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 How bad is he? the Professor asked, coming on the line.
 I don t think he s going to make it, Zane told him.
 Listen to me, the Professor said quietly.  I need you to get him in the car and get back here as
soon as you can. I ll be waiting for you. Drive straight through. Don t stop unless you absolutely have
to. Where are you?
 New Mexico, Zane answered.
 Damn it! the Professor yelled.  Tell Murphy to keep him alive. Whatever he needs to do. Just
get Finn here alive.
 He won t make it through a surgery, Zane said.
 It s not surgery I have in mind. I ve been working on something. Just get him here, Zane, and
I ll do my best to save him.
Chapter Ten
Logan took Clara s hand and led her out of the front room where everyone not on patrol had
gathered. Reno and Amia, along with Vic were out walking the perimeters and checking the alarms
they d placed. Kenzie was in the control room with Holt. Abby and the Professor were poring over
the information Jess had sent them. Tah paced back and forth and Diane stood at the window, glancing
between the clock and the outside. Logan couldn t take it anymore.
 We ll be back, he told the room at large.
Tah waved him off and kept right on pacing. It would be a long night as they waited for Zane to
get there with Murphy and Finn. Tah was blaming himself as were Reno and Amia. Here they were
just starting to settle the dust from one rough patch and they were already being slammed with
something else. Something even bigger. Yet again it seemed as if they could lose one of their own.
Zane had called the lab first, speaking to Diane then the Professor. He d called Tah as Diane
was coming up the stairs to let them know what was going on. From what Logan gathered, Zane
believed Finn had been taken by hunters. But that wasn t all. Someone had killed all of the men and
left Finn for dead. They wouldn t know what had happened until Finn could talk and tell them, if he
made it. Zane had told Tah he d taken a few pictures real quick before they high-tailed it out of there.
 Where are we going? Clara whispered as they walked away.  Are you okay?
 I need some space, Logan admitted, tugging her toward the stairs.  And I ve been wanting to
talk to you all day.
He stopped outside the door to their room and ran his fingers softly over the bruise on her
cheek.  I should have hit Reno harder, he said and turned to push open the door and urge her inside.
 Wait, Clara said.  You hit Reno? What were you thinking?
 That he deserved it? Logan offered.  It was a love tap. He won t be sporting a bruise.
 Logan, Amia was reacting in the moment. Finding out about Lydia the way she did, it was a lot
to take in, Clara told him.  She and I are okay now.
 Reno and I are, as well. In fact, I ve talked him and Tah into a celebration of sorts, or at least
I had before all this came up with Finn and Murphy. God, it will kill Tah and Reno if Finn doesn t
make it. They ll always blame themselves.
 Why? And what celebration? Clara asked.
 Tah will feel guilty because he told Finn to watch Amia while he talked to Reno. Finn
overheard Amia telling Reno she was going to kill him and then all of us.
 It was before you arrived. Thing is, Amia meant it figuratively, not literally. But Finn didn t
know that.
 She assumed the Blanes would find her and in the process, find all of you.
 Bingo, Logan agreed.  So Reno blasted Finn and probably thinks that s why Finn took off
with the transmitter that was put in Amia.
 You don t think it was? Clara asked.
 Who knows? Logan said with a shrug.  I ve learned not to read into what you see or think
you know. I think we ve had enough of that around here. He turned her into his arms and tugged her
against his chest.  But I didn t bring you up here to talk about all that.
 You didn t? She smiled up at him.
 I need you, Clara. I need to feel you against me. To hold you close. To make love to you.
 All you ever have to do is say the word, Logan. I promise you, I ll always want you just as
 Always? he asked, reaching down to grip the edge of her shirt and pulling it over her head.
 You re my mate. As soon as I m around you, I feel your desire, your want, and it becomes my
own. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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    m around you, I feel your desire, your want, and it becomes my
    own. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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