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Laurel,” he said, still referring to me the way he did when I
worked there. He studied my face and I realized I’d forgotten
to paste on my smile that morning. “Don’t worry,” he said.
“Your hormones will sort themselves out in good time.”
I told him about my struggle to breast-feed. Every couple
of hours, Maggie and I were locked in a battle that left both
of us drained and at least one of us in tears. He was hesitant
about suggesting I stop, but something in my demeanor tipped
him over the edge.
“The first two weeks were the most important,” he said.
“And if it’s having a negative impact on how you feel about her
and about yourself, I suggest you begin weaning her now.”
I nodded, relieved. Things would be better, I thought. I
wouldn’t dread feeding time. I would start to love her.
But that didn’t happen. She took to the bottle more easily
than she had my breast, but she still seemed uncomfortable in
my arms, fussing no matter how I held her. I could quiet her
by slipping my finger in her mouth, but as soon as she realized
before the storm
there was no food coming from my fingertip, the crying
started again.
She was undeniably different with Jamie. She’d sleep on his
shoulder or in the crook of his arm. I was both envious of her
comfort with him and relieved that something could put an end
to her crying.
The night before Jamie returned to work, I begged him to
take another week off.
We were lying in bed together, keeping our voices low so
we didn’t wake her even though she was a room away from
“I can’t, Laurie,” he said. “It’s nearly high season and I’ve
already taken too much time off.”
“Please don’t leave me alone with her!” I sounded desper­
ate, which was exactly how I felt.
“She’s your daughter, Laurie, not a rabid dog.”
“You’re so much better with her than I am,” I said.
“I know you haven’t felt well.” He raised himself up on an
elbow and smoothed my hair back from my face. “Just walk
with her a little. I don’t think you hold her enough. She wants
to be held.”
“She cries when I hold her.”
“She picks up your tension.You just need to relax more with
“I used to be so good with babies,” I said. I’d read nearly
every book on babies ever written and suddenly seemed to
know nothing at all. “Dr. Pearson always relied on me to help
when a mother brought in her infant.”
Jamie smiled.“And you’ll be good with them again.You got
off to a rough start with the hemorrhaging and everything.
Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
diane chamberlain
So Jamie went back to work, and I didn’t get better. I got
worse. Having a baby had been a huge mistake, and only I
seemed to know it. Sometimes I would look at Maggie—she
could be screaming or sleeping, it didn’t matter—and I’d have
to remind myself she was my child. I felt detached from her.
She could have been a wedge of cheese or a frying pan for all
the emotion I felt looking at her. I began to feel the same way
about Jamie. I’d look at him and wonder how I’d ended up
living on this sparsely populated island with a man for whom
I felt nothing.
The uncrowded quietness I’d relished living on the island
suddenly felt like isolation. I realized I had very few friends
nearby, and of those I did have, none were young mothers. I
still had a few friends from college, but they lived in the city.
The only one with a baby called to congratulate me on
Maggie’s birth, but her enthusiastic gushing over her own little
boy only served to let me know I wasn’t normal.
I apologized to Maggie repeatedly. “You deserve a better
mommy,” I’d say. “I’m sorry I’m so bad at this.” Marcus still
offered to cook a few evenings a week, but as long as he was
sober, I’d hand Maggie over to him instead and make dinner
myself. Even Marcus was better with Maggie than I was.
When Jamie came home from work, it was Maggie he
rushed to see, not me, and that was fine. It gave me the chance
to crawl back in bed with the covers over my head—my escape
in the guise of a nap.
One day during that first week alone with my daughter, I
put her in the infant seat on the kitchen counter while I heated
her bottle in a pan of water on the stove. Maggie was scream­
ing, her face red as a beet. I was keeping an eye on the water
before the storm
when I suddenly pictured myself standing above Maggie with
a knife in my hand, plunging it through her little pink-and­
white onesie into her tiny body.
I yelped, backing away from the stove, pressing myself
against the pantry door. I saw the knife block on the counter
and quickly grabbed the entire block, carrying it down the hall [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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