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evil had possessed the others to partake in murder; I wanted desperately to believe it did not take hold of her, as
well. As it stood, her mysterious disappearance seemed to point to only one of two possibilities: either she
partook in the murders and had gone into hiding, or like the twins, she had already met her demise. Whatever
the case, it seemed far too unlikely that Valerie did not have a clue as to which of the two applied. With the help
of the witch s ladder, I hoped to find.
We caught up with Valerie by the pool, lounging in a teakwood reclining deck chair. With her dark
sunglasses, floppy hat and yellow one-piece swimsuit, she hardly looked as though she had much to worry
about, except for possibly getting ticketed by the fashion police for impersonating a wayward Miami Beach
In her left hand was a frozen margarita, garnished with a little umbrella and a long plastic straw sticking out
the top. I imagined that the odd-looking mechanical device in her right hand was probably the control she used
to open the front door.
 Good morning, Detectives, she cooed, her voice drawling with exaggeration. She sounded unusually
relaxed, almost sedated, suggesting her margarita may not have been the first of the day.
I tipped my hat and smiled.  Morning to you, Mrs. Spencer.
 Well, aren t you going to introduce me to your handsome friend, Detective?
I stepped back and allowed Carlos to move in closer for a handshake and a proper introduction.  Of course,
I said, and I splayed my hand in a presentational gesture.  Mrs. Spencer, indulge me, as I introduce to you,
Detective Carlos Rodriguez. Detective, Mrs. Valerie Spencer.
 Pleasure, Ma am, said Carlos.
Valerie placed the mechanical device by her side and offered her right hand to Carlos.  The pleasure is mine,
Detective, I assure you. The pleasure is all mine.
She seemed genuinely intrigued by Carlos: the essence of his mannerisms and the subtleties of his ruggedly
good looks. Carlos smiled and took her hand, and then kissed it softly in that Cuban-gentleman sort of way.
Valerie pulled her hand back, smiling, as goose bumps flowered up and down her arm.
 Oh, aren t you sweet, she said, and she passed the margarita to her right hand and offered up her left for
another kiss.
Her preoccupation with Carlos allowed me to steal a glimpse of the little mechanical box on the ground. The
device seemed smaller upon second glance, but I saw it contained several rows of buttons and knobs like a TV
remote, but with a tiny LCD screen, as well. I imagined she used to it view images from the security cameras all
around the house. When Carlos noticed me checking out the device, he broke away, strolling off in the opposite
direction, distracting Valerie further. He meandered along the edge of the pool with a leisurely pace, taking
conspicuous interest in the house and the beautiful grounds surrounding the patio.
 This is really some place you have here, Mrs. Spencer, he said.
 Please, Detective. Mrs. Spencer was my mother-in-law s name. Call me Valerie. It s much less formal, and
I m not reminded of that dreadful old coot every time you say my name.
 Of course, Valerie, I take it you and your mother-in-law did not get along?
 Hmm, let us just say that had my husband died before her, then you and I would probably be having this
conversation from opposite sides of a prison fence.
Valerie s unusual comment caught me by surprise, causing me to stumble as I leaned precariously over her
shoulder, viewing the little screen on the device. Valerie heard the scuffle, but her floppy hat acted like blinders,
preventing a possible incident.
 You know, it s funny you should say that, Mrs. Spencer, I remarked, deliberately disregarding her
preference to be addressed otherwise.  That s sort of the reason we re here today. I would like to ask you some
questions. Would you mind?
Valerie sipped her margarita with indifference, lending a deaf ear to my comment. Her eyes gleamed with
fixation, engaging Carlos with wanton intent, as he continued to stroll not so unsuspecting along the edge of the
 Did you hear what I said, Mrs. Spencer? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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