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s ¡°
achieve pro& ts ¦(v) = ¦(°)+ ds, while players with valuations in [®; ¯] make
¯ 1¡°
zero pro& ts. Ex ante pro& ts of valuations [¯; 1] must exceed v2=2; that is:
³ ´
° ¢ v + s1¡® ¡ ° ds ¡ K > v2=2:
Note that the derivative of the left-hand side with respect to v is v1¡®, which is larger
than the corresponding derivative of the right-hand side which is v. Hence, the in-
equality will hold if it holds for v = ¯. Consider players with valuations in [®; ¯].
Ex ante pro& ts from deviating are ° ¢ v ¡ K. Marginal pro& ts, °, once again exceed
marginal pro& ts v in the original P.B.E., since v 5 ¯
are indi¤erent between deviating and not deviating, players with lower valuations will
prefer not to deviate. This is equivalent to requiring that ® ¢ ° ¡ K = ®2=2. Hence,
provided that there exist °, ® such that
® ¢ ° ¡ K = ®2=2;
¢ ° = K:
the equilibrium is not a P.S.E.
Suppose now that it is not worthwhile for player 2 to cover after a deviation,
regardless of valuation. It follows that the original P.B.E. is not a P.S.E. if
® ¡ K = ®2=2;
(e ¡® = lim°!1 ¯¡® ¢ °). This system guarantees that it is indeed optimal for player
1¡® 1¡®
2 not to cover, regardless of valuation; that if player has a valuation in the interval
(®; 1] he will strictly prefer the expected payo¤ from deviating to the original expected
payo¤, and that all players with valuations in the interval [0; ®) will strictly prefer the
expected payo¤ of the original P.B.E. to their expected payo¤ from deviating. Although
it is not di¢cult to show which case obtains a function of K, this is not even necessary.
It is enough to note that for ® = 0, expected pro& ts from deviating are smaller than
expected pro& ts from not deviating, whereas in both cases, since expected pro& ts from
deviating are larger than ®2 ¡ K, they are also larger than ®2=2, provided that ® is
close enough to 1. This result is based on the fact that if K is strictly less than 1=2. °
being a continuous function of K, there does then necessarily exist, for any K
an ® 2 (0; 1) satisfying one of the two systems.
We & nally need to verify that there does not exist a P.S.E. providing assured de-
terrence outside the interval [K; 1=2]. It is then easy to show that an equilibrium with
assured deterrence, as speci& ed in the text, is a P.S.E.. Recall that in an equilibrium
with assured deterrence, there exists an ® 2 (0; 1) such that all player 1s with valua-
tions strictly smaller than ® make a zero opening bid, while all players with valuations
strictly larger than ® invest K. In this equilibrium player 2 never covers, regardless
of valuation . In simultaneous bidding between players with valuation v 2 [0; ®] and
players with w 2 [0; 1] ;after a zero opening bid , expected pro& ts of player 1 with
valuation v = ® are equivalent to ®2= (1 + ®); since a player with valuation ® will be
indi¤erent between this expected pro& t and the expected pro& t following a bid of K,
which is ® ¡ K, it follows that ® = K=(1 ¡ K). Consider a deviation by player 2
in which he covers. More precisely, suppose that players with w 2 (°; 1] will cover
while players with valuations lower than ° 2 (0; 1) will not . Obviously, if players
with valuations arbitrarily close to ° from above have expected pro& ts from the devia-
tion that are arbitrarily small, players with valuations strictly above ° obtain strictly
positive expected pro& ts from deviating while players with valuations strictly below
achieve strictly negative pro& ts. These two situations compare with the zero pro& ts
that player 2 achieves in the original P.B.E., regardless of valuation. In the subgame
following the deviation by player 2: Player 1 s with valuations v 2 (®; 1] play against
player 2s with w 2 (°; 1] . In this subgame, player 2 with valuation °+ (a valuation
arbitrarily close to ° from above) can achieve pro& t K; only if
° ¡ ®
¢ ° = K.
1 ¡ ®
Hence, the equilibrium with assured deterrence is a P.S.E. if and only if such a ° 2 (0; 1)
cannot be found. Since the left-hand side is increasing in °, it is both necessary and
su¢cient that
° ¡ ® e¡(1¡®) ¡ ® ®
lim ¢ ° = 5 :
1 ¡ ® 1 ¡ ® 1 + ®
The latter inequality can be rewritten as 1 + ¢ ln2K = 0; which precisely states
that K = K. Finally, when K > 1=2, there is no equilibrium with assured deterrence,
since when K meets this condition there is no value of ® in the open unit interval
which satis& es ® = K= (1 ¡ K) Finally, equilibria with covering, as speci& ed in the
text for K
the equilibrium path .
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