal up just fine. She stood. I cast his arm but have no idea how long it will take to heal. At any rate, he s resting but not exactly out. And, Daniel, she set her hand on my arm. He s not to leave the room. They have shoot to kill orders if he does. Very few of us are comfortable with him running loose. Part of me was pissed as hell but I knew as well as any how much damage his kind could do. Worse than a bull in a china shop. More of an enraged bull with a death wish in a china shop. I nodded in understanding. Could you get some dinner sent over? Enough for four? They eat a lot. She smiled. I ll bring it myself. Make sure he rests and gets plenty to drink. She gave me a hug. I missed you, son, she whispered in my ear before leaving. With a nod to Kim and Chris, I let myself in. He lay on his side facing the door, his left arm in a cast and secured in a sling. Bandages swathed his shoulder and what I could see of his torso. The swelling on his face had gone down enough he could look at me with both eyes. A slight smile curved his lips. Hey, Mace. My heart stuttered and picked up a fast rhythm. Even covered in bandages he looked damn sexy! Daniel, come, lay with me. You look as tired as I feel. Those shots they kept sticking me with are making me feel funny. His words slurred slightly and his voice still sounded rough and strained. Shit, that s a good thing, man. Enjoy the high. I hiked my hip next to him on the bed. He wiggled over. Let me hold you for a bit. I need you, Daniel. He sounded less desperate than he had earlier, but the need was clear. Have some water first. Done with that, I stretched out next to him with a sigh. He ran his good arm under my neck, urging me to press closer. I snuggled against him, Brannan Black Wolfman 2: Revelations 54 lying on my back since my wounded shoulder didn t want me laying on it, and pulled the sheet up over both of us. It felt so right to be here, like this. His breathing relaxed along with the tension I d felt in him. He nuzzled into my neck. You feel so good. You make me feel so good. What the fuck did he mean by that? Before I could ask, his head fell to the pillow and his arm went limp. A deep sighing breath and I figured he was asleep. I settled down in his warmth and drifted off with him. * * * The door opened without warning and before I had really even woken, Mace vaulted over me and stood toe to toe with Mom. Growling. The only thing between them was a tray full of food. Easy, Mace. Mom, stop staring at him, it s a challenge. I swung my feet to the floor but worried if I got up it could trigger more than the current stare-down. Mace s growl deepened and the guards outside filled the doorway, guns drawn. Mom blocked their way. This is my clinic, young man. I will not pussyfoot around anyone, and especially not my patient. Her chin lifted and she stretched up so she wouldn t have to look up so far to stare him in the eyes. His growl rumbled deeper, louder. Growl and snap all you want. This. Is. My. Clinic. You can move so I can set this heavy tray down or you can lick your dinner off the floor! I winced. I hated that tone. It still made me feel like a little kid, and pissed me off all at the same time. One-handed, Mace took the tray and set it aside. A small smile tugged at his lips. Your mother is alpha, too. It was a statement. You have no fu& Her lips pressed tight but she still stared at Mace. Um, idea how alpha. I wanted to scream at her for being so pig headed and almost getting her throat torn out but it wouldn t have mattered. She d been head of surgery. Dealing with arrogant, overconfident men came with the territory. Of course most surgeons wouldn t really rip your head off. Brannan Black Wolfman 2: Revelations 55 He dropped his head slightly. He fucking dropped his head! Your den. Fuck me. Mace giving ground. Can your guards put away their guns now? Neither one had moved. Get out, you two, now, Mom tossed over her shoulder. And close the door! I sighed and sank back against the bed. Mace slouched into a chair in the corner of the room, which put the nightstand with the food between us. He didn t wait but dug right in. Normally, one would say thank you. And eat slowly. I d hate for you to throw it back up. Mace froze with a spoon of stew halfway to his mouth. His eyes unfocused for a moment like maybe he was remembering something. Uh, thank you, ma am. Mom smiled and found the chair on the other side of the door. She arched a brow at me. Thanks, Mom, for the food and for not letting them shoot Mace. Again. She chuckled. I hate to have to do things over. I see now where Daniel gets it from. Alpha mother, alpha son. I d never thought of it quite that way but it would explain why our relationship was rocky at best. Mom s brow wrinkled. Alpha son? Mace snorted. Never met someone so determined to get his ass kicked. She chuckled again. Always was stubborn and willful. And that mouth of his could try the patience of a saint! Hey, I m sitting right here. Shit, that sounded petulant. I can see you, dear, I m not blind. Thanks, Mom, for verbally swatting me like a kid in front of my lover. Mace choked on his food trying not to laugh. Mom s lips drew down in that tight line. Then I guess she saw the same humor Mace did. She chuckled and shook her head. Was his father like that too? Mace asked once he could breathe again. Of course not. Daniel s father had more sense. Brannan Black Wolfman 2: Revelations 56 He smiled into his food. I must say, I had no idea you would have a sense of humor, or manners. I m beginning to see why you see yourself as different from the other beasts -- excuse me, wolfmen -- we have known in the past. We call them rabids. We are pack. Mace shrugged. Daniel thinks wolfman sounds better. I find myself agreeing. You are as much a man as anything else, aren t you? He shrugged. Maybe. We have different instincts. Humans don t seem to know how to submit properly. We have to teach our women.
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