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same side, overlapping each other, so that what one did was known to the other. The Game Computer operated the console in Proton, and the two selves relayed the signals so that the same information appeared on the one in Phaze. The grid appeared: It felt just like home! Mach wasn't sure that a physical game could be played between the frames, so he touched 2. MENTAL. After a brief pause. Bane evidently made his choice, for B.TOOL developed a highlight. The box for TOOLASSISTED MENTAL GAMES brightened and expanded to fill the screen. 1. PHYSICAL 2. MENTAL 3. CHANCE 4. ARTS A. NAKED B. TOOL C. MACHINE D. ANIMAL 5. SEPAR 6.INTERAC 7. PUZZLE 8. COOPER E. BOARD F.CARDS G. PAPER H. GENERAL PLAYERS: MACH NUMBERS BANE LETTERS Mach had the letters this time, so he touched E. BOARD. Bane chose 6. INTERACTIVE. The 6E square expanded. Now it was time to assemble their own grid. There was the usual list of choices down the side. Mach had the first choice, so he touched CHESS, OCCIDENTAL and put it in the center of the nine-square array. He had played many variants of chess, and liked them all; he had many standard strategies filed in his memory. Bane probably had not put the same type of time into it, though he certainly could be familiar with the game. But Bane's chances of mastering a sophisticated chess variant in only one month were minimal. Bane put GO BANG in a corner. That was a relatively simple game in which each player tried to be the first to set five stones in a row. a a T T n n s s F F f f o o D D r r P P m m Y Y e e Y Y r r B B 2 2 . . B B A A Click here to buy Click here to buy w w m m w w o o w w c c . . . . A A Y Y B B Y Y B B r r Mach put SHOGI next to Bane's choice. That gave him two choices in a row. Shogi was Japanese chess, like Occidental but with extra pieces such as "silver" and "spear" and extra motions and strategies. For example, castles and bishops could be "crowned," or promoted, taking on additional abilities, and captured pieces could be made to fight for their captor. Bane put CHINESE CHECKERS in that row, preventing Mach from having three of his own choices there. Had he gotten that, and then had his choice of rows rather than columns, he could have been set! Mach put POLE CHESS in the center of the bottom row. This was a minor but intriguing variant developed in the last centuries, first as a joke, then seriously. Bane put FOX AND GEESE, one of the hunt games, in the center of the top row. They continued, Mach with variants of chess, Bane with simpler games. At the end they chose their line and column, and Mach got one of his choices: POLE CHESS. He had a definite advantage; he had played the grid to win, and now was in a fair position to do so. But Fleta had a question. "Thou willst play here, in Bane's body?" "Yes. But my basic knowledge of the game carries over." "And Bane will play in Proton-frame, in thy body?" "Yes, of course." "And has he not access to all thy memories and skills?" Mach froze. She had just identified a critical flaw in his thinking! Of course Bane had all the robot memories and skills; they were inherent in the nature of the machine and its programming. He, Mach, had even made a recording of his experiences on Planet Moeba for Bane to enjoy. Bane could do anything as well as Mach could! All his savage strategy had been wasted. Citizen Blue and the Oracle would see that Bane started at Mach's level, and proceeded from there to a higher level. In fact, the infallible machine brain could probably play chess better than the fallible human brain, for it would not make the kind of error Mach was not prone to. Such as this one, of forgetting the elementary liability of his strategy! "I'm in trouble!" he muttered. "I outsmarted myself." "Magic will enhance thy capacity," Translucent said. "That is why we have made thee an Adept. Thou willst play better than ever thou didst as a machine." "So will Bane," Mach responded glumly. "I meant not to cause thee distress," Fleta said contritely. At that he had to smile. "Good thing you brought me to my senses, filly!" Chapter 12 Oracle Bane was in a chamber in Vamdom, and Agape was not with him. That drained much of the delight he
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