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Ralph reached over and gave Jay a very firm handshake, the kind you don t forget, it told a
story to Jay. The story, don t under estimate this guy; he is not what he seems.  I have
ordered for your both, your food should be here any minute. That was nice of you, said
Jay but how do you know what we would like, and how did you know we would be here
30 minutes early.  Well boy s that the point is it not?  I am here to propose we do
business, my former CEO and team were not of the same mind as I am, I am sure you
have heard of the tragic event of the plane crash and the loss of this team.  Our new
team will follow me, here s how I see it.  Somehow you got our technology, we are OK
with this, what you did not get we can share. We are going to make some large leaps
over the next couple years in new product development as you will.  I am of a mind to
do it co-operatively rather than as competitors. Bill felt relief, but based on what has
happened was not about to trust Ralph.
Bill said,  Let me get this straight, you are willing to share your developments with us,
when we don t have anything to give you!  You do have one thing of worth to us, and any
sharing would require this one valuable asset of Allied Magnetics.  If we don t get this
thing we will have to resort to the old management style of doing business. Bill looked
surprised, thinking what could this one thing be? Ok Ralph I give up, what is this one
thing.  it s what we always wanted, we just are going to approach it a different way, you
know what it is Bill, it is you.
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