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shower, toilet and sink tipped the room into the realm of luxury for Jiang. “Nice.” Kurtis walked over to stand beside Jiang. “They converted most of the upper floor into bedrooms for the hawks. They are letting me stay here too.” “Why are you living here?” Jiang stepped closer to Kurtis. His dragon pushed at him to claim the sweet boy. “Don’t you have any family?” Kurtis looked everywhere but at Jiang. “No. My family threw me out when I told them I was gay. I did Eaton a favor and he rescued me from the sorcerers. Carey lets me stay here in exchange for helping out around the house. The mansion needs a lot of upkeep, so we each do our share. Besides, it’s hard to get a job when you don’t know if you’ll spontaneously change into a bird.” Jiang didn’t like the sad expression in Kurtis’ eyes. “You don’t have any control over your change?” Kurtis shook his head. “Carey thinks it’s because I was cursed and am not a natural shifter.” “Huh, could be. Don’t worry. When we find the sorcerers we’ll grab your asshole ex and make him remove the curse.” He made a silent vow to remain on the dragon king’s good side. Even if Aden never completely gained the power of the dragon king, Jiang considered him a human not to be messed with. “You don’t even know me, why do you care if I remain a pigeon or not?” Kurtis twisted his fingers together. “Not that I’m not grateful, but other than these guys I’ve never had anyone want to help me before.” Jiang placed his hands on Kurtis’ shoulders—a much more platonic touch than his inner beast demanded, but he pushed back, not willing to scare the fragile man before him. “Anyone with a bit of compassion wouldn’t want you to suffer as you are. Why did he turn you into a pigeon, anyway?” Kurtis blushed. Damn, Jiang wanted to lick the red on Kurtis’ cheeks, to taste the heat beneath his tongue. “Are you growling?” Kurtis asked. Jiang cleared his throat. “My dragon doesn’t like that another has harmed you. Now answer the question.” “He turned me into a pigeon because I always called them flying rats. They were always pooping on my car and they liked to sit on the roof of my apartment and coo when I was trying to study. When I broke up with him he thought it would be funny to change me into one.” Jiang wrapped his arms around Kurtis. “I’m so sorry that happened to you.” He rocked Kurtis back and forth. His inner dragon craved contact—full body contact. “Ah.” Kurtis’ soft noise had Jiang ready to step back but before he could act on that behavior Kurtis hugged Jiang and pressed his face to Jiang’s chest. “I wanted to do this when I first met you. That stupid bird inside my head is cooing so loud it hurts my brain.” Jiang massaged the back of Kurtis’ neck, trying to ease the tension. “That better?” “Oh, yeah. Your hands are so warm.” He resisted telling the pigeon shifter all the other places that were heating up. “I enjoy touching you. I think I’m starved for contact. I need to feel alive again.” He couldn’t stop the desperate words from spilling out. “Touch me all you want. Kiss me,” Kurtis urged. Jiang slid his fingers through Kurtis’ hair. “It’s been a long time since I kissed anyone.” He’d never had much experience anyway. Fighting had taken away most of his time, with little room left for romance. Maybe if he’d found the right guy he would’ve had more practice but now, standing in this room, he was glad he’d never found anyone else. “I’m happy to help you break your streak.” “Excellent. I need a ton of practice.” Jiang licked his lips in anticipation before he dipped down and sipped the flavor from Kurtis’ lips. Oh. No words could detail the myriad flavors sliding across his tongue. Tastes of the meal they’d just consumed were buried beneath the true savory sweet temptation of Kurtis himself. Kurtis gripped Jiang’s hips to keep him close. Jiang rubbed against him, aligning their bodies perfectly. Their erections, bound tight within their clothing, pressed together. Spikes of desire ratcheted up Jiang’s spine and shivers crawled across his skin as his craving for Kurtis grew. Jiang broke their embrace to get some air. “Oh, right there,” Jiang growled. He gripped Kurtis’ hair and yanked back his head. Jiang lapped and kissed the warm skin beneath, his lips unwilling to leave any bit of flesh unexamined. He rubbed his face against Kurtis’ neck, lathering his scent on the blond. If another shifter came near they would know someone had claimed Kurtis. Jiang had plans to coat Kurtis’ entire body in the same manner—a big flaming back off shifter sign. He didn’t know how long he planned to stay in Seattle, but no one else should be touching Kurtis… ever. Their lips locked and Jiang clutched Kurtis to him like a dragon protecting his hoard. He easily wrapped both arms completely around the smaller man. Kurtis melted against Jiang as if he belonged, nestled in Jiang’s embrace. Kurtis’ soft noise had Jiang leading them in a slow, stumbling walk to the closest bed. “I need you naked.” He smiled at Kurtis’ jerky nod. “Yes. Naked.” Jiang vanished his clothes with a thought, then turned his attention to watching Kurtis undress.
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